commit 0528d6406db9b8b887bee30893859920502b6395 Author: cuongnm2 Date: Wed May 8 18:03:33 2024 +0700 'init' diff --git a/.creator/asset-template/typescript/Custom Script Template Help Documentation.url b/.creator/asset-template/typescript/Custom Script Template Help Documentation.url new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7606df0 --- /dev/null +++ b/.creator/asset-template/typescript/Custom Script Template Help Documentation.url @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +[InternetShortcut] +URL= \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..11c79ac --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ + +#/////////////////////////// +# Cocos Creator 3D Project +#/////////////////////////// +library/ +temp/ +local/ +build/ +profiles/ +native_data/ +remote-assets/* +cocos2d-x/* + +native/engine/* +!native/engine/ios +!native/engine/common +!native/engine/android + +native/engine/android/app/assets +native/engine/android/app/build +native/engine/android/app/release +native/engine/android/app/debug + +native/engine/android/instantapp/build +native/engine/android/instantapp/debug +native/engine/android/instantapp/release + +#///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +# Logs and databases +#///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +*.log +*.sql +*.sqlite + +#///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +# files for debugger +#///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +*.sln +*.csproj +*.pidb +*.unityproj +*.suo + +#////////////////////////// +# NPM +#////////////////////////// +node_modules/ + +#////////////////////////// +# VSCode +#////////////////////////// +.vscode/ +node_modules/** +mockServer/node_modules/** +mockServer/package-lock.json +package-lock.json +assets/mock/ +assets/mock.meta +node_modules + +#////////////////////////// +# WebStorm +#////////////////////////// +.idea/ + +#///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +# OS generated files +#///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +*.DS_Store +.DS_Store +ehthumbs.db +Thumbs.db + +#///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +# exvim files +#///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +*UnityVS.meta +*.err +*.err.meta +*.exvim +*.exvim.meta +*.vimentry +*.vimentry.meta +*.vimproject +*.vimproject.meta +.vimfiles.*/ +.exvim.*/ +quick_gen_project_*_autogen.bat +quick_gen_project_*_autogen.bat.meta +quick_gen_project_* +quick_gen_project_* + diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f96208d --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +# super-hero + + + +## Getting started + +To make it easy for you to get started with GitLab, here's a list of recommended next steps. + +Already a pro? Just edit this and make it your own. Want to make it easy? [Use the template at the bottom](#editing-this-readme)! + +## Add your files + +- [ ] [Create]( or [upload]( files +- [ ] [Add files using the command line]( or push an existing Git repository with the following command: + +``` +cd existing_repo +git remote add origin +git branch -M main +git push -uf origin main +``` + +## Integrate with your tools + +- [ ] [Set up project integrations]( + +## Collaborate with your team + +- [ ] [Invite team members and collaborators]( +- [ ] [Create a new merge request]( +- [ ] [Automatically close issues from merge requests]( +- [ ] [Enable merge request approvals]( +- [ ] [Set auto-merge]( + +## Test and Deploy + +Use the built-in continuous integration in GitLab. + +- [ ] [Get started with GitLab CI/CD]( +- [ ] [Analyze your code for known vulnerabilities with Static Application Security Testing (SAST)]( +- [ ] [Deploy to Kubernetes, Amazon EC2, or Amazon ECS using Auto Deploy]( +- [ ] [Use pull-based deployments for improved Kubernetes management]( +- [ ] [Set up protected environments]( + +*** + +# Editing this README + +When you're ready to make this README your own, just edit this file and use the handy template below (or feel free to structure it however you want - this is just a starting point!). Thanks to []( for this template. + +## Suggestions for a good README + +Every project is different, so consider which of these sections apply to yours. The sections used in the template are suggestions for most open source projects. Also keep in mind that while a README can be too long and detailed, too long is better than too short. If you think your README is too long, consider utilizing another form of documentation rather than cutting out information. + +## Name +Choose a self-explaining name for your project. + +## Description +Let people know what your project can do specifically. Provide context and add a link to any reference visitors might be unfamiliar with. A list of Features or a Background subsection can also be added here. If there are alternatives to your project, this is a good place to list differentiating factors. + +## Badges +On some READMEs, you may see small images that convey metadata, such as whether or not all the tests are passing for the project. You can use Shields to add some to your README. Many services also have instructions for adding a badge. + +## Visuals +Depending on what you are making, it can be a good idea to include screenshots or even a video (you'll frequently see GIFs rather than actual videos). Tools like ttygif can help, but check out Asciinema for a more sophisticated method. + +## Installation +Within a particular ecosystem, there may be a common way of installing things, such as using Yarn, NuGet, or Homebrew. However, consider the possibility that whoever is reading your README is a novice and would like more guidance. Listing specific steps helps remove ambiguity and gets people to using your project as quickly as possible. If it only runs in a specific context like a particular programming language version or operating system or has dependencies that have to be installed manually, also add a Requirements subsection. + +## Usage +Use examples liberally, and show the expected output if you can. It's helpful to have inline the smallest example of usage that you can demonstrate, while providing links to more sophisticated examples if they are too long to reasonably include in the README. + +## Support +Tell people where they can go to for help. It can be any combination of an issue tracker, a chat room, an email address, etc. + +## Roadmap +If you have ideas for releases in the future, it is a good idea to list them in the README. + +## Contributing +State if you are open to contributions and what your requirements are for accepting them. + +For people who want to make changes to your project, it's helpful to have some documentation on how to get started. Perhaps there is a script that they should run or some environment variables that they need to set. Make these steps explicit. These instructions could also be useful to your future self. + +You can also document commands to lint the code or run tests. These steps help to ensure high code quality and reduce the likelihood that the changes inadvertently break something. Having instructions for running tests is especially helpful if it requires external setup, such as starting a Selenium server for testing in a browser. + +## Authors and acknowledgment +Show your appreciation to those who have contributed to the project. + +## License +For open source projects, say how it is licensed. + +## Project status +If you have run out of energy or time for your project, put a note at the top of the README saying that development has slowed down or stopped completely. Someone may choose to fork your project or volunteer to step in as a maintainer or owner, allowing your project to keep going. You can also make an explicit request for maintainers. diff --git a/assets/cc-common.meta b/assets/cc-common.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..315c52a --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-common.meta @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "ver": "1.2.0", + "importer": "directory", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "598b7e15-48c8-4351-a9e7-dfddcfd5e83d", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": { + "compressionType": {}, + "isRemoteBundle": {} + } +} diff --git a/assets/cc-common/cc-extension.meta b/assets/cc-common/cc-extension.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2a88868 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-common/cc-extension.meta @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "ver": "1.2.0", + "importer": "directory", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "8a5893e8-f362-4b7c-97f9-88605348771d", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": { + "compressionType": {}, + "isRemoteBundle": {} + } +} diff --git a/assets/cc-common/cc-extension/UmExtension.ts b/assets/cc-common/cc-extension/UmExtension.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..656ac38 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-common/cc-extension/UmExtension.ts @@ -0,0 +1,315 @@ +import * as cc from 'cc'; +import { Size } from 'cc'; +import { Vec3 } from 'cc'; +import { Vec2 } from 'cc'; +import { Button, Color, Label, log, math, Node, Sprite } from 'cc'; + +declare module 'cc' { + interface Node { + setPositionX(x: number): void; + + setPositionY(y: number): void; + + setPositionZ(z: number): void; + + changePositionX(x: number): void; + + changePositionY(y: number): void; + + changePositionZ(z: number): void; + + setScaleX(x: number): void; + + setScaleY(y: number): void; + + setScaleZ(z: number): void; + + logColor(title: string, data: any, color: Color): void; + + setNodeActive(isActive: boolean): void; + + setNodeOpacity(opacity: number): void; + + getNodeOpacity(): number; + + getNodeTransform(): cc.UITransform; + + onFadeTo(time: number, from: number, to: number, callback?: Function): void; + + onFadeIn(time: number, opacity: number, callback?: Function): void; + + onFadeOut(time: number, callback?: Function): void; + + getContentSize(): cc.Size; + setContentSize(size: cc.Size): void; + + } + + interface Sprite { + setOpacity(a: number): void; + + setColor(color: Color): void; + } + + interface Button { + setOpacity(a: number): void; + + setBtnActive(isActive: boolean): void; + } + + interface Label { + setOpacity(a: number): void; + + setColor(color: Color): void; + } + + interface Vec3 { + toVec2(): Vec2; + } + + interface Vec2 { + toVec3(): Vec3; + } +} + +Button.prototype.setOpacity = function (a: number): void { + this.node.setNodeOpacity(a); +} + +Button.prototype.setBtnActive = function (isActive: boolean): void { + = isActive; +} + +//NODE +Node.prototype.setNodeActive = function (isActive: boolean): void { + = isActive; +} + +Node.prototype.logColor = function (title: string, data: any, color: Color): void { + log(`%c ${title}`, `background: #222; color: #${color.toHEX()}`, data); +} + +Node.prototype.setPositionX = function (x: number): void { + this.position = new math.Vec3(x, this.position.y, this.position.z); +} + +Node.prototype.setPositionY = function (y: number): void { + this.position = new math.Vec3(this.position.x, y, this.position.z); +} + +Node.prototype.setPositionZ = function (z: number): void { + this.position = new math.Vec3(this.position.x, this.position.y, z); +} + +Node.prototype.changePositionX = function (x: number): void { + this.position = new math.Vec3(this.position.x + x, this.position.y, this.position.z); +} + +Node.prototype.changePositionY = function (y: number): void { + this.position = new math.Vec3(this.position.x, this.position.y + y, this.position.z); +} + +Node.prototype.changePositionZ = function (z: number): void { + this.position = new math.Vec3(this.position.x, this.position.y, this.position.z + z); +} + +Node.prototype.setScaleX = function (x: number): void { + this.scale = new math.Vec3(x, this.scale.y, this.scale.z); +} + +Node.prototype.setScaleY = function (y: number): void { + this.scale = new math.Vec3(this.scale.x, y, this.scale.z); +} + +Node.prototype.setScaleZ = function (z: number): void { + this.scale = new math.Vec3(this.scale.x, this.scale.y, z); +} + +Node.prototype.setNodeOpacity = function (opacity: number): void { + let uiOpacity = this.getComponent(cc.UIOpacity) as cc.UIOpacity; + if (uiOpacity) { + uiOpacity.opacity = opacity; + } + else { + uiOpacity = this.addComponent(cc.UIOpacity); + uiOpacity.opacity = opacity; + } +} + +Node.prototype.getNodeOpacity = function (): number { + let uiOpacity = this.getComponent(cc.UIOpacity) as cc.UIOpacity; + if (uiOpacity) { + return uiOpacity.opacity; + } + else { + this.setNodeOpacity(255); + return 255; + } +} + +Node.prototype.getNodeTransform = function (): cc.UITransform { + return this.getComponent(cc.UITransform) as cc.UITransform; +} + + +Node.prototype.getContentSize = function (): cc.Size { + return this.getNodeTransform().contentSize as cc.Size; +} + +Node.prototype.setContentSize = function (size: cc.Size): void { + this.getComponent(cc.UITransform)?.setContentSize(size); +} + + +Node.prototype.onFadeTo = function (time: number, from: number, to: number, callback?: Function): void { + this.setNodeOpacity(from); + let uiOpacity = this.getComponent(cc.UIOpacity); + cc.tween(uiOpacity).to(time, { opacity: to }).call(() => { + callback?.(); + }).start(); +} + +Node.prototype.onFadeIn = function (time: number, opacity: number, callback?: Function): void { + this.onFadeTo(time, 1, opacity, callback); +} + +Node.prototype.onFadeOut = function (time: number, callback?: Function): void { + let opacity = this.getNodeOpacity(); + this.onFadeTo(time, opacity, 1, callback); +} + +//SPRITE +Sprite.prototype.setOpacity = function (a: number): void { + this.node.setNodeOpacity(a); +} + +Sprite.prototype.setColor = function (color: Color): void { + this.color = color; +} + +//LABEL +Label.prototype.setOpacity = function (a: number): void { + this.node.setNodeOpacity(a); +} + +Label.prototype.setColor = function (color: Color): void { + this.color = color; +} + +//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +declare global { + interface Number { + roundDigits(digits: number): number; + trunc(): number; + truncDigits(digits: number): number; + toFixedDown(digits: number): number; + } + + interface String { + toInt(): number; + + toFloat(): number; + + toBoolean(): boolean; + + formatWithMaxLength(maxLength: number): string; + + isNullOrUndefined(): boolean; + } + + interface Array { + shuffleArray(): Array; + + toJson(): string; + + clearArray(): Array; + + cloneArray(): Array; + } +} + +Array.prototype.shuffleArray = function () { + for (let i = this.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { + const randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1)); + const itemIndex = this[randomIndex]; + this[randomIndex] = this[i]; + this[i] = itemIndex; + } + return this; +} + +Array.prototype.clearArray = function () { + this.splice(0, this.length); + return this; +} + +Array.prototype.cloneArray = function () { + return [...this]; +} + +Array.prototype.toJson = function (): string { + return JSON.stringify(this); +} + +String.prototype.toInt = function (): number { + if (String(this) === null || String(this) === undefined) return 0; + let result = Number(String(this)); + if (Number.isNaN(result)) return 0; + return Math.trunc(result); +} + +String.prototype.toFloat = function (): number { + if (String(this) === null || String(this) === undefined) return 0; + let result = Number(String(this)); + if (Number.isNaN(result)) result = 0; + return result; +} + +String.prototype.toBoolean = function (): boolean { + return String(this).toLowerCase() == 'true'; +} + +String.prototype.formatWithMaxLength = function (maxLength: number): string { + if (this == null || this == undefined) return ""; + let str = String(this); + if (str.length > maxLength) { + if (str.charAt(maxLength - 1) === " ") { + str = `${str.substring(0, maxLength - 1)}..`; + } + else { + str = `${str.substring(0, maxLength)}..`; + } + } + return str; +} + +String.prototype.isNullOrUndefined = function (): boolean { + return String(this) == null || String(this) == undefined; +} + +Number.prototype.roundDigits = function (digits: number): number { + return Math.round(Number(this) * Math.pow(10, digits)) / Math.pow(10, digits); +} + +Number.prototype.truncDigits = function (digits: number): number { + return digits > 0 ? Number(this).toFixedDown(digits) : (Math.trunc(Number(this) * Math.pow(10, digits)) / Math.pow(10, digits)); +} + +Number.prototype.trunc = function (): number { + return Math.trunc(Number(this)); +} + +Number.prototype.toFixedDown = function (digits: number): number { + var re = new RegExp("(\\d+\\.\\d{" + digits + "})(\\d)"), + m = Number(this).toString().match(re); + return m ? parseFloat(m[1]) : Number(this).valueOf(); +} + +Vec3.prototype.toVec2 = function (): Vec2{ + return new Vec2(this.x, this.y); +} + +Vec2.prototype.toVec3 = function (): Vec3 { + return new Vec3(this.x, this.y, 0); +} diff --git a/assets/cc-common/cc-extension/UmExtension.ts.meta b/assets/cc-common/cc-extension/UmExtension.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..044b89d --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-common/cc-extension/UmExtension.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "7973cb3a-1318-4445-b663-9297df554d8c", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-common/cc-rest.meta b/assets/cc-common/cc-rest.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..114f500 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-common/cc-rest.meta @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "ver": "1.2.0", + "importer": "directory", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "68bdfafd-b48a-491f-93d3-4c4e8b459d89", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": { + "compressionType": {}, + "isRemoteBundle": {} + } +} diff --git a/assets/cc-common/cc-rest/ServiceRest.ts b/assets/cc-common/cc-rest/ServiceRest.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..33ad985 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-common/cc-rest/ServiceRest.ts @@ -0,0 +1,219 @@ + +// Rest API to connect to server + +class ServiceRest { + request: any; + constructor() { + this.request = new XMLHttpRequest(); + } + encodeQueryData(data) { + return Object.keys(data).map(function(key) { + return [key, data[key]].map(encodeURIComponent).join("="); + }).join("&"); + }; + + get({url = '', params = {}, callback = (data) => {}, apiUrl = '', callbackErr = () => {}}) { + const querystring = '?' + this.encodeQueryData(params); + const fullURL = apiUrl + url + querystring; + const request = new XMLHttpRequest(); +"GET", fullURL, true); + request.timeout = 15000; + request.setRequestHeader("Content-Type","application/json;charset=UTF-8"); + request.onreadystatechange = function () { + if (request.readyState == 4) { + //get status text + if (callback) { + if (request.responseText) { + callback(JSON.parse(request.responseText)); + } else { + callbackErr(); + } + } + } else if (request.readyState === 0) { + callbackErr(); + } + if (request.status !== 200) { + callbackErr(); + } + }; + request.ontimeout = function (e) { + callbackErr(); + }; + request.onerror = (e) => { + callbackErr(); + }; + request.send(); + }; + + getWithHeader({url = '', params = {}, headers = {}, callback = (data) => {}, apiUrl = '', callbackErr = () => {}}) { + const querystring = '?' + this.encodeQueryData(params); + const fullURL = apiUrl + url + querystring; + const request = new XMLHttpRequest(); +"GET", fullURL, true); + request.timeout = 15000; + request.setRequestHeader("Content-Type","application/json;charset=UTF-8"); + + Object.keys(headers).forEach( (key) => { + request.setRequestHeader(key, headers[key]); + }); + + request.onreadystatechange = function () { + if (request.readyState == 4) { + //get status text + if (callback) { + if (request.responseText) { + callback(JSON.parse(request.responseText)); + } else { + callbackErr(); + } + } + } else if (request.readyState === 0) { + callbackErr(); + } + if (request.status !== 200) { + callbackErr(); + } + }; + request.ontimeout = function () { + callbackErr(); + }; + request.onerror = () => { + callbackErr(); + }; + request.send(); + }; + + post({url = '', data = {}, callback = (data) => {}, apiUrl = '', callbackErr = () => {}}) { + const dataPost = this.encodeQueryData(data); + const fullURL = apiUrl + url; + const request = new XMLHttpRequest(); +'POST', fullURL, true); + request.timeout = 15000; + request.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); + request.onreadystatechange = function() { + if(request.readyState == 4) { + if (request.responseText) { + callback({ + status: request.status, + data: JSON.parse(request.responseText) + }); + } else { + callbackErr(); + } + } else if (request.readyState === 0) { + callbackErr(); + } + if (request.status !== 200) { + callbackErr(); + } + }; + request.ontimeout = function (e) { + callbackErr(); + }; + request.onerror = (e) => { + callbackErr(); + }; + request.send(dataPost); + }; + + postWithHeader ({url = '',params = {}, headers = {}, data = {}, callback = (data) => {}, apiUrl = '', callbackErr = () => {}}) { + const dataPost = JSON.stringify(data); + const querystring = '?' + this.encodeQueryData(params); + const fullURL = apiUrl + url + querystring; + const request = new XMLHttpRequest(); +'POST', fullURL, true); + request.timeout = 15000; + request.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/json'); + + Object.keys(headers).forEach( (key) => { + request.setRequestHeader(key, headers[key]); + }); + + request.onreadystatechange = function() { + if(request.readyState == 4) { + if (request.responseText) { + callback({ + status: request.status, + data: JSON.parse(request.responseText) + }); + } else { + callbackErr(); + } + } else if (request.readyState === 0) { + callbackErr(); + } + if (request.status !== 200) { + callbackErr(); + } + }; + request.ontimeout = function (e) { + callbackErr(); + }; + request.onerror = (e) => { + callbackErr(); + }; + request.send(dataPost); + }; + + postRaw({url = '', data = {}, callback = (data) => {}, apiUrl = '', callbackErr = () => {}}) { + const dataPost = data; + const fullURL = apiUrl + url; + const request = new XMLHttpRequest(); +'POST', fullURL, true); + request.timeout = 15000; + request.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); + request.onreadystatechange = function() { + if(request.status == 200) { + callback({ + status: request.status, + data: request.responseText + }); + } else { + callbackErr(); + } + }; + request.ontimeout = function (e) { + callbackErr(); + }; + request.onerror = (e) => { + callbackErr(); + }; + request.send(dataPost); + }; + + put({url = '', data = {}, callback = (data) => {}, apiUrl = '', callbackErr = () => {}}) { + const dataPost = this.encodeQueryData(data); + const fullURL = apiUrl + url; + const request = new XMLHttpRequest(); +'PUT', fullURL, true); + request.timeout = 15000; + request.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); + request.onreadystatechange = function() { + if(request.readyState == 4) { + if (request.responseText) { + callback({ + status: request.status, + data: JSON.parse(request.responseText) + }); + } else { + callbackErr(); + } + } else if (request.readyState === 0) { + callbackErr(); + } + if (request.status !== 200) { + callbackErr(); + } + }; + request.ontimeout = function (e) { + callbackErr(); + }; + request.onerror = (e) => { + callbackErr(); + }; + request.send(dataPost); + }; +}; + +const apiObject = new ServiceRest(); +export default apiObject; diff --git a/assets/cc-common/cc-rest/ServiceRest.ts.meta b/assets/cc-common/cc-rest/ServiceRest.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b5074fd --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-common/cc-rest/ServiceRest.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "34b88a2c-4b90-41fb-9853-a9f4b18d7fee", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-common/cc-ui.meta b/assets/cc-common/cc-ui.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8581a69 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-common/cc-ui.meta @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "ver": "1.2.0", + "importer": "directory", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "0e47de47-e00e-4bca-9c0d-f48aa216de33", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": { + "compressionType": {}, + "isRemoteBundle": {} + } +} diff --git a/assets/cc-common/cc-ui/UmButtonCountdown.ts b/assets/cc-common/cc-ui/UmButtonCountdown.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..38fa0ad --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-common/cc-ui/UmButtonCountdown.ts @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +import { _decorator, CCFloat, Component, game, Game, Node, ProgressBar, tween } from 'cc'; + +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('UmButtonCountdown') +export class UmButtonCountdown extends Component { + @property(ProgressBar) public barCountdown: ProgressBar = null!; + @property(Node) public blockInput: Node = null!; + @property(CCFloat) public TIME_COUNTDOWN = 10; + private _time_available = 0; + private _tween: any = null!; + + onLoad() { + game.on(Game.EVENT_SHOW, this._onShowGame, this); + } + + onDestroy() { +, this._onShowGame, this); + } + + private _onShowGame() { + this._checkCountdown(); + } + + onEnable() { + this._checkCountdown(); + } + + private _checkCountdown() { + this._tween?.stop(); + this._tween = null; + + let now_time = (new Date()).getTime(); + if (now_time >= this._time_available) { + this.barCountdown.progress = 0; + this.blockInput?.setNodeActive(false); + return; + } + this._startCountdown(now_time); + } + + private _startCountdown(now_time: number) { + this.blockInput?.setNodeActive(true); + let action_time = this._time_available - now_time; + action_time = action_time / 1000; + this.barCountdown.progress = action_time / this.TIME_COUNTDOWN; + this.tweenBar(action_time); + } + + onDisable() { + this._tween?.stop(); + this._tween = null; + } + + public updateTimeAvailAble() { + let now_time = (new Date()).getTime(); + this._time_available = now_time + this.TIME_COUNTDOWN * 1000; + this._startCountdown(now_time); + } + + + public tweenBar(actionTime: number) { + this._tween = tween(this.barCountdown).to(actionTime, { progress: 0 }).call(() => { + this._tween = null; + if (this.node) { + this.barCountdown.progress = 0; + this.blockInput?.setNodeActive(false); + } + }); + + this._tween.start(); + } + + +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-common/cc-ui/UmButtonCountdown.ts.meta b/assets/cc-common/cc-ui/UmButtonCountdown.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..befadc2 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-common/cc-ui/UmButtonCountdown.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "d20cf127-1092-4170-a80d-10bcf1de194a", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-common/cc-ui/UmButtonCustom.ts b/assets/cc-common/cc-ui/UmButtonCustom.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..17d09d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-common/cc-ui/UmButtonCustom.ts @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +import { _decorator, Button, CCFloat, Color, Label, Sprite, Vec3 } from 'cc'; + +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('UmButtonCustom') +export class UmButtonCustom extends Button { + @property(Label) public lbTitle: Label = null!; + @property(Sprite) public spIcon: Sprite = null!; + + @property(CCFloat) pressedScale: Number = 0.95; + + @property(CCFloat) textPosYChange: Number = 0; + @property(CCFloat) iconPosYChange: Number = 0; + + @property(Color) public textColorNormal: Color = new Color(255, 255, 255, 255); + @property(Color) public textColorPressed: Color = new Color(255, 255, 255, 180); + + private _state: string = "none"; + private _textPosY = -1001; + private _iconPosY = -1001; + + start() { + + // if (this.lbTitle) { + // this._textOriginY = this.lbTitle.node.position.y; + // HTLog.error("BUTTON CUSTOM ===>>> ", this.lbTitle.string, this._textOriginY); + // } + + // if (this.spIcon) { + // this._iconOriginY = this.spIcon.node.position.y; + // } + } + + private _updateUINormal() { + if (this.lbTitle) { + this.lbTitle.setColor(this.textColorNormal); + this.lbTitle.node.setScale(Vec3.ONE); + + if (this._textPosY < -1000) { + this._textPosY = this.lbTitle.node.position.y; + } + else { + this.lbTitle.node.setPositionY(this._textPosY); + } + } + + if (this.spIcon) { + this.spIcon.setColor(this.textColorNormal); + this.spIcon.node.setScale(Vec3.ONE); + + if (this._iconPosY < -1000) { + this._iconPosY = this.spIcon.node.position.y; + } + else { + this.spIcon.node.setPositionY(this._iconPosY); + } + } + } + + private _updateUIPressed() { + if (this.lbTitle) { + this.lbTitle.setColor(this.textColorPressed); + this.lbTitle.node.setScale(new Vec3(Number(this.pressedScale), Number(this.pressedScale), 1)); + // this.lbTitle.node.setPositionY(this.lbTitle.node.position.y - Number(this.textPosY)); + + if (this._textPosY < -1000) { + this._textPosY = this.lbTitle.node.position.y; + } + this.lbTitle.node.setPositionY(this._textPosY + Number(this.textPosYChange)); + } + + if (this.spIcon) { + this.spIcon.setColor(this.textColorPressed); + this.spIcon.node.setScale(new Vec3(Number(this.pressedScale), Number(this.pressedScale), 1)); + + if (this._iconPosY < -1000) { + this._iconPosY = this.spIcon.node.position.y; + } + this.spIcon.node.setPositionY(this._iconPosY + Number(this.iconPosYChange)); + + } + } + + protected _applyTransition(state: string) { + super._applyTransition(state); + if (this._state !== state) { + // HTLog.log("==>ButtonCustom: _updateSpriteTransition = ", state); + if (state === "normal" || state === "hover" || state === "disabled") { + this._updateUINormal(); + } + + if (state === "pressed") { + this._updateUIPressed(); + } + this._state = state; + } + } + + + +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-common/cc-ui/UmButtonCustom.ts.meta b/assets/cc-common/cc-ui/UmButtonCustom.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..88ae82e --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-common/cc-ui/UmButtonCustom.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "671ebd34-be6b-4831-a12d-b24acdb15057", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-common/cc-ui/UmDestroyItem.ts b/assets/cc-common/cc-ui/UmDestroyItem.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f45fb85 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-common/cc-ui/UmDestroyItem.ts @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +import { _decorator, CCFloat, Component, tween } from 'cc'; + +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('UmDestroyItem') +export class UmDestroyItem extends Component { + @property(CCFloat) public delayTime = 1; + + onLoad() { + tween(this.node).delay(this.delayTime).removeSelf().call(() => { + this.node.destroy(); + }).start(); + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/cc-common/cc-ui/UmDestroyItem.ts.meta b/assets/cc-common/cc-ui/UmDestroyItem.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..514bd23 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-common/cc-ui/UmDestroyItem.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "64898fb7-c914-4d93-ab8d-d888fe58f811", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-common/cc-ui/UmPopupBase.ts b/assets/cc-common/cc-ui/UmPopupBase.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1359879 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-common/cc-ui/UmPopupBase.ts @@ -0,0 +1,241 @@ +import { _decorator, Button, CCBoolean, Component, Sprite, tween, Vec3, view, Widget } from 'cc'; + +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('UmPopupBase') +export class UmPopupBase extends Component { + @property(Button) public bgBlack: Button = null!; + @property(Sprite) public bgPopup: Sprite = null!; + @property(CCBoolean) public isAnimShowHide = true; + + _transitions_type: string = "Z"; + _is_black_panel: boolean = true; + public popup_pos = Vec3.ZERO; + + private OPACITY_BLACK = 150; + + DURATION_SHOW_ZOOM = 0.35; + DURATION_HIDE_ZOOM = 0.35; + SCALE_START_SHOW_ZOOM = 0.8; + SCALE_END_HIDE_ZOOM = 0.8; + + DURATION_SHOW_MOVE = 0.35; + DURATION_HIDE_MOVE = 0.35; + + public static TRANSITIONS_TYPE = { + ZOOM_IN: "Z", + MOVE_IN_TOP: "T", + MOVE_IN_BOTTOM: "B", + MOVE_IN_RIGHT: "R", + MOVE_IN_LEFT: "L", + } + + public static MOVE_TYPE = { + BOTTOM: 0, + TOP: 1, + LEFT: 2, + RIGHT: 3, + ORIGIN: 4 + } + + onLoad() { + if (this.bgBlack) { + this.bgBlack.node.on(Button.EventType.CLICK, this.onBtnCloseClicked, this); + } + } + + public show(callback: Function = null!) { + if (this.isAnimShowHide) { + this._fadeInBlackPanel(); + if (this.bgPopup) { + this.popup_pos = new Vec3(this.bgPopup.node.position); + this.bgPopup.node.setScale(new Vec3(this.SCALE_START_SHOW_ZOOM, this.SCALE_START_SHOW_ZOOM, 1)); + tween(this.bgPopup.node).to(this.DURATION_SHOW_ZOOM, { scale: Vec3.ONE }, { easing: 'backOut' }).call(() => { + if (this.bgBlack) { + this.bgBlack.interactable = true; + } + callback?.(); + }).start(); + this.bgPopup.node.onFadeIn(this.DURATION_SHOW_ZOOM, 255); + } + } + else { + this.bgBlack?.setOpacity(this.OPACITY_BLACK); + if (this.bgBlack) { + this.bgBlack.interactable = true; + } + callback?.(); + } + } + + public hide(callback: Function = null!) { + if (this.isAnimShowHide) { + this._fadeOutBlackPanel(); + if (this.bgPopup) { + let duration = this.DURATION_HIDE_ZOOM; + tween(this.bgPopup.node).to(duration, { scale: new Vec3(this.SCALE_END_HIDE_ZOOM, this.SCALE_END_HIDE_ZOOM, 1) }, { easing: 'backIn' }).call(() => { + callback?.(); + this.node.destroyAllChildren(); + this.node.destroy(); + }).start(); + + tween(this.bgPopup.node).delay(0.1).call(() => this.bgPopup.node.onFadeOut(duration)).start(); + } + else { + callback?.(); + this.node.destroy(); + } + } + else { + callback?.(); + this.node.destroy(); + } + } + + private _fadeInBlackPanel() { + if (this.bgBlack) { + this.bgBlack.node.onFadeIn(this.DURATION_SHOW_MOVE, this.OPACITY_BLACK); + } + } + + private _fadeOutBlackPanel() { + if (this.bgBlack) { + this.bgBlack.node.onFadeOut(this.DURATION_HIDE_MOVE); + } + } + + public showWithTransitions(type: string, isBlackPanel: boolean = true, callback: Function = null!) { + this._transitions_type = type; + this._is_black_panel = isBlackPanel; + if (type === UmPopupBase.TRANSITIONS_TYPE.ZOOM_IN) { +; + } + else { + this.bgPopup.getComponent(Widget)?.updateAlignment(); + let pos = new Vec3(this.bgPopup.node.position); + this.popup_pos = pos; + let new_pos = new Vec3(); + + switch (type) { + case UmPopupBase.TRANSITIONS_TYPE.MOVE_IN_TOP: + { + let value = view.getDesignResolutionSize().y; + new_pos = new Vec3(pos.x, pos.y + value, pos.z); + } + break; + + case UmPopupBase.TRANSITIONS_TYPE.MOVE_IN_BOTTOM: + { + let value = view.getDesignResolutionSize().y; + new_pos = new Vec3(pos.x, pos.y - value, pos.z); + } + break; + + case UmPopupBase.TRANSITIONS_TYPE.MOVE_IN_RIGHT: + { + let value = view.getDesignResolutionSize().x; + new_pos = new Vec3(pos.x + value, pos.y, pos.z); + } + break; + + case UmPopupBase.TRANSITIONS_TYPE.MOVE_IN_LEFT: + { + let value = view.getDesignResolutionSize().x; + new_pos = new Vec3(pos.x - value, pos.y, pos.z); + } + break; + } + + this.bgPopup.node.position = new_pos; + let duration = this.DURATION_SHOW_MOVE; + tween(this.bgPopup.node).to(duration, { position: pos }, { easing: 'sineOut' }).call(() => { + if (this.bgBlack) { + this.bgBlack.interactable = true; + } + callback?.(); + }).start(); + + if (isBlackPanel) { + this._fadeInBlackPanel(); + } + } + } + + public hideWithTransitions(callback: Function = null!) { + if (this._transitions_type === UmPopupBase.TRANSITIONS_TYPE.ZOOM_IN) { + this.hide(callback); + } + else { + let pos = new Vec3(this.bgPopup.node.position); + let new_pos = new Vec3(); + + switch (this._transitions_type) { + case UmPopupBase.TRANSITIONS_TYPE.MOVE_IN_TOP: + { + let value = view.getDesignResolutionSize().y; + new_pos = new Vec3(pos.x, pos.y + value, pos.z); + } + break; + + case UmPopupBase.TRANSITIONS_TYPE.MOVE_IN_BOTTOM: + { + let value = view.getDesignResolutionSize().y; + new_pos = new Vec3(pos.x, pos.y - value, pos.z); + } + break; + + case UmPopupBase.TRANSITIONS_TYPE.MOVE_IN_RIGHT: + { + let value = view.getDesignResolutionSize().x; + new_pos = new Vec3(pos.x + value, pos.y, pos.z); + } + break; + + case UmPopupBase.TRANSITIONS_TYPE.MOVE_IN_LEFT: + { + let value = view.getDesignResolutionSize().x; + new_pos = new Vec3(pos.x - value, pos.y, pos.z); + } + break; + } + + if (this._is_black_panel) { + this._fadeOutBlackPanel(); + } + + let duration = this.DURATION_HIDE_MOVE; + tween(this.bgPopup.node).to(duration, { position: new_pos }, { easing: 'sineIn' }).call(() => { + if (this.bgBlack) { + = false; + } + callback?.(); + this.node.destroyAllChildren(); + this.node.destroy(); + }).start(); + } + } + + public setTransitionsType(transitions_type: string) { + this._transitions_type = transitions_type; + } + + + onBtnCloseClicked(button: Button) { + if (button) { + button.interactable = false; + } + this.hideWithTransitions(); + } + + closePopupWithCallBack(btn: Button, callback: Function) { + if (btn) { + btn.interactable = false; + } + this.hideWithTransitions(callback); + } + + public onClosePopupWithAnim(isAnim: boolean = true) { + this.isAnimShowHide = isAnim; + this.hide(); + } +} diff --git a/assets/cc-common/cc-ui/UmPopupBase.ts.meta b/assets/cc-common/cc-ui/UmPopupBase.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6a83e81 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-common/cc-ui/UmPopupBase.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "7113402c-4fa5-438b-8b98-6ab75db05805", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-common/cc-ui/UmSafeArena.ts b/assets/cc-common/cc-ui/UmSafeArena.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a143686 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-common/cc-ui/UmSafeArena.ts @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { UmDeviceInfo } from '../cc-util/UmDeviceInfo'; +import { SafeArea } from 'cc'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('UmSafeArena') +export class UmSafeArena extends Component { + start() { + if (!UmDeviceInfo.isNative) + return; + + let safeArena = this.node?.getComponent(SafeArea); + if (!safeArena) + return; + + safeArena.enabled = true; + } +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-common/cc-ui/UmSafeArena.ts.meta b/assets/cc-common/cc-ui/UmSafeArena.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..db329d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-common/cc-ui/UmSafeArena.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "a20a2692-fa76-4dd1-b7df-af5e8eefb11d", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-common/cc-ui/UmSliderCustom.ts b/assets/cc-common/cc-ui/UmSliderCustom.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d6ffef0 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-common/cc-ui/UmSliderCustom.ts @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +import { _decorator, Color, EventTouch, Slider, Sprite } from 'cc'; + +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('UmSliderCustom') +export class UmSliderCustom extends Slider { + public onTouchEnded: ((event?: EventTouch) => void) | undefined; + public onTouchCancelled: ((event?: EventTouch) => void) | undefined; + + @property(Sprite) public bg: Sprite = null!; + + _onTouchEnded(event?: EventTouch) { + super._onTouchEnded(event); + this.onTouchEnded?.(event); + } + + protected _onTouchCancelled(event?: EventTouch) { + super._onTouchCancelled(event); + this.onTouchCancelled?.(event); + } + + public setOpacity(opacity: number) { + this.handle?.setOpacity(opacity); +; + } + + public setColor(color: Color) { +; + this.handle?.getComponent(Sprite)?.setColor(color); + } +} diff --git a/assets/cc-common/cc-ui/UmSliderCustom.ts.meta b/assets/cc-common/cc-ui/UmSliderCustom.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..696de5f --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-common/cc-ui/UmSliderCustom.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "56e819f4-f5b2-485d-802d-9fa9a53930e2", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-common/cc-ui/UmSwitchButton.ts b/assets/cc-common/cc-ui/UmSwitchButton.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..20d1cec --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-common/cc-ui/UmSwitchButton.ts @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +import { _decorator, Button, CCFloat, Color, Label, Node, Sprite, SpriteFrame, tween, Vec3 } from 'cc'; + +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('UmSwitchButton') +export class UmSwitchButton extends Button { + @property(CCFloat) public animTime = 0.1; + @property(Sprite) public dot: Sprite = null!; + @property(Label) public title: Label = null!; + + @property(SpriteFrame) public spf_off: SpriteFrame = null!; + @property(SpriteFrame) public spf_on: SpriteFrame = null!; + + @property(SpriteFrame) public spf_dot_off: SpriteFrame = null!; + @property(SpriteFrame) public spf_dot_on: SpriteFrame = null!; + + @property(Node) public listTargetPos: Node[] = []; + + public status: boolean = true; + + public onSwitched: ((status: boolean) => void) | undefined; + + setInitStatus(status: boolean) { + this.status = status; + = this.getDotTarget(this.status); + this.setSpriteFrame(status); + } + + onClicked(btn: Button) { + this.interactable = false; + this.status = !this.status; + tween(, { position: this.getDotTarget(this.status) }).call(() => { + this.interactable = true; + this.setSpriteFrame(this.status); + + }).start(); + + this.onSwitched?.(this.status); + } + + getDotTarget(status: boolean): Vec3 { + return status ? this.listTargetPos[1].position : this.listTargetPos[0].position; + } + + setSpriteFrame(status: boolean) { + if (status) { + this.normalSprite = this.spf_on; + = this.spf_dot_on; + this.title.string = "ON"; + this.title.node.setPositionX(-20.5); + this.title.setColor(new Color(83, 251, 255)); + } + else { + this.normalSprite = this.spf_off; + = this.spf_dot_off; + this.title.string = "OFF"; + this.title.node.setPositionX(20.5); + this.title.setColor(new Color(105, 119, 150)); + } + } + + public updateTitle() { + this.title.string = this.status ? "ON" : "OFF"; + } + +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-common/cc-ui/UmSwitchButton.ts.meta b/assets/cc-common/cc-ui/UmSwitchButton.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d3f34fd --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-common/cc-ui/UmSwitchButton.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "9c2cc841-bc92-4119-b61a-ae5dc2dfaf1a", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-common/cc-util.meta b/assets/cc-common/cc-util.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7946038 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-common/cc-util.meta @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "ver": "1.2.0", + "importer": "directory", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "de4d2832-8795-40f8-b5c4-5addee1ed310", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": { + "compressionType": {}, + "isRemoteBundle": {} + } +} diff --git a/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmAdsManager.ts b/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmAdsManager.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f4dfbf2 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmAdsManager.ts @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { GameDefine } from '../../cc-game/scripts/config/GameDefine'; +import { UmLog } from './UmLog'; +import { UmNativeBridge } from './UmNativeBridge'; +import { UmClientEvent } from './UmOneToMultiListener'; +import { UmDeviceInfo } from './UmDeviceInfo'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('UmAdsManager') +export class UmAdsManager extends Component { + public static Instance: UmAdsManager = null; + interstitialAdCallback: any = null; + rewardAdCallback: any = null; + + //Event + EVENT_BANNER_AD = "EVENT_BANNER_AD"; + EVENT_SHOW_INTERSTITIAL_AD = "EVENT_SHOW_INTERSTITIAL_AD"; + EVENT_SHOW_REWARD_AD = "EVENT_SHOW_REWARD_AD"; + EVENT_BANNER_AD_POSITION = "EVENT_BANNER_AD_POSITION"; + + //Action + SHOW_ACTION_KEY = "show"; + HIDE_ACTION_KEY = "hide"; + + //Banner Position + public static BANNER_POSITION = { + "BANNER_BOTTOM_LEFT": "BOTTOM_LEFT", + "BANNER_BOTTOM_CENTER": "BOTTOM_CENTER", + "BANNER_BOTTOM_RIGHT": "BOTTOM_RIGHT", + "BANNER_TOP_LEFT":"TOP_LEFT", + "BANNER_TOP_CENTER": "TOP_CENTER", + "BANNER_TOP_RIGHT": "TOP_RIGHT", + } + + public static ADS_RESULT = { + "SUCCESS": "success", + "FAIL": "fail", + } + + onLoad(): void { + UmAdsManager.Instance = this; + UmClientEvent.on(this.EVENT_SHOW_INTERSTITIAL_AD, this.onInterstitialAdCallback.bind(this)); + UmClientEvent.on(this.EVENT_SHOW_REWARD_AD, this.onRewardCallback.bind(this)); + } + + onDestroy(): void { +, this.onInterstitialAdCallback.bind(this)); +, this.onRewardCallback.bind(this)); + } + + //BANNER_ADS + public showBanner() + { + if (!UmDeviceInfo.isMobile) return; + UmNativeBridge.instance.onCallNative(this.EVENT_BANNER_AD, this.SHOW_ACTION_KEY); + } + + public hideBanner() + { + if (!UmDeviceInfo.isMobile) return; + UmNativeBridge.instance.onCallNative(this.EVENT_BANNER_AD, this.HIDE_ACTION_KEY); + } + + public setBannerPosition(position: string) + { + if (!UmDeviceInfo.isMobile) return; + UmNativeBridge.instance.onCallNative(this.EVENT_BANNER_AD_POSITION, position); + } + + //INTERSTITIAL_ADS + public showInterstitialAd(callback: any) + { + this.interstitialAdCallback = callback; + if (!UmDeviceInfo.isMobile) + { + this.onInterstitialAdCallback("success"); + return; + } + + UmNativeBridge.instance.onCallNative(this.EVENT_SHOW_INTERSTITIAL_AD); + } + + public onInterstitialAdCallback(params: string) + { + UmLog.log("onInterstitialAdCallback => ", params); + let callback = this.interstitialAdCallback; + callback?.(params); + this.interstitialAdCallback = null; + } + + //REWARD_ADS + public showRewardAd(callback: any) + { + this.rewardAdCallback = callback; + if (!UmDeviceInfo.isMobile) { + this.onRewardCallback("success"); + return; + } + + UmNativeBridge.instance.onCallNative(this.EVENT_SHOW_REWARD_AD); + } + + public onRewardCallback(params: string) { + UmLog.log("onRewardCallback => ", params); + let callback = this.rewardAdCallback; + callback?.(params); + this.rewardAdCallback = null; + } +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmAdsManager.ts.meta b/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmAdsManager.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f4dc080 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmAdsManager.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "ccfa1329-9b5c-44b1-a1cb-f02138b705f5", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmBuildConfig.ts b/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmBuildConfig.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..12b7604 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmBuildConfig.ts @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { BUILD_MODE, DEBUG_MODE, UmConfig } from './UmConfig'; +import { UmDeviceInfo } from './UmDeviceInfo'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('UmBuildConfig') +export class UmBuildConfig extends Component { + onLoad(): void { + UmConfig.BUILD_MODE = BUILD_MODE.DEBUG; + if (UmDeviceInfo.isAndroid) + UmConfig.debugMode = DEBUG_MODE.CONSOLE; + } +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmBuildConfig.ts.meta b/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmBuildConfig.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6defa77 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmBuildConfig.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "880de110-e7f2-46ea-9b7d-d73a93531ccb", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmCanvasResize.ts b/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmCanvasResize.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4ccdaa5 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmCanvasResize.ts @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +import { sys } from 'cc'; +import { view, ResolutionPolicy, log } from 'cc'; +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import * as cc from 'cc'; +import { UmLog } from './UmLog'; +import { UmClientEvent } from './UmOneToMultiListener'; +import { UmConfig } from './UmConfig'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('UmCanvasResize') +export class UmCanvasResize extends Component { + public static startFit: number = ResolutionPolicy.SHOW_ALL; + public static currentFit: number = ResolutionPolicy.FIXED_WIDTH; + + onLoad() { + if (UmCanvasResize.isListenerCanvasResize()) {// && !document.getElementById('GameDiv') + window.addEventListener('resize', this._onEventCanvasResized); + UmCanvasResize.currentFit = Number(view.getResolutionPolicy); + } + } + + onDestroy() { + UmCanvasResize.resetFitCanvasSize(); + } + + _onEventCanvasResized() { + UmLog.log("[Canvas] => _onEventCanvasResized"); + UmCanvasResize.updateFitCanvasSize(); + } + + public static isListenerCanvasResize(): boolean { + if (sys.isBrowser) { + if (sys.isMobile) return true; + + if (UmConfig.isModeDebug) { + let url = window.location.href; + if (url?.length > 0 && url.includes("http://localhost:")) { + return true; + } + } + + } + return false; + } + + public static updateFitCanvasSize() { + const viewSize = cc.screen.windowSize; + const designSize = view.getDesignResolutionSize(); + let windowWidth = viewSize.width; + let windowHeight = viewSize.height; + let windowRatio = windowWidth * 1.0 / windowHeight; + const designRatio = designSize.width * 1.0 / designSize.height; + let height = designSize.height; + if (windowRatio <= designRatio) { + height = designSize.width / viewSize.width * viewSize.height; + UmCanvasResize.currentFit = ResolutionPolicy.FIXED_WIDTH; + log("[Canvas] => updateFitCanvasSize ==> ", designSize.width, height, " ==> FIT_WIDTH"); + } + else { + UmCanvasResize.currentFit = ResolutionPolicy.SHOW_ALL + log("[Canvas] => updateFitCanvasSize ==> ", designSize.width, height, " ==> FIT_SHOW_ALL"); + } + view.setResolutionPolicy(UmCanvasResize.currentFit); + UmClientEvent.dispatchEvent("canvas-resize"); + } + + public static updateCurrentFitCanvasSize() { + log("[Canvas] => updateCurrentFitCanvasSize"); + view.setResolutionPolicy(UmCanvasResize.currentFit); + } + + public static resetFitCanvasSize() { + if (UmCanvasResize.isListenerCanvasResize()) { + view.setResolutionPolicy(UmCanvasResize.startFit); + } + } +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmCanvasResize.ts.meta b/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmCanvasResize.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..467d454 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmCanvasResize.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "7f0739c2-588e-4e1c-891f-9fa62e6a6e21", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmConfig.ts b/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmConfig.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e95ea5b --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmConfig.ts @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +import { sys } from "cc"; + +export enum BUILD_MODE { + DEBUG = 0, + RELEASE = 1 +} + +export enum DEBUG_MODE { + NONE = 0, + CC = 1, + CONSOLE = 2, +} + +export class UmConfig { + private static DEBUG_MODE: number = DEBUG_MODE.CC; + public static BUILD_MODE: number = BUILD_MODE.DEBUG; + static CLIENT_VERSION: string = "0.0.1"; + + public static get platform(): string { + let platform_name = ""; + if (sys.isBrowser) { + platform_name = "web"; + } + else if (sys.OS.ANDROID == sys.os) { + platform_name = "android"; + } + else if (sys.OS.IOS == sys.os) { + platform_name = "ios"; + } + else if (sys.OS.WINDOWS == sys.os) { + platform_name = "windows"; + } + else if (sys.OS.OSX == sys.os) { + platform_name = "macintosh"; + } + return platform_name; + } + + public static get debugMode(): DEBUG_MODE { + switch (this.DEBUG_MODE) { + case 0: + return DEBUG_MODE.NONE; + case 1: + return DEBUG_MODE.CC; + case 2: + return DEBUG_MODE.CONSOLE; + } + return DEBUG_MODE.NONE; + } + + public static set debugMode(value: DEBUG_MODE) + { + if (this.BUILD_MODE == BUILD_MODE.RELEASE) + this.DEBUG_MODE = DEBUG_MODE.NONE; + else + this.DEBUG_MODE = value; + } + + public static get isRoundMoney(): boolean { + return true; + } + + public static get digitRound(): number { + return 0; + } + + public static get isModeDebug(): boolean { + return this.debugMode != DEBUG_MODE.NONE; + } +} diff --git a/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmConfig.ts.meta b/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmConfig.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7f4ab51 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmConfig.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "eaffae53-cf12-483c-9bd6-c5430cac3a6b", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmDeviceInfo.ts b/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmDeviceInfo.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..781bbb0 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmDeviceInfo.ts @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +import * as cc from 'cc'; +import { sys } from 'cc'; +import { UmUtil } from './UmUtil'; + +export class UmDeviceInfo { + public static safeArenaViewSize: cc.Size = cc.Size.ZERO; + + public static DEVICE_INFO = { + os: sys.os, + osVersion: sys.osVersion, + platform: sys.platform, + browser: sys.browserType, + browserVersion: sys.browserVersion, + language: sys.language, + ssid: UmUtil.uuid(), + model: UmDeviceInfo.getModel(), + manufactor: UmDeviceInfo.getManufactor() + }; + + public static get device_info() { + return UmDeviceInfo.DEVICE_INFO; + } + + public static getUUID(): string { + return UmUtil.uuid(); + } + + public static getModel(): string { + let result = ""; + if (!sys.isBrowser) { + if (sys.os == sys.OS.ANDROID) { + result = cc.native.reflection.callStaticMethod("com/cocos/game/AppActivity", "getModel", "()Ljava/lang/String;"); + } + else if (sys.os == sys.OS.IOS) { + result = cc.native.reflection.callStaticMethod("NativeBridge", "GetModel:", "0"); + } + } + // console.log("getModel ==> ", result); + return result; + } + + public static getManufactor(): string { + let result = ""; + if (!sys.isBrowser) { + if (sys.os == sys.OS.ANDROID) { + result = cc.native.reflection.callStaticMethod("com/cocos/game/AppActivity", "getManufactor", "()Ljava/lang/String;"); + } + else if (sys.os == sys.OS.IOS) { + result = "apple"; + } + } + // console.log("getManufactor ==> ", result); + return result; + } + + public static setSafeArenaViewSize(size: cc.Size) { + UmDeviceInfo.safeArenaViewSize = size; + } + + public static get isMobile(): boolean { + return cc.sys.isMobile; + } + + public static get isAndroid(): boolean { + return cc.sys.os == cc.sys.OS.ANDROID; + } + + public static get isIos(): boolean { + return cc.sys.os == cc.sys.OS.IOS; + } + + public static get isBrowser(): boolean { + return cc.sys.isBrowser; + } + + public static get isNative(): boolean { + return !this.isBrowser; + } + + public static get isIosNative(): boolean { + return this.isNative && this.isIos; + } + + public static get isAndroidNative(): boolean { + return this.isNative && this.isAndroid; + } + + public static get isDesktopBrowser(): boolean { + return this.isBrowser && !this.isMobile; + } + + public static get isMobileBrowser(): boolean { + return this.isBrowser && this.isMobile; + } + + public static get isAndroidBrowser(): boolean { + return this.isBrowser && this.isAndroid; + } + + public static get isIosBrowser(): boolean { + return this.isBrowser && this.isIos; + } + + public static get isCanVibrate() { + if (this.isMobile) { + if (this.isBrowser && this.isIos) { + return false; + } + else { + return true; + } + } + return false; + } + + public static get browserType(): string { + return cc.sys.browserType.toString().toLocaleLowerCase(); + } + + public static get isBrowserSafari(): boolean { + return this.isBrowser && this.browserType == 'safari'; + } +} diff --git a/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmDeviceInfo.ts.meta b/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmDeviceInfo.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e5caa14 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmDeviceInfo.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "01b1b287-2fc9-482e-806c-33e7f274599e", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmLog.ts b/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmLog.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..95bef42 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmLog.ts @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +import { debug, error, log, warn } from "cc"; +import { UmConfig, DEBUG_MODE } from "./UmConfig"; + +export class UmLog { + public static log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void { + switch (UmConfig.debugMode) { + case DEBUG_MODE.NONE: + break; + case DEBUG_MODE.CC: + log(message, ...optionalParams); + break; + case DEBUG_MODE.CONSOLE: + console.log(message, ...optionalParams); + break; + } + } + + public static error(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void { + switch (UmConfig.debugMode) { + case DEBUG_MODE.NONE: + break; + case DEBUG_MODE.CC: + error(message, ...optionalParams); + break; + case DEBUG_MODE.CONSOLE: + console.error(message, ...optionalParams); + break; + } + } + + public static warn(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void { + switch (UmConfig.debugMode) { + case DEBUG_MODE.NONE: + break; + case DEBUG_MODE.CC: + warn(message, ...optionalParams); + break; + case DEBUG_MODE.CONSOLE: + console.warn(message, ...optionalParams); + break; + } + } + + public static debug(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void { + switch (UmConfig.debugMode) { + case DEBUG_MODE.NONE: + break; + case DEBUG_MODE.CC: + debug(message, ...optionalParams); + break; + case DEBUG_MODE.CONSOLE: + console.debug(message, ...optionalParams); + break; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmLog.ts.meta b/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmLog.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..af805f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmLog.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "fa9c8741-326d-40b2-811d-ab100ea26862", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmMoneyFormat.ts b/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmMoneyFormat.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5e3ecfa --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmMoneyFormat.ts @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +import { UmConfig } from './UmConfig'; + +declare global { + interface Number { + toMoneyKMB(digits: number): string; + toStringWithPlusSymbol(isPlusZero?: boolean): string; + formatMoney(): string; + formatInt(): string; + formatNumberLessThan10(): string; + formatMoneyKMB(): string; + formatMoneyInTable(): string; + pformatMoneyWC(): string; + } +} + +Number.prototype.toMoneyKMB = function (digits: number): string { + var si = [ + { value: 1, symbol: "" }, + { value: 1E3, symbol: "K" }, + { value: 1E6, symbol: "M" }, + { value: 1E9, symbol: "B" }, + { value: 1E12, symbol: "T" }, + { value: 1E15, symbol: "P" }, + { value: 1E18, symbol: "E" } + ]; + var rx = /\.0+$|(\.[0-9]*[1-9])0+$/; + var i; + let number = Number(this); + let abs_number = Math.abs(number); + + for (i = si.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { + if (abs_number >= si[i].value) { + break; + } + } + return (number / si[i].value).truncDigits(digits).toString().replace(rx, "$1") + si[i].symbol; +} + +Number.prototype.toStringWithPlusSymbol = function (isPlusZero?: boolean): string { + if (isPlusZero) { + return this >= 0 ? `+${this.formatMoneyInTable()}` : this.formatMoneyInTable(); + } + else { + return this > 0 ? `+${this.formatMoneyInTable()}` : this.formatMoneyInTable(); + } +} + +Number.prototype.formatMoney = function (): string { + // let format = Number(this).truncDigits(4).toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","); + let str = Number(this).truncDigits(UmConfig.digitRound).toString(); + let regx = /(\d{1,3})(\d{3}(?:,|$))/; + let currStr; + do { + currStr = (currStr || str.split(`.`)[0]).replace(regx, `$1,$2`) + } while (currStr.match(regx)) //Stop when there's no match & null's returned + return (str.split(`.`)[1]) ? currStr.concat(`.`, str.split(`.`)[1]) : currStr; +} + +Number.prototype.formatInt = function (): string { + return Number(this).roundDigits(0).toLocaleString('en-US'); +} + +Number.prototype.formatNumberLessThan10 = function (): string { + return ('0' + Number(this)).slice(-2); +} + +Number.prototype.formatMoneyKMB = function (): string { + if (UmConfig.isRoundMoney) { + return Number(this).toMoneyKMB(1); + } + else { + return Number(this).formatMoney(); + } +} + +Number.prototype.formatMoneyInTable = function (): string { + let number = Number(this); + if (UmConfig.isRoundMoney) { + if (Math.abs(number) < 10000) { + return number.formatMoney(); + } + else { + return number.toMoneyKMB(1); + } + } + else { + if (Math.abs(number) < 1000) { + return number.formatMoney(); + } + else { + return number.toMoneyKMB(1); + } + } +} + +Number.prototype.pformatMoneyWC = function (): string { + return Number(this).formatMoney(); +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmMoneyFormat.ts.meta b/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmMoneyFormat.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fb6db4e --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmMoneyFormat.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "60cdf1b9-fb63-400b-b752-d1c1913f9eca", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmNativeBridge.ts b/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmNativeBridge.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..63efa84 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmNativeBridge.ts @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +import * as cc from 'cc'; +import { _decorator, Component } from 'cc'; +import { UmDeviceInfo } from './UmDeviceInfo'; +import { UmClientEvent } from './UmOneToMultiListener'; + +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('UmNativeBridge') +export class UmNativeBridge extends Component { + static _instance: UmNativeBridge; + static get instance() { + if (UmNativeBridge._instance) { + return UmNativeBridge._instance; + } + + UmNativeBridge._instance = new UmNativeBridge(); + return UmNativeBridge._instance; + } + + public vibrate() { + //check web desktop + if (UmDeviceInfo.isDesktopBrowser) + return; + + //check mobile browser (ios can not vibrate in browser) + if (UmDeviceInfo.isMobileBrowser && !UmDeviceInfo.isIos) { + navigator?.vibrate([500]); + return; + } + + //check native + if (!UmDeviceInfo.isNative) + return; + + //android native + if (UmDeviceInfo.isAndroid) { + cc.native.reflection.callStaticMethod("com/cocos/game/AppActivity", "vibrate", "(I)V", 600); + return; + } + + //ios native + if (UmDeviceInfo.isIos) { + cc.native.reflection.callStaticMethod("NativeBridge", "VibrateWithIntensity:", "0.5"); + return; + } + + } + + public getTokenFromDeepLink(): string { + if (UmDeviceInfo.isAndroidNative) { + return cc.native.reflection.callStaticMethod("com/cocos/game/AppActivity", "getTokenFromDeepLink", "()Ljava/lang/String;"); + } + + if (UmDeviceInfo.isIosNative) { + return cc.native.reflection.callStaticMethod("NativeBridge", "GetTokenFromDeepLink:", "0"); + } + + return ""; + } + + public onCallNative(evt: string, content: string = "") { + if (UmDeviceInfo.isAndroidNative) { + return cc.native.reflection.callStaticMethod("com/cocos/game/AppActivity", "onCallFromJavascript", "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V", evt, content); + } + + // if (UmDeviceInfo.isIosNative) { + // return cc.native.reflection.callStaticMethod("NativeBridge", "GetTokenFromDeepLink:", "0"); + // } + } + + public onNativeCallJS(evt: string, params: string) + { + UmClientEvent.dispatchEvent(evt, params); + } +} + +window.NativeCallJS = (evt: string, params: string) => { + console.log('NativeCallJS------------------------> EVT ' + typeof evt + ' = ' + evt + " ==>> " + params); + UmNativeBridge.instance.onNativeCallJS(evt, params); +} diff --git a/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmNativeBridge.ts.meta b/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmNativeBridge.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9548830 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmNativeBridge.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "4bdd59f4-01a6-4c68-ab32-c199366aae2f", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmOneToMultiListener.ts b/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmOneToMultiListener.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bcc0819 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmOneToMultiListener.ts @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ +// Learn cc.Class: +// - [Chinese] +// - [English] +// Learn Attribute: +// - [Chinese] +// - [English] +// Learn life-cycle callbacks: +// - [Chinese] +// - [English] + +import { _decorator, error } from "cc"; + +const { ccclass } = _decorator; + +@ccclass("UmOneToMultiListener") +export class UmOneToMultiListener { + static handlers: { [name: string]: { handler: Function, target: any }[] }; + static supportEvent: { [name: string]: string }; + + public static on(eventName: string, handler: Function, target?: any) { + const objHandler = { handler: handler, target: target }; + let handlerList = this.handlers[eventName]; + if (!handlerList) { + handlerList = []; + this.handlers[eventName] = handlerList; + } + + for (var i = 0; i < handlerList.length; i++) { + if (!handlerList[i]) { + handlerList[i] = objHandler; + return i; + } + } + + handlerList.push(objHandler); + + return handlerList.length; + }; + + public static off(eventName: string, handler: Function, target?: any) { + const handlerList = this.handlers[eventName]; + + if (!handlerList) { + return; + } + + for (let i = 0; i < handlerList.length; i++) { + const oldObj = handlerList[i]; + if (oldObj.handler === handler && (!target || target === { + handlerList.splice(i, 1); + break; + } + } + }; + + public static offAll() { + this.handlers = {}; + } + + public static dispatchEvent(eventName: string, ...args: any[]) { + const handlerList = this.handlers[eventName]; + + const params = []; + let i; + for (i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { + params.push(arguments[i]); + } + + if (!handlerList) { + return; + } + + for (i = 0; i < handlerList.length; i++) { + const objHandler = handlerList[i]; + if (objHandler.handler) { + objHandler.handler.apply(, args); + } + } + }; + + public static setSupportEventList(arrSupportEvent: string[]) { + if (!(arrSupportEvent instanceof Array)) { + error("supportEvent was not array"); + return false; + } + + this.supportEvent = {}; + for (let i in arrSupportEvent) { + const eventName = arrSupportEvent[i]; + this.supportEvent[eventName] = i; + } + + + return true; + }; +} + +@ccclass("clientEventUm") +export class UmClientEvent extends UmOneToMultiListener { + static handlers = {}; +} diff --git a/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmOneToMultiListener.ts.meta b/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmOneToMultiListener.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6dbbe52 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmOneToMultiListener.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "a92f3f99-339e-4b5f-b6ee-bcab5df4aa36", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmStorageManager.ts b/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmStorageManager.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1d5499c --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmStorageManager.ts @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +import { _decorator, Component } from 'cc'; + +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('UmStorageManager') +export class UmStorageManager extends Component { + static _instance: UmStorageManager; + + private _user_id: string = ""; + static get instance() { + if (UmStorageManager._instance) { + return UmStorageManager._instance; + } + + UmStorageManager._instance = new UmStorageManager(); + UmStorageManager._instance.initData(); + return UmStorageManager._instance; + } + + initData() { + this._user_id = this.getUserId(); + } + + getNumberByKey(key: string, default_value: number = 0, isUser: boolean = false): number { + key = this._convertKey(key, isUser); + let result = localStorage.getItem(key); + return result ? Number(result) : default_value; + } + + public setNumberByKey(key: string, value: number, isUser: boolean = false) { + key = this._convertKey(key, isUser); + localStorage.setItem(key, value.toString()); + } + + public getStringByKey(key: string, default_value: string = "", isUser: boolean = false): string { + key = this._convertKey(key, isUser); + let result = localStorage.getItem(key); + return result ? result : default_value; + } + + public setStringByKey(key: string, value: string, isUser: boolean = false) { + key = this._convertKey(key, isUser); + localStorage.setItem(key, value); + } + + public getBooleanByKey(key: string, default_value: boolean = false, isUser: boolean = false): boolean { + key = this._convertKey(key, isUser); + let result = localStorage.getItem(key); + if (result) { + return result === "true" ? true : false; + } + else { + return default_value; + } + } + + public setBooleanByKey(key: string, value: boolean, isUser: boolean = true) { + key = this._convertKey(key, isUser); + localStorage.setItem(key, value ? "true" : "false"); + } + + public removeKey(key: string) + { + localStorage.removeItem(key); + } + + public removeAllKey() + { + localStorage.clear(); + } + + private _convertKey(key: string, isUser: boolean): string { + if (isUser) { + key = this._user_id + key; + } + return key; + } + + public encrypt(input: string): string { + return input?.length > 0 ? btoa(new TextEncoder().encode(input).toString()) : ""; + } + + public decrypt(input: string): string { + return input?.length > 0 ? new TextDecoder().decode(new Uint8Array(atob(input).split(',').map((s: string) => { return Number(s) }))).toString() : ""; + } + + //------- USER ID ---------------------------------- + public setUserId(userId: string) { + this._user_id = userId; + localStorage.setItem("user_id", userId); + } + + public getUserId(): string { + let result = localStorage.getItem("user_id"); + return result ? result : ""; + } + +} diff --git a/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmStorageManager.ts.meta b/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmStorageManager.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..62ba029 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmStorageManager.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "1a710ebb-0de5-45e0-938a-c40324678c94", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmUtil.ts b/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmUtil.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b746d5d --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmUtil.ts @@ -0,0 +1,753 @@ +import * as cc from "cc"; +import { Vec2 } from "cc"; +import { Color } from "cc"; +import { _decorator, ITweenOption, Node, sp, Tween, tween, UIOpacity, UITransform, Vec3 } from "cc"; + +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +declare const pako: any; + +@ccclass("UmUtil") +export class UmUtil { + /** + * !#zh 拷贝object。 + */ + public static clone(sObj: any) { + if (sObj === null || typeof sObj !== "object") { + return sObj; + } + + let s: any = {}; + if (sObj.constructor === Array) { + s = []; + } + + for (const i in sObj) { + if (sObj.hasOwnProperty(i)) { + s[i] = this.clone(sObj[i]); + } + } + + return s; + } + + /** + * 将object转化为数组。 + */ + public static objectToArray(srcObj: any) { + + const resultArr = []; + + // to array + for (let key in srcObj) { + if (!srcObj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { + continue; + } + + resultArr.push(srcObj[key]); + } + + return resultArr; + } + + /** + * !#zh 将数组转化为object。 + */ + public static arrayToObject(srcObj: any, objectKey: any) { + + const resultObj: any = {}; + + // to object + for (let key in srcObj) { + if (!srcObj.hasOwnProperty(key) || !srcObj[key][objectKey]) { + continue; + } + + resultObj[srcObj[key][objectKey]] = srcObj[key]; + } + + return resultObj; + } + + // 根据权重,计算随机内容 + public static getWeightRandIndex(weightArr: any, totalWeight: number) { + const randWeight = Math.floor(Math.random() * totalWeight); + let sum = 0; + let weightIndex = 0; + for (weightIndex; weightIndex < weightArr.length; weightIndex++) { + sum += weightArr[weightIndex]; + if (randWeight < sum) { + break; + } + } + + return weightIndex; + } + + /** + * 从n个数中获取m个随机数 + * @param {Number} n 总数 + * @param {Number} m 获取数 + * @returns {Array} array 获取数列 + */ + public static getRandomNFromM(n: number, m: number) { + const array: number[] = []; + let intRd = 0; + let count = 0; + + while (count < m) { + if (count >= n + 1) { + break; + } + + intRd = this.getRandomInt(0, n); + let flag = 0; + for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { + if (array[i] === intRd) { + flag = 1; + break; + } + } + + if (flag === 0) { + array[count] = intRd; + count++; + } + } + + return array; + } + + public static getRandomInt(min: number, max: number) { + const r = Math.random(); + const rr = r * (max - min + 1) + min; + return Math.floor(rr); + } + + public static getStringLength(render: string) { + const strArr = render; + let len = 0; + for (let i = 0, n = strArr.length; i < n; i++) { + const val = strArr.charCodeAt(i); + if (val <= 255) { + len = len + 1; + } + else { + len = len + 2; + } + } + + return Math.ceil(len / 2); + } + + /** + * 判断传入的参数是否为空的Object。数组或undefined会返回false + * @param obj + */ + public static isEmptyObject(obj: any) { + let result = true; + if (obj && obj.constructor === Object) { + for (const key in obj) { + if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { + result = false; + break; + } + } + } + else { + result = false; + } + + return result; + } + + public static formatNum(num: number) { + // 0 和负数均返回 NaN。特殊处理。 + if (num <= 0) { + return '0'; + } + + const k = 1000; + const sizes = ['', '', 'K', 'M', 'B']; + const i = Math.round(Math.log(num) / Math.log(k)); + return parseInt((num / (Math.pow(k, i - 1 < 0 ? 0 : i - 1))).toString(), 10) + sizes[i]; + } + + public static formatMoneyWithFraction(num: number, fraction?: number) { + return num.toFixed(fraction).replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","); + } + + /** + * 判断是否是新的一天 + * @param {Object|Number} dateValue 时间对象 todo MessageCenter 与 pve 相关的时间存储建议改为 Date 类型 + * @returns {boolean} + */ + public static isNewDay(dateValue: any) { + // todo:是否需要判断时区? + const oldDate = new Date(dateValue); + const curDate = new Date(); + + const oldYear = oldDate.getFullYear(); + const oldMonth = oldDate.getMonth(); + const oldDay = oldDate.getDate(); + const curYear = curDate.getFullYear(); + const curMonth = curDate.getMonth(); + const curDay = curDate.getDate(); + + if (curYear > oldYear) { + return true; + } + else { + if (curMonth > oldMonth) { + return true; + } + else { + if (curDay > oldDay) { + return true; + } + } + } + + return false; + } + + public static getPropertyCount(o: Object) { + let n, count = 0; + for (n in o) { + if (o.hasOwnProperty(n)) { + count++; + } + } + return count; + } + + /** + * 返回一个差异化数组(将array中diff里的值去掉) + * @param array + * @param diff + */ + public static difference(array: any, diff: any) { + const result: number[] = []; + if (array.constructor !== Array || diff.constructor !== Array) { + return result; + } + + const length = array.length; + for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { + if (diff.indexOf(array[i]) === -1) { + result.push(array[i]); + } + } + + return result; + } + + // 模拟传msg的uuid + public static simulationUUID() { + function s4() { + return Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000) + .toString(16) + .substring(1); + } + + return s4() + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + + s4() + '-' + s4() + s4() + s4(); + } + + public static trim(str: string) { + return str.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, ""); + } + + /** + * 判断当前时间是否在有效时间内 + * @param {String|Number} start 起始时间。带有时区信息 + * @param {String|Number} end 结束时间。带有时区信息 + */ + public static isNowValid(start: string | number, end: string | number) { + const startTime = new Date(start); + const endTime = new Date(end); + let result = false; + + if (startTime.getDate() + '' !== 'NaN' && endTime.getDate() + '' !== 'NaN') { + const curDate = new Date(); + result = curDate < endTime && curDate > startTime; + } + + return result; + } + + public static getDeltaDays(start: string | number, end: string | number) { + const startData = new Date(start); + const endData = new Date(end); + + const startYear = startData.getFullYear(); + const startMonth = startData.getMonth() + 1; + const startDate = startData.getDate(); + const endYear = endData.getFullYear(); + const endMonth = endData.getMonth() + 1; + const endDate = endData.getDate(); + + start = new Date(startYear + '/' + startMonth + '/' + startDate + ' GMT+0800').getTime(); + end = new Date(endYear + '/' + endMonth + '/' + endDate + ' GMT+0800').getTime(); + + const deltaTime = end - start; + return Math.floor(deltaTime / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); + } + + public static getMin(array: any) { + let result = 0; + if (array.constructor === Array) { + const length = array.length; + for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { + if (i === 0) { + result = Number(array[0]); + } + else { + result = result > Number(array[i]) ? Number(array[i]) : result; + } + } + } + + return result; + } + + public static formatTwoDigits(time: number) { + return (Array(2).join('0') + time).slice(-2); + } + + public static formatDate(date: Date, fmt: string) { + const o: { [name: string]: number } = { + "M+": date.getMonth() + 1, //月份 + "d+": date.getDate(), //日 + "h+": date.getHours(), //小时 + "m+": date.getMinutes(), //分 + "s+": date.getSeconds(), //秒 + "q+": Math.floor((date.getMonth() + 3) / 3), //季度 + "S": date.getMilliseconds() //毫秒 + }; + + if (/(y+)/.test(fmt)) fmt = fmt.replace(RegExp.$1, (date.getFullYear() + "").substr(4 - RegExp.$1.length)); + for (const k in o) + if (new RegExp("(" + k + ")").test(fmt)) fmt = fmt.replace(RegExp.$1, (RegExp.$1.length === 1) ? (`${o[k]}`) : ((`00${o[k]}`).substr(("" + o[k]).length))); + return fmt; + } + + /** + * + */ + public static getDay(time: number, splitChar: string = '-') { + const date = new Date(time); + return date.getDate() + splitChar + (date.getMonth() + 1) + splitChar + date.getFullYear(); + } + + + public static getTime(): number + { + return (new Date()).getTime(); + } + + /** + * 格式化钱数,超过10000 转换位 10K 10000K 转换为 10M + */ + public static formatMoney(money: number) { + const arrUnit = ['', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y', 'B', 'N', 'D']; + + let strValue = ''; + for (let idx = 0; idx < arrUnit.length; idx++) { + if (money >= 10000) { + money /= 1000; + } + else { + strValue = Math.floor(money) + arrUnit[idx]; + break; + } + } + + if (strValue === '') { + strValue = Math.floor(money) + 'U'; //超过最大值就加个U + } + + return strValue; + } + + /** + * 根据剩余秒数格式化剩余时间 返回 HH:MM:SS + * @param {Number} leftSec + */ + public static formatTimeForSecond(leftSec: number) { + let timeStr = ''; + const sec = leftSec % 60; + + let leftMin = Math.floor(leftSec / 60); + leftMin = leftMin < 0 ? 0 : leftMin; + + const hour = Math.floor(leftMin / 60); + const min = leftMin % 60; + + if (hour > 0) { + timeStr += hour > 9 ? hour.toString() : '0' + hour; + timeStr += ':'; + } + + timeStr += min > 9 ? min.toString() : '0' + min; + timeStr += ':'; + timeStr += sec > 9 ? sec.toString() : '0' + sec; + return timeStr; + } + + /** + * 根据剩余毫秒数格式化剩余时间 返回 HH:MM:SS + * + * @param {Number} ms + */ + public static formatTimeForMillisecond(ms: number) { + let second = Math.floor(ms / 1000 % 60); + let minute = Math.floor(ms / 1000 / 60 % 60); + let hour = Math.floor(ms / 1000 / 60 / 60); + let strSecond = second < 10 ? '0' + second : second; + let strMinute = minute < 10 ? '0' + minute : minute; + let strHour = hour < 10 ? '0' + hour : hour; + return `${strSecond}:${strMinute}:${strHour}`; + } + + /** + * TODO 需要将pako进行引入,目前已经去除了压缩算法的需要,如需要使用需引入库文件 + * 将字符串进行压缩 + * @param {String} str + */ + public static zip(str: string) { + const binaryString = pako.gzip(encodeURIComponent(str), { to: 'string' }); + // @ts-ignore + return this.base64encode(binaryString); + } + + public static rand(arr: any) { + let arrClone = this.clone(arr); + // 首先从最大的数开始遍历,之后递减 + for (let i = arrClone.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { + // 随机索引值randomIndex是从0-arrClone.length中随机抽取的 + const randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1)); + // 下面三句相当于把从数组中随机抽取到的值与当前遍历的值互换位置 + const itemIndex = arrClone[randomIndex]; + arrClone[randomIndex] = arrClone[i]; + arrClone[i] = itemIndex; + } + // 每一次的遍历都相当于把从数组中随机抽取(不重复)的一个元素放到数组的最后面(索引顺序为:len-1,len-2,len-3......0) + return arrClone; + } + + public static randRange(min: any, max: any) { + return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; + } + + public static getPostionNodeInOtherNode(spaceNode: any, targetNode: any) { + if (targetNode.parent == null) { + return null; + } + let pos = new Vec3(0, 0, 0); + const targetNodeComponent = targetNode.parent.getComponent(UITransform); + const spaceNodeComponent = spaceNode.getComponent(UITransform); + if (!targetNodeComponent) { + targetNode.parent.addComponent(UITransform); + } + if (!spaceNodeComponent) { + spaceNode.addComponent(UITransform); + } + pos = targetNodeComponent.convertToWorldSpaceAR(targetNode.getPosition()); + return spaceNodeComponent ? spaceNodeComponent.convertToNodeSpaceAR(pos) : pos; + } + + public static getPointInNodeFromWorldPoint(worldPoint: Vec3, node: Node) { + return node.getComponent(UITransform)?.convertToNodeSpaceAR(worldPoint); + } + + + public static validURL(str: string) { + var pattern = new RegExp('^(https?:\\/\\/)?' + // protocol + '((([a-z\\d]([a-z\\d-]*[a-z\\d])*)\\.)+[a-z]{2,}|' + // domain name + '((\\d{1,3}\\.){3}\\d{1,3}))' + // OR ip (v4) address + '(\\:\\d+)?(\\/[-a-z\\d%_.~+]*)*' + // port and path + '(\\?[;&a-z\\d%_.~+=-]*)?' + // query string + '(\\#[-a-z\\d_]*)?$', 'i'); // fragment locator + return !!pattern.test(str); + } + + public static deepEqual(object1: any, object2: any) { + const keys1 = Object.keys(object1); + const keys2 = Object.keys(object2); + if (keys1.length !== keys2.length) { + return false; + } + for (const key of keys1) { + const val1 = object1[key]; + const val2 = object2[key]; + const areObjects = this.isObject(val1) && this.isObject(val2); + if ( + areObjects && !this.deepEqual(val1, val2) || + !areObjects && val1 !== val2 + ) { + return false; + } + } + return true; + } + + public static isObject(object: any) { + return object != null && typeof object === 'object'; + } + + public static getKeyObject(obj: any, value: any) { + let result: string = ""; + for (let [key, val] of Object.entries(obj)) { + if (value === val) { + result = key; + break; + } + } + return result; + } + + public static getHighestSiblingIndexOfChild(parentNode: Node): number { + let highestSiblingIndex: number = 0; + parentNode.children.forEach((child: Node, index: number) => { + const siblingIndex = child.getSiblingIndex(); + if (highestSiblingIndex < siblingIndex) { + highestSiblingIndex = siblingIndex; + } + }); + return highestSiblingIndex; + } + + public static fadeTo(target: Node, duration: number, opacity: number, options?: ITweenOption, callback?: Function): Tween { + let uiOpacity = target.getComponent(UIOpacity)!; + if (uiOpacity === null) uiOpacity = target.addComponent(UIOpacity); + let spine: sp.Skeleton = target.getComponent(sp.Skeleton)!; + options = options || {}; + if (spine) { + if (options.onUpdate) { + let _onUpdate = options.onUpdate; + options.onUpdate = function () { + UmUtil.setAlphaSpine(spine, uiOpacity.opacity); + _onUpdate && _onUpdate(); + } + } + else { + options.onUpdate = function () { + UmUtil.setAlphaSpine(spine, uiOpacity.opacity); + } + } + } + + let tweenFade = tween(uiOpacity); +, { opacity }, options).start(); + (target as any).tweenFade = tweenFade; + return tweenFade; + } + + public static fadeIn(target: Node, duration: number, options?: ITweenOption): Tween { + return UmUtil.fadeTo(target, duration, 255, options); + } + + public static fadeOut(target: Node, duration: number, options?: ITweenOption): Tween { + return UmUtil.fadeTo(target, duration, 0, options); + } + + public static uuid() { + return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function (c) { + var r = Math.random() * 16 | 0, v = c == 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3 | 0x8); + return v.toString(16); + }); + }; + + + public static getWindowSize(): cc.Size { + return cc.screen.windowSize; + } + + public static getCanvasSize(): cc.Size { + const viewSize = cc.screen.windowSize; + const designSize = cc.view.getDesignResolutionSize(); + let windowWidth = viewSize.width; + let windowHeight = viewSize.height; + let windowRatio = windowWidth * 1.0 / windowHeight; + const designRatio = designSize.width * 1.0 / designSize.height; + + let height = designSize.height; + if (windowRatio <= designRatio) { + // let cHeight = Math.floor(designSize.width / windowRatio); + height = designSize.width / viewSize.width * viewSize.height; + } + cc.log("getCanvasSize ==> ", designSize.width, height); + return new cc.Size(designSize.width, height); + } + + public static multiplicationExact(numb1: number, numb2: number) { + let digit1 = Number(numb1.toString().split('.')[1]?.length); + if (Number.isNaN(digit1)) digit1 = 0; + + let digit2 = Number(numb2.toString().split('.')[1]?.length); + if (Number.isNaN(digit2)) digit2 = 0; + + let maxDigit = digit1 + digit2; + + for (let i = 0; i < 7; i++) { + let factor = Math.pow(10, i); + let result = ((numb1 / factor) * (numb2 / factor)) * factor * factor; + let digit_check = Number(result.toString().split('.')[1]?.length); + if (Number.isNaN(digit_check) || Number(digit_check) <= maxDigit) { + // cc.log(" multipl1 ===> digit = ", digit_check, " | pow = 10^", i); + return result; + } + } + + for (let i = 0; i < 7; i++) { + let factor = Math.pow(10, i); + let result = ((numb1 / factor) * (numb2 / factor)) * Math.pow(factor, 2); + let digit_check = Number(result.toString().split('.')[1]?.length); + if (Number.isNaN(digit_check) || Number(digit_check) <= maxDigit) { + // cc.log(" multipl2 ===> digit_check = ", digit_check, " | pow = 10^", i); + return result; + } + } + + // cc.log("RESULT ==> ", result); + return numb1 * numb2; + } + + public static setLabelSubStringByMaxWidth(label: cc.Label, maxWidth: number) { + label.updateRenderData(); + let transform = label.getComponent(UITransform)!; + + if (transform.width > maxWidth) { + while (transform.width > maxWidth) { + label.string = label.string.slice(0, -1); + label.updateRenderData(); + } + label.string += "..."; + } + } + + public static PlusExact(numb1: number, numb2: number) { + let digit1 = Number(numb1.toString().split('.')[1]?.length); + if (Number.isNaN(digit1)) digit1 = 0; + + let digit2 = Number(numb2.toString().split('.')[1]?.length); + if (Number.isNaN(digit2)) digit2 = 0; + + let maxDigit = Math.max(digit1, digit2); + + for (let i = 0; i < 7; i++) { + let factor = Math.pow(10, i); + let result = ((numb1 / factor) + (numb2 / factor)) * factor * factor; + let digit_check = Number(result.toString().split('.')[1]?.length); + if (Number.isNaN(digit_check) || Number(digit_check) <= maxDigit) { + // cc.log(" multipl1 ===> digit = ", digit_check, " | pow = 10^", i); + return result; + } + } + + for (let i = 0; i < 7; i++) { + let factor = Math.pow(10, i); + let result = ((numb1 / factor) + (numb2 / factor)) * Math.pow(factor, 2); + let digit_check = Number(result.toString().split('.')[1]?.length); + if (Number.isNaN(digit_check) || Number(digit_check) <= maxDigit) { + // cc.log(" multipl2 ===> digit_check = ", digit_check, " | pow = 10^", i); + return result; + } + } + + // cc.log("RESULT ==> ", result); + return numb1 + numb2; + } + + public static setAlphaSpine(spine: sp.Skeleton, alpha: number) { + let color: Color = Color.clone(spine.color); + color.a = alpha; + spine.color = color; + } + + public static moveTo(obj: Node, pointTo: Vec3, duration: number, delayTime?: number, callback?: Function, tag = UmUtil.TWEEN_TAG) { + if (!obj) return; + tween(obj).delay(delayTime).to(duration, { position: pointTo }).call(() => callback?.()).tag(tag).start(); + } + + public static worldMoveTo(obj: Node, worldPointTo: Vec3, duration: number, delayTime?: number, callback?: Function, tag = UmUtil.TWEEN_TAG) { + if (!obj) return; + tween(obj).delay(delayTime).to(duration, { worldPosition: worldPointTo }).call(() => callback?.()).tag(tag).start(); + } + + public static scaleTo(obj: Node, scaleTo: Vec3, duration: number, delayTime?: number, callback?: Function, tag = UmUtil.TWEEN_TAG) { + if (!obj) return; + tween(obj).delay(delayTime).to(duration, { scale: scaleTo }).call(() => callback?.()).tag(tag).start(); + } + + public static delay(obj: Node, delayTime: number, callback: Function, tag = UmUtil.TWEEN_TAG) { + tween(obj).delay(delayTime).call(() => { + if (obj?.active) { + callback?.(); + } + }).tag(tag).start(); + } + + public static rotateBy(obj: Node, angle: number, duration: number, delayTime?: number, callback?: Function, tag = UmUtil.TWEEN_TAG) { + if (!obj) return; + tween(obj).delay(delayTime).by(duration, { angle: angle }).call(() => callback?.()).tag(tag).start(); + } + + public static tweenValue(from, to, duration, updateCallback = null, completeCallback = null) + { + const _target = { value: from }; + var tweenValue = tween(_target) + .to(duration, { value: to }, { + 'onStart': () => { + + }, + 'onUpdate': () => { + updateCallback?.(_target.value); + }, + 'onComplete': () => { + completeCallback?.(); + } + }); + + tweenValue.start(); + return tweenValue; + } + + public static TWEEN_TAG = 2003; + + public static stopAllTweenTarget(obj: Node) + { + Tween.stopAllByTarget(obj); + } + + public static stopAllTweenTag(tag: number) { + Tween.stopAllByTag(tag); + } + + public static plusTwoVector3(a: Vec3, b: Vec3) + { + var result = new Vec3(); + Vec3.add(result, a, b); + return result; + } + + public static subtractTwoVector3(a: Vec3, b: Vec3) { + var result = new Vec3(); + Vec3.subtract(result, a, b); + return result; + } + + public static scaleVector3(a: Vec3, b: number) { + return new Vec3(a.x * b, a.y * b, a.z * b); + } + + // public static subtractTwoVector3(a: Vec3, b: Vec3) { + // var result = new Vec3(); + // Vec3.subtract(result, a, b); + // return result; + // } + +} + + diff --git a/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmUtil.ts.meta b/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmUtil.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..23a2ef7 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-common/cc-util/UmUtil.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "a1649dba-2b39-4bc6-bba8-ce0f44c03741", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game.meta b/assets/cc-game.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5a977a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game.meta @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "ver": "1.2.0", + "importer": "directory", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "dcb35788-4cf3-4fcf-ac26-1703585b43b1", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": { + "compressionType": {}, + "isRemoteBundle": {} + } +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/Test.meta b/assets/cc-game/Test.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..59e53a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/Test.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "1.2.0", + "importer": "directory", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "c2b242bc-18c8-4663-b7b3-6df51641ff05", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/Test/JoyStick.ts b/assets/cc-game/Test/JoyStick.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..161d76f --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/Test/JoyStick.ts @@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { NodeBase } from '../scripts/base/NodeBase'; +import { Vec3, EventTouch } from 'cc'; +import { UmUtil } from '../../cc-common/cc-util/UmUtil'; +import { GameGlobalData } from '../scripts/global/GameGlobalData'; +import { UmLog } from '../../cc-common/cc-util/UmLog'; +import { UmClientEvent } from '../../cc-common/cc-util/UmOneToMultiListener'; +import { GameDefine } from '../scripts/config/GameDefine'; +import { director } from 'cc'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('JoyStick') +export class JoyStick extends NodeBase { + @property(Node) background: Node = null!; + @property(Node) handle: Node = null!; + + radiusDistance: number; + public static IS_TOUCH_ENABLE: boolean = false; + public static DIRECTION: Vec3 = new Vec3(); + public static Instance: JoyStick = null; + + startBgPoint: Vec3 = Vec3.ZERO; + + protected onLoad(): void { + JoyStick.Instance = this; + } + + start() { + this.startBgPoint = new Vec3(this.background.position); + this.enableTouch(); + this.radiusDistance = (this.background.getNodeTransform().width) / 2;//differentPoint + } + + showJoystick() + { + this.background.setNodeActive(true); + } + + hideJoySitck() + { + this.background.setNodeActive(false); + } + + resetBgPosition() + { + this.background.position = new Vec3(this.startBgPoint); + } + + protected onTouchStart(event: EventTouch) { + if (!GameGlobalData.Instance.isStatePlay()) return; + JoyStick.IS_TOUCH_ENABLE = true; + var touchPoint = this.getTouchPointInParentNode(event.getUILocation()); + this.background.position = new Vec3(touchPoint); + + // { + // //OLD version + // // this.startPoint = new Vec3(this.node.position); + // // let newPoint = this.getTouchPointInParentNode(event.getUILocation()); + // // let direction = UmUtil.subtractTwoVector3(newPoint, this.originPoint); + // // this.setHandlePosition(newPoint, new Vec3(direction)); + // // UmClientEvent.dispatchEvent(GameDefine.EVENT_START_JOYSTICK); + // } + } + + protected onTouchMove(event: EventTouch) { + if (!GameGlobalData.Instance.isStatePlay() || !JoyStick.IS_TOUCH_ENABLE) return; + var movePoint = this.getTouchPointInParentNode(event.getUILocation()); + // this.handle.worldPosition = this.node?.parent.getNodeTransform().convertToWorldSpaceAR(movePoint); + + var currentBgPoint = new Vec3(this.background.worldPosition); + var newHandlePoint = this.node?.parent.getNodeTransform().convertToWorldSpaceAR(movePoint);//new Vec3(this.handle.worldPosition); + var direction: Vec3 = UmUtil.subtractTwoVector3(newHandlePoint, currentBgPoint).normalize(); + if (Vec3.distance(newHandlePoint, currentBgPoint) > this.radiusDistance) + { + var differentPoint = UmUtil.scaleVector3(direction, this.radiusDistance); + this.background.worldPosition = UmUtil.subtractTwoVector3(newHandlePoint, differentPoint); + } + + this.handle.worldPosition = newHandlePoint; + JoyStick.IS_TOUCH_ENABLE = true; + JoyStick.DIRECTION = direction; + GameGlobalData.Instance.lastHeroMoveDirection = direction; + + // { + // //OLD version + // // let newPoint = this.getTouchPointInParentNode(event.getUILocation()); + // // let direction = UmUtil.subtractTwoVector3(newPoint, this.originPoint); + // // direction.normalize(); + // // // direction = UmUtil.scaleVector3(direction, this.heroMoveSpeed); + // // JoyStick.IS_TOUCH_ENABLE = true; + // // JoyStick.DIRECTION = direction; + // // GameGlobalData.Instance.lastHeroMoveDirection = direction; + // // // UmLog.log(newPoint.toString()); + // // // this.currentPoint = new Vec3(newPoint); + // // this.setHandlePosition(newPoint, new Vec3(direction)); + // } + } + + protected onTouchEnd(event: EventTouch) { + JoyStick.IS_TOUCH_ENABLE = false; + JoyStick.DIRECTION = Vec3.ZERO; + this.handle.position = Vec3.ZERO; + this.resetBgPosition(); + UmClientEvent.dispatchEvent(GameDefine.EVENT_END_JOYSTICK); + } + + protected onTouchCancel(event: EventTouch) { + JoyStick.IS_TOUCH_ENABLE = false; + JoyStick.DIRECTION = Vec3.ZERO; + this.handle.position = Vec3.ZERO; + this.resetBgPosition(); + UmClientEvent.dispatchEvent(GameDefine.EVENT_END_JOYSTICK); + } + + getTouchPointInParentNode(touchPoint): Vec3 { + return this.node.parent?.getNodeTransform().convertToNodeSpaceAR(touchPoint.toVec3()); + } +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-game/Test/JoyStick.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/Test/JoyStick.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f5cd8b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/Test/JoyStick.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "0e282282-101a-4cf2-a672-3ac6fc718270", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/Test/PhysicTest.ts b/assets/cc-game/Test/PhysicTest.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e13410f --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/Test/PhysicTest.ts @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +import { _decorator, CCInteger, Collider2D, Component, Contact2DType, EventTouch, IPhysics2DContact, log, Node, PhysicsSystem2D, Sprite, Vec3 } from 'cc'; +import { RigidBody2D } from 'cc'; +import { NodeBase } from '../scripts/base/NodeBase'; +import { EPhysics2DDrawFlags } from 'cc'; +import { director } from 'cc'; +import { UmUtil } from '../../cc-common/cc-util/UmUtil'; +import { Vec2 } from 'cc'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('PhysicTest') +export class PhysicTest extends NodeBase { + @property(Sprite) + sprite: Sprite = null!; + + @property(CCInteger) + deltaX: number = 0; + + rigiBody: RigidBody2D; + + start() { + this.rigiBody = this.node.getComponent(RigidBody2D); + // Registering callback functions for a single collider + let collider = this.getComponent(Collider2D); + PhysicsSystem2D.instance.debugDrawFlags = EPhysics2DDrawFlags.Shape; + + if (collider) { + collider.on(Contact2DType.BEGIN_CONTACT, this.onBeginContact, this); + collider.on(Contact2DType.END_CONTACT, this.onEndContact, this); + // collider.on(Contact2DType.PRE_SOLVE, this.onPreSolve, this); + // collider.on(Contact2DType.POST_SOLVE, this.onPostSolve, this); + } + + this.enableTouch(); + + UmUtil.delay(this.node, 2, () => { + this.rigiBody.applyLinearImpulseToCenter(new Vec2(0, 75), false); + }); + + // Registering global contact callback functions + // if (PhysicsSystem2D.instance) { + // PhysicsSystem2D.instance.on(Contact2DType.BEGIN_CONTACT, this.onBeginContact, this); + // PhysicsSystem2D.instance.on(Contact2DType.END_CONTACT, this.onEndContact, this); + // PhysicsSystem2D.instance.on(Contact2DType.PRE_SOLVE, this.onPreSolve, this); + // PhysicsSystem2D.instance.on(Contact2DType.POST_SOLVE, this.onPostSolve, this); + // } + } + onBeginContact(selfCollider: Collider2D, otherCollider: Collider2D, contact: IPhysics2DContact | null) { + // will be called once when two colliders begin to contact + console.log('onBeginContact'); + // director.loadScene("Test"); + // selfCollider.node.destroy(); + } + onEndContact(selfCollider: Collider2D, otherCollider: Collider2D, contact: IPhysics2DContact | null) { + // will be called once when the contact between two colliders just about to end. + console.log('onEndContact'); + } + onPreSolve(selfCollider: Collider2D, otherCollider: Collider2D, contact: IPhysics2DContact | null) { + // will be called every time collider contact should be resolved + console.log('onPreSolve'); + } + onPostSolve(selfCollider: Collider2D, otherCollider: Collider2D, contact: IPhysics2DContact | null) { + // will be called every time collider contact should be resolved + console.log('onPostSolve'); + } + + update(deltaTime: number) { + // log('test'); + if (!this.isTouchEnable) return; + // this.node.position = UmUtil.plusTwoVector3(this.node.position, this.directionVec3); + // this.rigiBody.applyForceToCenter(new Vec2(10, 40), true); + + } + + directionVec3: Vec3 = Vec3.ZERO; + isTouchEnable = true; + + + currentPoint: Vec3 = Vec3.ZERO; + protected onTouchStart(event: EventTouch) { + this.currentPoint = new Vec3(this.node.position); + // let point = this.getTouchPointInParentNode(event.getUILocation()); + } + + + protected onTouchEnd(event: EventTouch) { } + + protected onTouchCancel(event: EventTouch) { } + protected onTouchMove(event: EventTouch) { + let newPoint = this.getTouchPointInParentNode(event.getUILocation()); + this.node.position = newPoint; + // let direction = UmUtil.subtractTwoVector3(newPoint, this.currentPoint); + // direction.normalize(); + // direction = UmUtil.scaleVector3(direction, 30); + // this.node.position = UmUtil.plusTwoVector3(this.currentPoint, direction); + // this.currentPoint = this.node.position; + // // this.rigiBody. + // // UmLog.log(`onTouchMove: ${event.getLocation()}`); + // // this.node.worldPosition = event.getLocation().toVec3(); + } + + getTouchPointInParentNode(touchPoint): Vec3 { + return this.node.parent?.getNodeTransform().convertToNodeSpaceAR(touchPoint.toVec3()); + } +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-game/Test/PhysicTest.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/Test/PhysicTest.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7364e5f --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/Test/PhysicTest.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "34887606-9d45-43d5-846b-643ada88d926", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/Test/Test.scene b/assets/cc-game/Test/Test.scene new file mode 100644 index 0000000..126f9e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/Test/Test.scene @@ -0,0 +1,1307 @@ +[ + { + "__type__": "cc.SceneAsset", + "_name": "Test", + "_objFlags": 0, + "__editorExtras__": {}, + "_native": "", + "scene": { + "__id__": 1 + } + }, + { + "__type__": "cc.Scene", + "_name": "Test", + "_objFlags": 0, + "__editorExtras__": {}, + "_parent": null, + "_children": [ + { + "__id__": 2 + } + ], + "_active": true, + "_components": [], + "_prefab": null, + "_lpos": { + "__type__": "cc.Vec3", + "x": 0, + "y": 0, + "z": 0 + }, + "_lrot": { + "__type__": "cc.Quat", + "x": 0, + "y": 0, + "z": 0, + "w": 1 + }, + "_lscale": { + "__type__": "cc.Vec3", + "x": 1, + "y": 1, + "z": 1 + }, + "_mobility": 0, + "_layer": 1073741824, + "_euler": { + "__type__": "cc.Vec3", + "x": 0, + "y": 0, + "z": 0 + }, + "autoReleaseAssets": false, + "_globals": { + "__id__": 34 + }, + "_id": "641dfdac-ab3c-4690-8fd1-b6de7d248493" + }, + { + "__type__": "cc.Node", + "_name": "Canvas", + "_objFlags": 0, + "__editorExtras__": {}, + "_parent": { + "__id__": 1 + }, + "_children": [ + { + "__id__": 3 + }, + { + "__id__": 5 + }, + { + "__id__": 11 + }, + { + "__id__": 21 + }, + { + "__id__": 26 + } + ], + "_active": true, + "_components": [ + { + "__id__": 31 + }, + { + "__id__": 32 + }, + { + "__id__": 33 + } + ], + "_prefab": null, + "_lpos": { + "__type__": "cc.Vec3", + "x": 414, + "y": 896, + "z": 0 + }, + "_lrot": { + "__type__": "cc.Quat", + "x": 0, + "y": 0, + "z": 0, + "w": 1 + }, + "_lscale": { + "__type__": "cc.Vec3", + "x": 1, + "y": 1, + "z": 1 + }, + "_mobility": 0, + "_layer": 33554432, + "_euler": { + "__type__": "cc.Vec3", + "x": 0, + "y": 0, + "z": 0 + }, + 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null, + "_lightProbeSphereVolume": 1 + }, + { + "__type__": "cc.PostSettingsInfo", + "_toneMappingType": 0 + } +] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scene/mainscene.scene.meta b/assets/cc-game/scene/mainscene.scene.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9d2fc19 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scene/mainscene.scene.meta @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "ver": "1.1.50", + "importer": "scene", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "1271e3a3-5013-4a5b-98f3-2ac3b007353c", + "files": [ + ".json" + ], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c30c836 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "ver": "1.2.0", + "importer": "directory", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "85d720e0-e9bc-4676-9e6f-cdae1e0cf786", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": { + "compressionType": {}, + "isRemoteBundle": {} + } +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/base.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/base.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a46461d --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/base.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "1.2.0", + "importer": "directory", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "5a70a4e9-565c-4ec5-8174-d99ba37ad76e", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/base/ColliderObject.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/base/ColliderObject.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ee9b65e --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/base/ColliderObject.ts @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ +import { PhysicsSystem2D, Contact2DType, Collider2D } from 'cc'; +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { UmLog } from '../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmLog'; +import { EPhysics2DDrawFlags } from 'cc'; +import { Sprite } from 'cc'; +import { Color } from 'cc'; +import { RigidBody2D } from 'cc'; +import { IPhysics2DContact } from 'cc'; +import { UmClientEvent } from '../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmOneToMultiListener'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('ColliderObject') +export class ColliderObject extends Component { + @property(Collider2D) colliderComponent: Collider2D = null!; + + touchingCountMap: Map = new Map; + private debugDrawFlags: number = 0; + isDebugDrawEnable = false; + // collider: Collider2D = null; + + public onBeginContactCallback: ((a: Collider2D, b: Collider2D) => void) | undefined; + public onEndContactCallback: ((a: Collider2D, b: Collider2D) => void) | undefined; + + onLoad() { + // this.debugDrawFlags = PhysicsSystem2D.instance.debugDrawFlags; + UmClientEvent.on("off_contact", this.offContact.bind(this)); + + } + + protected onDestroy(): void { +"off_contact", this.offContact.bind(this)); + } + + get collider(): Collider2D + { + if (!this.colliderComponent) + this.colliderComponent = this.node?.getComponent(Collider2D); + + return this.colliderComponent; + } + + public registerBeginContact(callback: any = null, isDebugDrawEnable: boolean = false) { + this.isDebugDrawEnable = isDebugDrawEnable; + this.collider?.on(Contact2DType.BEGIN_CONTACT, this.onBeginContact, this); + this.onBeginContactCallback = callback; + + // this.rigiBody2D.enabled = true; + } + + public registerEndContact(callback: any = null, isDebugDrawEnable: boolean = false) { + // this.isDebugDrawEnable = isDebugDrawEnable; + this.collider?.on(Contact2DType.END_CONTACT, this.onEndContact, this); + this.onEndContactCallback = callback; + } + + public offContact() { + // UmLog.log("offContact"); + // this.onBeginContactCallback = null; + // this.onEndContactCallback = null; + if (this.collider) + { + this.collider?.off(Contact2DType.BEGIN_CONTACT, this.onBeginContact, this); + this.collider?.off(Contact2DType.END_CONTACT, this.onEndContact, this); + // this.collider.enabled = false; + // this.rigiBody2D.enabled = false; + } + + } + + onEnable() { + // if (this.isDebugDrawEnable) + // PhysicsSystem2D.instance.debugDrawFlags = this.debugDrawFlags | EPhysics2DDrawFlags.Shape; + } + onDisable() { + // if (this.isDebugDrawEnable) + // PhysicsSystem2D.instance.debugDrawFlags = this.debugDrawFlags; + } + + addContact(c: Collider2D) { + let count = this.touchingCountMap.get(c.node) || 0; + this.touchingCountMap.set(c.node, ++count); + + let sprite = c.getComponent(Sprite); + if (sprite) { + sprite.color = Color.RED; + } + } + + removeContact(c: Collider2D) { + let count = this.touchingCountMap.get(c.node) || 0; + --count; + if (count <= 0) { + this.touchingCountMap.delete(c.node); + + let sprite = c.getComponent(Sprite); + if (sprite) { + sprite.color = Color.WHITE; + } + } + else { + this.touchingCountMap.set(c.node, count); + } + } + + onBeginContact(a: Collider2D, b: Collider2D) { + // UmLog.log("" +; + this.onBeginContactCallback?.(a, b); + if (this.isDebugDrawEnable) { + // this.addContact(a); + // this.addContact(b); + } + + } + + onEndContact(a: Collider2D, b: Collider2D) { + this.onEndContactCallback?.(a, b); + if (this.isDebugDrawEnable) { + // this.removeContact(a); + // this.removeContact(b); + } + } + + +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/base/ColliderObject.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/base/ColliderObject.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b0d3e30 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/base/ColliderObject.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "a6e01df5-461d-4c34-9c72-55d42c1fb15c", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/base/DragonBonesCollider.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/base/DragonBonesCollider.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..53b8480 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/base/DragonBonesCollider.ts @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +import { _decorator, Component, Node, PhysicsSystem2D, Contact2DType, Collider2D, Color, Sprite, ParticleSystem2D, EPhysics2DDrawFlags } from 'cc'; +import { UmLog } from '../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmLog'; +const { ccclass } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('DragonBonesCollider') +export class DragonBonesCollider extends Component { + + touchingCountMap: Map = new Map; + + private debugDrawFlags:number = 0; + start () { + // Your initialization goes here. + PhysicsSystem2D.instance.on(Contact2DType.BEGIN_CONTACT, this.onBeginContact, this); + PhysicsSystem2D.instance.on(Contact2DType.END_CONTACT, this.onEndContact, this); + this.debugDrawFlags = PhysicsSystem2D.instance.debugDrawFlags; + } + + onEnable () { + PhysicsSystem2D.instance.debugDrawFlags = this.debugDrawFlags | EPhysics2DDrawFlags.Shape; + } + onDisable () { + PhysicsSystem2D.instance.debugDrawFlags = this.debugDrawFlags; + } + + addContact (c: Collider2D) { + let count = this.touchingCountMap.get(c.node) || 0; + this.touchingCountMap.set(c.node, ++count); + + let sprite = c.getComponent(Sprite); + if (sprite) { + sprite.color = Color.RED; + } + } + + removeContact (c: Collider2D) { + let count = this.touchingCountMap.get(c.node) || 0; + --count; + if (count <= 0) { + this.touchingCountMap.delete(c.node); + + let sprite = c.getComponent(Sprite); + if (sprite) { + sprite.color = Color.WHITE; + } + } + else { + this.touchingCountMap.set(c.node, count); + } + } + + onBeginContact(a: Collider2D, b: Collider2D) { + // UmLog.log(" = "); + + this.addContact(a); + this.addContact(b); + } + + onEndContact (a: Collider2D, b: Collider2D) { + this.removeContact(a); + this.removeContact(b); + } +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/base/DragonBonesCollider.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/base/DragonBonesCollider.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e1ac5ec --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/base/DragonBonesCollider.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "3d94e0a2-01ba-4eca-96bd-c7c5d75ad3ba", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/base/NodeBase.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/base/NodeBase.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8a2dc49 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/base/NodeBase.ts @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +import { Input } from 'cc'; +import { EventTouch } from 'cc'; +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { UmUtil } from '../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmUtil'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('NodeBase') +export class NodeBase extends Component { + _isEnableTouch = false; + + public enableTouch() { + if (this._isEnableTouch) return; + this._isEnableTouch = true; + this.node.on(Input.EventType.TOUCH_START, this.onTouchStart, this); + this.node.on(Input.EventType.TOUCH_MOVE, this.onTouchMove, this); + this.node.on(Input.EventType.TOUCH_END, this.onTouchEnd, this); + this.node.on(Input.EventType.TOUCH_CANCEL, this.onTouchCancel, this, true); + } + + public disableTouch() { + if (!this._isEnableTouch) return; + this._isEnableTouch = false; + +, this.onTouchStart, this); +, this.onTouchMove, this); +, this.onTouchEnd, this); +, this.onTouchCancel, this, true); + } + + protected onTouchStart(event: EventTouch) { } + protected onTouchMove(event: EventTouch) { } + protected onTouchEnd(event: EventTouch) { } + protected onTouchCancel(event: EventTouch) { } + + public delayTime(time, callback) { + UmUtil.delay(this.node, time, callback); + } +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/base/NodeBase.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/base/NodeBase.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3f0f9ac --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/base/NodeBase.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "f2e23596-607b-4012-a8c2-5b9c55d19f23", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/config.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/config.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cc3495c --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/config.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "1.2.0", + "importer": "directory", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "317faeb1-4dbf-4d7c-a34a-f7644f92c2f1", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/config/GameDefine.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/config/GameDefine.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..76ce5cd --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/config/GameDefine.ts @@ -0,0 +1,199 @@ +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { UmLog } from '../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmLog'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +export enum EGAME_STATE { + INIT = 0, + PLAY, + WAIT, + FINISH +} + +export enum EPHYSIC_GROUP { + DEFAULT = 1 << 0, + ENEMY = 1 << 1, + HERO = 1 << 2, + BULLET_HERO = 1 << 3, + BULLET_ENEMY = 1 << 4, + SENSOR = 1 << 5, + OBSTACLE = 1 << 6, + ACTIVE_SKILL = 1 << 7, +} + +export enum EBULLET_TYPE { + NORMAL = 0, + BOUNNCE, + THROUGH +} + +export enum EBULLET_DAMAGE_TYPE { + HP = 0, + SLOW, +} + +export enum ESKILL_SPECIAL_TYPE { + SKILL_1 = 1, + SKILL_2, + SKILL_3 +} + +export enum EACTIVE_SKILL_TYPE { + SKILL_1 = 0, + SKILL_2 = 1, + SKILL_3 = 2 +} + +export enum EMOVE_MODE { + FREE = 0,//Move Random + TARGET = 1, + RANGE = 2, //keep range + HORIZONTAL = 3, + VERTICAL = 4, + STATIC = 5 +} + +export enum ENEMY_TYPE { + MELEE = 0, + RANGE = 1, + SLOW = 2, + SPAWN = 3, + SPLIT = 4, + IMPORTAL = 5, + HEAL = 6 +} + +export enum EATTACK_TYPE { + MELEE = 0, + TARGET = 1,//shoot and move to hero + AOE = 2, + SPAWN = 3, + MIXED = 4, + RANGE = 5//shoot and keep distance from the hero + +} + +@ccclass('GameDefine') +export class GameDefine { + public static BUILD_VER = "Ver: 07-05-24|01"; // second ~ pixcel + + public static readonly TWEEN_TAG = 2024; + public static EVENT_BUY_IAP = "EVENT_BUY_IAP"; + public static EVENT_SET_LIST_PRODUCTS_IAP = "EVENT_SET_LIST_PRODUCTS_IAP"; + public static EVENT_START_GAME = "EVENT_START_GAME"; + public static EVENT_START_USE_SPECIAL_SKILL = "EVENT_START_USE_SPECIAL_SKILL"; + public static EVENT_END_USE_SPECIAL_SKILL = "EVENT_END_USE_SPECIAL_SKILL"; + public static EVENT_MANA_READY = "EVENT_MANA_READY"; + public static EVENT_START_USE_ACTIVE_SKILL = "EVENT_START_USE_ACTIVE_SKILL"; + public static EVENT_END_USE_ACTIVE_SKILL = "EVENT_END_USE_ACTIVE_SKILL"; + public static EVENT_INIT_MAP = "EVENT_INIT_MAP"; + public static EVENT_CHECK_WIN = "EVENT_CHECK_WIN"; + public static EVENT_START_JOYSTICK = "EVENT_START_JOYSTICK"; + public static EVENT_END_JOYSTICK = "EVENT_END_JOYSTICK"; + public static EVENT_COLLECT_PASSIVE_SKILL = "EVENT_COLLECT_PASSIVE_SKILL"; + + public static ENEMY_CREEP = "CREEP"; + public static ENEMY_BOSS = "BOSS"; + public static HERO = "HERO"; + + //UNIT + public static SPEED_TIME_UNIT = 1 / 25.0; // second ~ pixcel + public static SPEED_UNIT = 5; //pixcel + public static SQUARE_UNIT = 100; //1 square distance ~pixcel + public static DISTANCE_UNIT = GameDefine.SQUARE_UNIT;// 1 distance ~ pixcel + public static MANA_UNIT = 3;// mana ~ second + public static HPHEAL_UNIT = 1;// hp ~ second + public static readonly TIME_DELAY_DESTROY = 0.0001; + + public static readonly MAX_PASSIVE_SKILL_LEVEL = 5; + + public static getPhysicGroupName(group): string + { + // return group.toString(); + var listPhysicGroupStrings = { + "1": "DEFAULT", "2": "ENEMY", "4": "HERO", "8": "BULLET_HERO", "16": "BULLET_ENEMY", + "32": "SENSOR", "64": "OBSTACLE", "128": "ACTIVE_SKILL" + } + return listPhysicGroupStrings[Number(group)]; + } + + public static SKILL_SPECIAL_DATA_INFO = { + "1": { skillId: 1, skillName: "Skill 1", skillTime: 8 }, + "2": { skillId: 2, skillName: "Skill 2", skillTime: 12 }, + "3": { skillId: 3, skillName: "Skill 3", skillTime: 10 }, + "4": { skillId: 4, skillName: "Skill 4", skillTime: 10 } + } + + public static ACTIVE_SKILL_KEY = ["AS1", "AS2", "AS3"]; + + public static getEnemyType(group: string) + { + switch (group) + { + case "Melee": + return ENEMY_TYPE.MELEE; + + case "Range": + return ENEMY_TYPE.RANGE; + + case "Slow": + return ENEMY_TYPE.SLOW; + + case "Spawn": + return ENEMY_TYPE.SPAWN; + + case "Splits": + return ENEMY_TYPE.SPLIT; + + case "Immortal": + return ENEMY_TYPE.IMPORTAL; + + case "Heal": + return ENEMY_TYPE.HEAL; + + default: + return null; + } + } + + public static getAttackType(enemeType: number) + { + switch (enemeType) { + case ENEMY_TYPE.MELEE: + return EATTACK_TYPE.MELEE; + + case ENEMY_TYPE.SPLIT: + return EATTACK_TYPE.MELEE; + + case ENEMY_TYPE.RANGE: + return EATTACK_TYPE.RANGE; + + case ENEMY_TYPE.SLOW: + return EATTACK_TYPE.TARGET; + + case ENEMY_TYPE.HEAL: + return EATTACK_TYPE.TARGET; + + case ENEMY_TYPE.IMPORTAL: + return EATTACK_TYPE.MIXED; + + case ENEMY_TYPE.SPAWN: + return EATTACK_TYPE.SPAWN; + + default: + return null; + } + } + + public static PASSIVE_SKILL = { + PS1: "PS1", + PS2: "PS2", + PS3: "PS3", + PS4: "PS4", + PS5: "PS5", + PS6: "PS6", + PS7: "PS7", + PS8: "PS8", + PS9: "PS9", + } +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/config/GameDefine.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/config/GameDefine.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c1a6a07 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/config/GameDefine.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "b15d476b-db80-4290-940c-643c65139419", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/debug-config.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/debug-config.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e63fc7b --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/debug-config.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "1.2.0", + "importer": "directory", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "ad320b5a-9984-4350-acdc-440782810e4b", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/debug-config/DebugFPS.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/debug-config/DebugFPS.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..72f2915 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/debug-config/DebugFPS.ts @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +import { Label } from 'cc'; +import { Button } from 'cc'; +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { UmStorageManager } from '../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmStorageManager'; +import { profiler } from 'cc'; +import { PhysicsSystem2D } from 'cc'; +import { EPhysics2DDrawFlags } from 'cc'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('DebugFPS') +export class DebugFPS extends Component { + @property(Button) spfBtn: Button = null!; + @property(Button) physicBtn: Button = null!; + @property(Label) title: Label = null!; + + protected onLoad(): void { + this.spfBtn?.node.on(Button.EventType.CLICK, this.setFPS, this); + this.physicBtn?.node.on(Button.EventType.CLICK, this.setPhysicDebug, this); + this.setDebugFPSActive(this.getStatus()); + // PhysicsSystem2D.instance.debugDrawFlags = true ? EPhysics2DDrawFlags.Shape : EPhysics2DDrawFlags.None; + + } + + private setFPS() + { + var isOn = this.getStatus(); + this.setStatus(!isOn); + this.setDebugFPSActive(!isOn); + } + + isPhysicDebug = false; + private setPhysicDebug() { + this.isPhysicDebug = !this.isPhysicDebug; + this.scheduleOnce(() => { + PhysicsSystem2D.instance.debugDrawFlags = this.isPhysicDebug ? EPhysics2DDrawFlags.Shape : EPhysics2DDrawFlags.None; + }, 0); + } + + getStatus() + { + return UmStorageManager.instance.getBooleanByKey("show_fps", false); + } + + setStatus(isOn: boolean) + { + UmStorageManager.instance.setBooleanByKey("show_fps", isOn); + } + + + setDebugFPSActive(isActive: boolean) { + isActive ? profiler.showStats() : profiler.hideStats(); + this.title.string = isActive ? "ON" : "OFF"; + } +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/debug-config/DebugFPS.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/debug-config/DebugFPS.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..68814e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/debug-config/DebugFPS.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "36e9460e-0240-444e-8e0f-5b4a3b41372b", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/debug-config/ItemDataConfig.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/debug-config/ItemDataConfig.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9441a41 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/debug-config/ItemDataConfig.ts @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +import { CCInteger } from 'cc'; +import { Label } from 'cc'; +import { Slider } from 'cc'; +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { UmLog } from '../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmLog'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('ItemDataConfig') +export class ItemDataConfig extends Component { + @property(Slider) slider: Slider = null!; + @property(Label) valueTxt: Label = null!; + @property(CCInteger) maxValue = 100; + @property(CCInteger) minValue = 1; + @property(CCInteger) roundDigits = 0; + + protected onEnable(): void { + this.slider.node.on('slide', this.onSlide, this); + } + + protected onDisable(): void { +'slide', this.onSlide, this); + } + + onSlide(slider: Slider) { + this.updateDisplay(); + } + + setData(value) + { + var progress = (value - this.minValue) / (this.maxValue - this.minValue); + UmLog.log("Slider => ", progress); + progress = Math.min(1, progress); + this.slider.progress = progress; + this.updateDisplay(); + } + + updateDisplay() + { + var value = this.minValue + this.slider.progress * (this.maxValue - this.minValue); + value = Math.min(this.maxValue, value); + this.valueTxt.string = value.roundDigits(this.roundDigits).toString(); + } + + getData(): number + { + return Number(this.valueTxt.string); + } + + +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/debug-config/ItemDataConfig.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/debug-config/ItemDataConfig.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8176888 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/debug-config/ItemDataConfig.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "82016b35-7212-49e2-9f61-4e85c83fd77f", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/debug-config/LayoutDataConfig.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/debug-config/LayoutDataConfig.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..15c0e88 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/debug-config/LayoutDataConfig.ts @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { ItemDataConfig } from './ItemDataConfig'; +import { GameGlobalData } from '../global/GameGlobalData'; +import { Button } from 'cc'; +import { EGAME_STATE } from '../config/GameDefine'; +import { director } from 'cc'; +import { UmStorageManager } from '../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmStorageManager'; +import { Label } from 'cc'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('LayoutDataConfig') +export class LayoutDataConfig extends Component { + @property(Button) btnOk: Button = null!; + @property(Button) btnCancel: Button = null!; + @property(Button) btnClearDataSaver: Button = null!; + @property(Label) txtNotice: Label = null!; + + @property(ItemDataConfig) listItems: ItemDataConfig[] = []; + + beforeState = EGAME_STATE.WAIT; + + protected onLoad(): void { + this.btnCancel.node.on(Button.EventType.CLICK, this.onCancel, this); + this.btnOk.node.on(Button.EventType.CLICK, this.onOk, this); + this.btnClearDataSaver.node.on(Button.EventType.CLICK, this.onClearDataSaver, this); + } + + onEnable() + { + this.beforeState = GameGlobalData.Instance.gameState; + GameGlobalData.Instance.changeState(EGAME_STATE.WAIT); + this.txtNotice.string = ""; + + // var currentHeroData = GameGlobalData.Instance.heroData.getHeroData(); + + // this.listItems[0].setData(currentHeroData.shooting.AtkRange); + // this.listItems[1].setData(currentHeroData.shooting.AtkCoolDown); + // this.listItems[2].setData(currentHeroData.shooting.AtkSpeed); + // this.listItems[3].setData(currentHeroData.shooting.Damage); + // this.listItems[4].setData(currentHeroData.hp); + // this.listItems[5].setData(currentHeroData.manaRecoveryTime); + } + + protected onDisable(): void { + GameGlobalData.Instance.changeState(this.beforeState); + } + + onCancel() + { + this.node.setNodeActive(false); + } + + onOk() + { + // var heroData = GameGlobalData.Instance.heroData.getHeroData(); + // heroData.shooting.AtkRange = this.listItems[0].getData(); + + // heroData.shooting.AtkRange = this.listItems[0].getData(); + // heroData.shooting.AtkCoolDown = this.listItems[1].getData(); + // heroData.shooting.AtkSpeed = this.listItems[2].getData(); + // heroData.shooting.Damage = this.listItems[3].getData(); + // heroData.hp = this.listItems[4].getData(); + // heroData.manaRecoveryTime = this.listItems[5].getData(); + + // GameGlobalData.Instance.heroData.setHeroDara(heroData); + + + this.node.setNodeActive(false); + + GameGlobalData.Instance.newGame(); + } + + onClearDataSaver() + { + UmStorageManager.instance.removeAllKey(); + this.txtNotice.string = "Motice: " + "Clear Data Saver => Done"; + } + + +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/debug-config/LayoutDataConfig.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/debug-config/LayoutDataConfig.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bba0a24 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/debug-config/LayoutDataConfig.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "de7efd4e-9980-468a-a587-69cf5316fb26", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_data.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_data.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5ec2e3b --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_data.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "1.2.0", + "importer": "directory", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "714955b3-cfee-47e9-9053-ae4036c0ee6e", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_data/EnemyData.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_data/EnemyData.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9869130 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_data/EnemyData.ts @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { EnemyDataInfo } from '../global/GameInterface'; +import { UmLog } from '../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmLog'; +import { UmStorageManager } from '../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmStorageManager'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('EnemyData') +export class EnemyData extends Component { + dataInfo: EnemyDataInfo = null; + + public loadData() { + this.getData(); + } + + public getData(): EnemyDataInfo { + if (!this.dataInfo) { + var data = this.getDataFromStorage(); + if (data?.length) { + this.dataInfo = JSON.parse(data); + return this.dataInfo; + } + else { + return this.defaultData(); + } + } + + return this.dataInfo; + } + + public setDara(dataInfo) { + this.dataInfo = dataInfo; + this.saveDataToStroge(); + } + + defaultData(): EnemyDataInfo { + return { hp: 120, weapon: 1, shooting: { AtkRange: 200, AtkCoolDown: 1000, AtkSpeed: 4, Damage: 8, AoERange: 1 } }; + } + + private getDataFromStorage(): string { + var result = UmStorageManager.instance.getStringByKey("enemy_data_info", ""); + // UmLog.log("getDataFromStorage => ", result); + return result; + } + + private saveDataToStroge() { + UmStorageManager.instance.setStringByKey("enemy_data_info", JSON.stringify(this.getData())); + } +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_data/EnemyData.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_data/EnemyData.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..87b9fd2 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_data/EnemyData.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "dee5cc1e-f60b-456f-a5ed-0e45f8f8168c", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_data/GameDataConfig.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_data/GameDataConfig.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8b33eda --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_data/GameDataConfig.ts @@ -0,0 +1,232 @@ +import { JsonAsset } from 'cc'; +import { TextAsset } from 'cc'; +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { UmLog } from '../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmLog'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + + +@ccclass('GameDataConfig') +export class GameDataConfig extends Component { + @property(JsonAsset) heroAsset: JsonAsset = null!; + @property(JsonAsset) enemyAsset: JsonAsset = null!; + @property(JsonAsset) bossAsset: JsonAsset = null!; + @property(JsonAsset) activeSkillAsset: JsonAsset = null!; + @property(JsonAsset) levelDesignAsset: JsonAsset = null!; + @property(JsonAsset) skillUnlockAsset: JsonAsset = null!; + @property(JsonAsset) passiveSkillAsset: JsonAsset = null!; + + activeSkillDataConfigMap = {}; + enemyDataConfigMap = {}; + bossDataConfigMap = {}; + passiveSkillDataConfigMap = {}; + + protected onLoad(): void { + this.convertActiveSkillDataConfig(); + this.convertEnemyDataConfig(); + this.convertBossDataConfig(); + this.convertPassiveSkillDataConfig(); + } + + convertActiveSkillDataConfig() + { + for (var i = 0; i < this.activeSkillAsset.json.length; i++) { + var data = this.activeSkillAsset.json[i]; + var converData = { + No: data["no"], + Skill_ID: data["skillid"], + Skill_Name: data["skillname"], + LevelSkill: data["levelskill"], + Visual_Name: data["visualname"], + DMG: data["dmg"], + Mana: data["mana"], + Range: data["range"], + }; + + this.activeSkillDataConfigMap[converData.Skill_ID] = converData; + } + } + + convertEnemyDataConfig() { + for (var i = 0; i < this.enemyAsset.json.length; i++) { + var data = this.enemyAsset.json[i]; + var converData = { + No: data["no"], + Name_Id: data["nameid"], + Group: data["group"], + Visual_Name: data["visualname"], + Atk: data["atk"], + Hp: data["hp"], + Exp: data["exp"], + AtkSpeed: data["atkspeed"], + AtkCoolDown: data["atkcooldown"], + MoveSpeed: data["movespeed"], + AtkRange: data["atkrange"], + VisualRange: data["visualrange"], + AoEDmg: data["aoedmg"], + AoERange: data["aoerange"], + }; + + this.enemyDataConfigMap[converData.Name_Id] = converData; + } + // this.enemyAsset.destroy(); + } + + convertBossDataConfig() { + for (var i = 0; i < this.bossAsset.json.length; i++) { + var data = this.bossAsset.json[i]; + var converData = { + No: data["no"], + Name_Id: data["nameid"], + Group: data["group"], + Visual_Name: data["visualname"], + Atk: data["atk"], + Hp: data["hp"], + AtkSpeed: data["atkspeed"], + Exp: data["exp"], + MoveSpeed: data["movespeed"], + AtkRange: data["atkrange"], + AtkCoolDown: data["atkcooldown"], + VisualRange: data["visualrange"], + SkillDmg: data["Skilldmg"], + SkillEffect: data["skilleffect"], + }; + + this.bossDataConfigMap[converData.Name_Id] = converData; + } + // this.bossAsset.destroy(); + } + + convertPassiveSkillDataConfig() { + for (var i = 0; i < this.passiveSkillAsset.json.length; i++) { + var data = this.passiveSkillAsset.json[i]; + var converData: PassiveSkillInfo = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data)); + this.passiveSkillDataConfigMap[converData.skillid] = converData; + } + } + + public ACTIVE_SKILL_USE_INFO = [ + { skillId: "AS1", skillName: "AS1", mana: 10, useType: 0, useTime: 2 }, + { skillId: "AS2", skillName: "AS2", mana: 15, useType: 1, useTime: 1 }, + { skillId: "AS3", skillName: "AS3", mana: 30, useType: 0, useTime: 10.0 }, + ]; + + getActiveSkill(level: number = 1): ActiveSkillData[] { + return [this.activeSkillDataConfigMap[`AS1|${level}`], this.activeSkillDataConfigMap[`AS2|${level}`], this.activeSkillDataConfigMap[`AS3|${level}`]]; + } + + getActiveSkillDataByNameAndLevel(skillName: string, skillLevel: number) { + return this.activeSkillDataConfigMap[`${skillName}|${skillLevel}`]; + } + + getActiveSkillConfig(listSkillCollect: string[]): ActiveSkillData[] { + var results = new Array(); + for (var i = 0; i < listSkillCollect.length; i++) + { + results.push(this.activeSkillDataConfigMap[listSkillCollect[i]]); + } + return results; + } + + getPassiveSkillDataById(skillId: string) + { + return this.passiveSkillDataConfigMap[skillId]; + } + + getPassiveSkillDataByNameAndLevel(skillName: string, skillLevel: number): PassiveSkillInfo { + return this.passiveSkillDataConfigMap[`${skillName}|${skillLevel}`]; + } + + public HERO_CONTROL_CONFIG = { + heroMoveSpeed: 5 + } + + public stageInfo = { + creep: 3, boss: 1 + } + + protected start(): void { + UmLog.log("hero json => ", this.getHeroDataByLevel(1)); + + UmLog.log("leveldesign json => ", this.getLevelDesignByLevel(1).goldcollect); + + UmLog.log("getSkillUnlockDataByLevel json => ", JSON.stringify(this.getSkillUnlockDataByLevel(1))); + } + + public getHeroDataByLevel(level: number): any + { + var data = this.heroAsset.json[level - 1]; + var result = { + Level: data["level"], + Atk: data["atk"], + Hp: data["hp"], + AtkRange: data["atkrange"], + AtkSpeed: data["atkspeed"], + AtkCoolDown: data["atkcooldown"], + ManaMax: data["manamax"], + ManaGenerate: data["managenerate"], + HpHeal: data["hpheal"], + Exp: data["exp"], + AoEDmg: data["aoedmg"], + AoERange: data["aoerange"], + + }; + return result; + } + + public getEnemyDataConfigById(enemyId: string) + { + return this.enemyDataConfigMap[enemyId]; + } + + public getBossDataConfigById(bossId: string) { + return this.bossDataConfigMap[bossId]; + } + + public getLevelDesignByLevel(level: number): LevelDesignInfo + { + var result: LevelDesignInfo = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.levelDesignAsset.json[level - 1])); + return result; + } + + public getSkillUnlockDataByLevel(level: number) + { + return this.skillUnlockAsset.json[level - 1]["skillunlock"]; + } +} + + +export interface ActiveSkillData { + No: number; + Skill_ID: string; + Skill_Name: string; + LevelSkill: number; + Visual_Name: string; + DMG: number; + Mana: number; + Range: number +} + +export interface StageInfo +{ + creep: number; + boos: number; +} + +export interface LevelDesignInfo { + level: number; + atkratio: number; + hpratio: number; + expratio: number; + goldcollect: number; + formations: string; + reward: string; +} + +export interface PassiveSkillInfo { + no: number; + skillid: string; + skillname: string; + levelskill: number; + visualname: string; + value: number; +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_data/GameDataConfig.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_data/GameDataConfig.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..658e5ef --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_data/GameDataConfig.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "c7767cec-01fb-489b-ae5c-a56576703bc3", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_data/HeroData.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_data/HeroData.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3a881f5 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_data/HeroData.ts @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { UmStorageManager } from '../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmStorageManager'; +import { HeroDataInfo } from '../global/GameInterface'; +import { UmLog } from '../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmLog'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('HeroData') +export class HeroData extends Component { + heroDataInfo: HeroDataInfo = null; + + public loadData() + { + this.getHeroData(); + this.addMoreDefaultData(); + } + + addMoreDefaultData() + { + if (!this.heroDataInfo?.skillSpecial?.length) + { + this.heroDataInfo.skillSpecial = new Array(); + this.heroDataInfo.skillSpecial = [1, 2]; + this.setHeroDara(this.heroDataInfo); + UmLog.log("Add more data", JSON.stringify(this.heroDataInfo)); + + } + + if (!this.heroDataInfo?.manaRecoveryTime) + { + this.heroDataInfo.manaRecoveryTime = 10; + this.setHeroDara(this.heroDataInfo); + UmLog.log("Add more data", JSON.stringify(this.heroDataInfo)); + } + + } + + public getHeroData(): HeroDataInfo + { + if (!this.heroDataInfo) + { + var data = this.getDataFromStorage(); + if (data?.length) + { + this.heroDataInfo = JSON.parse(data); + return this.heroDataInfo; + } + else { + this.heroDataInfo = this.defaultData(); + return this.heroDataInfo; + } + } + return this.heroDataInfo; + } + + public setHeroDara(dataInfo) + { + this.heroDataInfo = dataInfo; + this.saveDataToStroge(); + } + + defaultData(): HeroDataInfo + { + return { hp: 100, weapon: 1, shooting: { AtkRange: 5, AtkCoolDown: 500, AtkSpeed: 3, Damage: 4, AoERange: 1 }, manaRecoveryTime: 10, skillSpecial: [1, 2] }; + } + + private getDataFromStorage(): string + { + var result = UmStorageManager.instance.getStringByKey("hero_data_info", ""); + UmLog.log("getDataFromStorage => ", result); + return result; + } + + private saveDataToStroge() + { + UmStorageManager.instance.setStringByKey("hero_data_info", JSON.stringify(this.heroDataInfo)); + } +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_data/HeroData.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_data/HeroData.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..93ec9aa --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_data/HeroData.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "9f41e446-20d3-4520-be63-ac5b4b751d36", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_data/UserDataSaver.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_data/UserDataSaver.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..93d1bb7 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_data/UserDataSaver.ts @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { UmStorageManager } from '../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmStorageManager'; +import { HeroDataInfo } from '../global/GameInterface'; +import { UmLog } from '../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmLog'; +import { CCFloat } from 'cc'; +import { GameDefine } from '../config/GameDefine'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('UserDataSaver') +export class UserDataSaver extends Component { + @property(CCFloat) check; + + heroDataInfo: HeroDataInfo = null; + + public level: number; + private level_key = "level"; + + public expInLevel: number; + private expInlevel_key = "expInlevel"; + + public expAllTime: number; + private expAllTime_key = "expAllTime"; + + public gold: number; + private gold_key = "gold" + + public activeSkillCollected: {}; + private skill_collected_key = "skill_collected"; + + getKeySaver(key: string) + { + return "UserDataSaver_" + key; + } + + public loadData() + { + // this.level = UmStorageManager.instance.getNumberByKey(this.getKeySaver(this.level_key), 1); + // this.expInLevel = UmStorageManager.instance.getNumberByKey(this.getKeySaver(this.expInlevel_key), 0); + // this.expAllTime = UmStorageManager.instance.getNumberByKey(this.getKeySaver(this.expAllTime_key), 0); + // = UmStorageManager.instance.getNumberByKey(this.getKeySaver(this.gold_key), 0); + // this.skill_collected = JSON.parse(UmStorageManager.instance.getStringByKey(this.getKeySaver(this.skill_collected_key), this.skillCollectedDefault())); + } + + public saveData() + { + // UmStorageManager.instance.setNumberByKey(this.getKeySaver(this.level_key), this.level); + // UmStorageManager.instance.setNumberByKey(this.getKeySaver(this.expInlevel_key), this.expInLevel); + // UmStorageManager.instance.setNumberByKey(this.getKeySaver(this.expAllTime_key), this.expAllTime); + // UmStorageManager.instance.setStringByKey(this.getKeySaver(this.skill_collected_key), JSON.stringify(this.skill_collected)); + // UmStorageManager.instance.setNumberByKey(this.getKeySaver(this.gold_key),; + } + + resetData() + { + this.level = 1; + this.expInLevel = 0; + this.expAllTime = 0; + = 0; + this.activeSkillCollected = this.skillCollectedDefault(); + } + + skillCollectedDefault() + { + var results = {}; + var listKeys = GameDefine.ACTIVE_SKILL_KEY; + for (var i = 0; i < listKeys.length; i++) + { + results[listKeys[i]] = 1; + } + return results; + } + + collectSkill(skillId: string, plusLevel: number) + { + var skillLevel = 0; + if (this.activeSkillCollected.hasOwnProperty((skillId))) + skillLevel = this.activeSkillCollected[skillId]; + + skillLevel += plusLevel; + skillLevel = Math.min(skillLevel, 20); + this.activeSkillCollected[skillId] = skillLevel; + this.saveData(); + } +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_data/UserDataSaver.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_data/UserDataSaver.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f6fe7eb --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_data/UserDataSaver.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +{"ver":"4.0.23","importer":"typescript","imported":true,"uuid":"9af0b358-a85c-4e8c-8eb3-064d6042818c","files":[],"subMetas":{},"userData":{}} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..484a098 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "1.2.0", + "importer": "directory", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "14733621-d7e8-4753-8bd2-4788f4997ad8", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/GamePlayManager.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/GamePlayManager.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7646701 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/GamePlayManager.ts @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { EGAME_STATE, GameDefine } from '../config/GameDefine'; +import { GameGlobalData } from '../global/GameGlobalData'; +import { HeroBase } from './hero/HeroBase'; +import { UmLog } from '../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmLog'; +import { LayoutManager } from './LayoutManager'; +import { UmClientEvent } from '../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmOneToMultiListener'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('GamePlayManager') +export class GamePlayManager extends Component { + hero: HeroBase = null!; + protected onLoad(): void { + UmClientEvent.on(GameDefine.EVENT_CHECK_WIN, this.checkWinAfterKilledEnemy.bind(this)); + } + + protected onDestroy(): void { +, this.checkWinAfterKilledEnemy.bind(this)); + } + + start() { + // this.changeState(EGAME_STATE.PLAY); + } + + changeState(state: EGAME_STATE) { + GameGlobalData.Instance.changeState(state); + } + + getHero(): HeroBase { + return this.hero; + } + + checkWinAfterKilledEnemy(enemy: string, expCollect: number) + { + UmLog.warn("checkWinAfterKilledEnemy => ", enemy, expCollect); + + if (!Number.isNaN(expCollect)) + { + + GameGlobalData.Instance.expCollected += expCollect; + LayoutManager.instance.GameUI.updateExpProgressBar(GameGlobalData.Instance.expCollected); + LayoutManager.instance.GameUI.checkLevelUp(); + } + + var killedData = GameGlobalData.Instance.killedData; + if (enemy == GameDefine.ENEMY_CREEP) + killedData.creep++; + else + killedData.boss++; + + GameGlobalData.Instance.killedData = killedData; + + var stageData = GameGlobalData.Instance.gameDataConfig.stageInfo; + + if (killedData.creep >= stageData.creep) + { + // UmLog.log("checkWinAfterKilledEnemy => ", "CHECK BOSS");s + if (killedData.boss >= stageData.boss) { + GameGlobalData.Instance.killedData = killedData = { creep: 0, boss: 0 }; + UmClientEvent.dispatchEvent(GameDefine.EVENT_INIT_MAP, GameDefine.ENEMY_CREEP); + } + else { + UmClientEvent.dispatchEvent(GameDefine.EVENT_INIT_MAP, GameDefine.ENEMY_BOSS); + } + } + } + + getRewardData() + { + var levelDataConfig = GameGlobalData.Instance.getLevelDesignConfigData(); + return { exp: GameGlobalData.Instance.expCollected, gold: levelDataConfig.goldcollect, reward: levelDataConfig.reward }; + } +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/GamePlayManager.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/GamePlayManager.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fce21c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/GamePlayManager.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "a5e81daf-627b-42b1-ac4c-01865d05d407", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/LayoutManager.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/LayoutManager.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d570ad3 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/LayoutManager.ts @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { GameUI } from '../game_ui/GameUI'; +import { MapManager } from './map/MapManager'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('LayoutManager') +export class LayoutManager extends Component { + @property(Node) gameplaySpaceLayout: Node = null!; + @property(GameUI) private gameUI: GameUI = null!; + + public static instance: LayoutManager = null!; + + protected onLoad(): void { + LayoutManager.instance = this; + } + + public get GameUI(): GameUI + { + return this.gameUI; + } +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/LayoutManager.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/LayoutManager.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..73043a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/LayoutManager.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "d8fb51e8-9487-48a1-97e4-1ab1cf1525df", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/ShootingManager.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/ShootingManager.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b681519 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/ShootingManager.ts @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { NodeBase } from '../base/NodeBase'; +import { EventTouch, Vec3 } from 'cc'; +import { GameGlobalData } from '../global/GameGlobalData'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('ShootingManager') +export class ShootingManager extends NodeBase { + + protected onLoad(): void { + this.enableTouch(); + } + + protected onTouchStart(event: EventTouch) { + if (!GameGlobalData.Instance.isStatePlay()) return; + // this.originPoint = new Vec3(this.node.position); + // let point = this.getTouchPointInParentNode(event.getUILocation()); + } +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/ShootingManager.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/ShootingManager.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..444ced5 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/ShootingManager.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "1b3c44fd-30c2-4a2e-8a67-ab64e2cfb7f8", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/boss.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/boss.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..adccd70 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/boss.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "1.2.0", + "importer": "directory", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "3c17f86b-7914-44af-86f8-16cfeb78191e", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/boss/Boss.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/boss/Boss.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..79c3899 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/boss/Boss.ts @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { LayoutManager } from '../LayoutManager'; +import { UmClientEvent } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmOneToMultiListener'; +import { EMOVE_MODE, GameDefine } from '../../config/GameDefine'; +import { BossBase } from './BossBase'; +import { Vec3 } from 'cc'; +import { UmLog } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmLog'; +import { UmUtil } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmUtil'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('Boss') +export class Boss extends BossBase { + + setMoveData(data) { + super.setMoveData(data); + this.changeMoveMode(EMOVE_MODE.FREE); + UmLog.log("BossMelee => setmovedata"); + } + + setIsContactObstacle(isContact) { + // UmLog.log("[CreepMove] => setIsContactObstacle ", isContact); + this.isContactObstacle = isContact; + } + + setIsSensorHero(isContact) { + this.isSensorHero = isContact; + this.speed = this.isSensorHero ? this.moveSpeed * 4 : this.moveSpeed; + + if (isContact && this.heroTarget) { + // UmLog.log("setIsSensorHero attackType = ", this.attackType); + this.changeMoveMode(EMOVE_MODE.RANGE); + + } + else { + this.changeMoveMode(EMOVE_MODE.FREE); + } + } + + + setIsContactHero(isContact) { + // UmLog.log("setIsContactHero => ", isContact); + this.isContactHero = isContact; + + if (isContact) { + this.changeMoveMode(EMOVE_MODE.RANGE); + } + else { + if (this.isSensorHero && this.heroTarget) {// && this.attackType == EATTACK_TYPE.MELEE + this.changeMoveMode(EMOVE_MODE.RANGE); + } + else { + this.changeMoveMode(EMOVE_MODE.FREE); + } + } + } + + protected updateMove(dt: number): void { + + if (this.moveMode == EMOVE_MODE.FREE) { + this.node.position = this.getMoveTowardPoint(this.nextDestinationMove, dt); + if ((this.isContactObstacle && !this.isContactHero) || Vec3.distance(this.node.position, this.nextDestinationMove) < 1) + this.makeNewRandomTarget(); + + return; + } + + if (this.moveMode == EMOVE_MODE.RANGE && this.heroTarget) { + UmLog.log("move range"); + var direction = UmUtil.subtractTwoVector3(this.node.position, this.heroTarget.position); + this.node.position = this.getMoveTowardPoint(UmUtil.plusTwoVector3(this.node.position, direction), dt); + return; + } + } +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/boss/Boss.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/boss/Boss.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..71567f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/boss/Boss.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "71e6ac75-3d94-4fd3-9f29-cce977e59aa2", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/boss/BossBase.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/boss/BossBase.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fab8236 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/boss/BossBase.ts @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { EnemyBase } from '../enemy/EnemyBase'; +import { UmLog } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmLog'; +import { Color } from 'cc'; +import { EATTACK_TYPE, ENEMY_TYPE, GameDefine } from '../../config/GameDefine'; + +import { BossMelee } from './BossMelee'; +import { BossRange } from './BossRange'; +import { UmClientEvent } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmOneToMultiListener'; +import { LayoutManager } from '../LayoutManager'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('BossBase') +export class BossBase extends EnemyBase { + + setEnemyData(data) { + super.setEnemyData(data); + + UmLog.log("BOSS data => ", JSON.stringify(data)); + UmLog.log("BOSS data => ", this.enemyType); + UmLog.log("BOSS data => ", this.attackType); + + var hpBar = LayoutManager.instance.GameUI.getBossHPBar(); + hpBar.node.setNodeActive(true); + hpBar.setMaxHPBar(this.hp); + } + + checkWin() { + if (this.isCheckedWin) return; + this.isCheckedWin = true; + UmClientEvent.dispatchEvent(GameDefine.EVENT_CHECK_WIN, GameDefine.ENEMY_BOSS, this.dataConfig?.Exp); + } + + + + +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/boss/BossBase.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/boss/BossBase.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fb347f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/boss/BossBase.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "60e43a50-f9d7-470b-88e7-4c9fdc5ac49e", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/boss/BossMelee.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/boss/BossMelee.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..740cadc --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/boss/BossMelee.ts @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { UmUtil } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmUtil'; +import { Vec3 } from 'cc'; +import { EnemyMove } from '../enemy/EnemyMove'; +import { UmLog } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmLog'; +import { EMOVE_MODE } from '../../config/GameDefine'; +import { BossBase } from './BossBase'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('BossMelee') +export class BossMelee extends BossBase { + + setMoveData(data) { + super.setMoveData(data); + this.changeMoveMode(EMOVE_MODE.FREE); + UmLog.log("BossMelee => setmovedata"); + } + + setIsContactObstacle(isContact) { + // UmLog.log("[CreepMove] => setIsContactObstacle ", isContact); + this.isContactObstacle = isContact; + } + + setIsSensorHero(isContact) { + this.isSensorHero = isContact; + this.speed = this.isSensorHero ? this.moveSpeed * 4 : this.moveSpeed; + + if (isContact && this.heroTarget) { + // UmLog.log("setIsSensorHero attackType = ", this.attackType); + this.changeMoveMode(EMOVE_MODE.RANGE); + + } + else { + this.changeMoveMode(EMOVE_MODE.FREE); + } + } + + + setIsContactHero(isContact) { + // UmLog.log("setIsContactHero => ", isContact); + this.isContactHero = isContact; + + if (isContact) { + this.changeMoveMode(EMOVE_MODE.RANGE); + } + else { + if (this.isSensorHero && this.heroTarget) {// && this.attackType == EATTACK_TYPE.MELEE + this.changeMoveMode(EMOVE_MODE.RANGE); + } + else { + this.changeMoveMode(EMOVE_MODE.FREE); + } + } + } + + protected updateMove(dt: number): void { + + if (this.moveMode == EMOVE_MODE.FREE) { + this.node.position = this.getMoveTowardPoint(this.nextDestinationMove, dt); + if ((this.isContactObstacle && !this.isContactHero) || Vec3.distance(this.node.position, this.nextDestinationMove) < 1) + this.makeNewRandomTarget(); + + return; + } + + if (this.moveMode == EMOVE_MODE.RANGE && this.heroTarget) { + UmLog.log("move range"); + var direction = UmUtil.subtractTwoVector3(this.node.position, this.heroTarget.position); + this.node.position = this.getMoveTowardPoint(UmUtil.plusTwoVector3(this.node.position, direction), dt); + return; + } + } +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/boss/BossMelee.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/boss/BossMelee.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e5dddbd --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/boss/BossMelee.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "ff57458b-0ba3-4f95-b7bb-b766b743ed33", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/boss/BossMove.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/boss/BossMove.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5053809 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/boss/BossMove.ts @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { UmUtil } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmUtil'; +import { Vec3 } from 'cc'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('BossMove') +export class BossMove extends Component { + target = 240; + isLeft = false; + targetPoint = Vec3.ZERO; + speed = 1 / 200; + + protected start(): void { + this.targetPoint = this.node.position; + this.move(); + } + + move() + { + this.targetPoint = new Vec3(this.isLeft ? -240 : 240, this.targetPoint.y, 0); + UmUtil.moveTo(this.node, this.targetPoint, Vec3.distance(this.targetPoint, this.node.position) * this.speed, 0, () => { + this.isLeft = !this.isLeft; + this.move(); + }); + } + +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/boss/BossMove.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/boss/BossMove.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e5dddbd --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/boss/BossMove.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "ff57458b-0ba3-4f95-b7bb-b766b743ed33", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/boss/BossRange.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/boss/BossRange.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6f1bbbe --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/boss/BossRange.ts @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { EnemyMove } from '../enemy/EnemyMove'; +import { UmLog } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmLog'; +import { Vec3 } from 'cc'; +import { EATTACK_TYPE, EMOVE_MODE, GameDefine } from '../../config/GameDefine'; +import { GameGlobalData } from '../../global/GameGlobalData'; +import { UmUtil } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmUtil'; +import { BossBase } from './BossBase'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('BossRange') +export class BossRange extends BossBase { + setMoveData(data) { + super.setMoveData(data); + this.changeMoveMode(EMOVE_MODE.FREE); + UmLog.log("BossRange => setmovedata"); + } + + setIsContactObstacle(isContact) { + // UmLog.log("[CreepMove] => setIsContactObstacle ", isContact); + this.isContactObstacle = isContact; + } + + setIsSensorHero(isContact) { + this.isSensorHero = isContact; + this.speed = this.isSensorHero ? this.moveSpeed * 4 : this.moveSpeed; + + if (isContact && this.heroTarget) { + // UmLog.log("setIsSensorHero attackType = ", this.attackType); + this.changeMoveMode(EMOVE_MODE.RANGE); + + } + else { + this.changeMoveMode(EMOVE_MODE.FREE); + } + } + + + setIsContactHero(isContact) { + // UmLog.log("setIsContactHero => ", isContact); + this.isContactHero = isContact; + + if (isContact) { + this.changeMoveMode(EMOVE_MODE.RANGE); + } + else { + if (this.isSensorHero && this.heroTarget) {// && this.attackType == EATTACK_TYPE.MELEE + this.changeMoveMode(EMOVE_MODE.RANGE); + } + else { + this.changeMoveMode(EMOVE_MODE.FREE); + } + } + } + + protected updateMove(dt: number): void { + if (this.moveMode == EMOVE_MODE.FREE) { + this.node.position = this.getMoveTowardPoint(this.nextDestinationMove, dt); + if ((this.isContactObstacle && !this.isContactHero) || Vec3.distance(this.node.position, this.nextDestinationMove) < 1) + this.makeNewRandomTarget(); + + return; + } + + if (this.moveMode == EMOVE_MODE.RANGE && this.heroTarget) { + UmLog.log("move range"); + var direction = UmUtil.subtractTwoVector3(this.node.position, this.heroTarget.position); + this.node.position = this.getMoveTowardPoint(UmUtil.plusTwoVector3(this.node.position, direction), dt); + return; + } + } +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/boss/BossRange.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/boss/BossRange.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b9a1759 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/boss/BossRange.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "e6c5c197-0935-4535-aaf5-957b15828de9", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/boss/BossSlow.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/boss/BossSlow.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9b81f38 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/boss/BossSlow.ts @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { EnemyMove } from '../enemy/EnemyMove'; +import { UmLog } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmLog'; +import { Vec3 } from 'cc'; +import { EATTACK_TYPE, EMOVE_MODE, GameDefine } from '../../config/GameDefine'; +import { GameGlobalData } from '../../global/GameGlobalData'; +import { UmUtil } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmUtil'; +import { BossBase } from './BossBase'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('BossSlow') +export class BossSlow extends BossBase { + setMoveData(data) { + super.setMoveData(data); + this.changeMoveMode(EMOVE_MODE.FREE); + UmLog.log("BossSlow => setmovedata"); + } + + setIsContactObstacle(isContact) { + // UmLog.log("[CreepMove] => setIsContactObstacle ", isContact); + this.isContactObstacle = isContact; + } + + setIsSensorHero(isContact) { + this.isSensorHero = isContact; + this.speed = this.isSensorHero ? this.moveSpeed * 4 : this.moveSpeed; + + if (isContact && this.heroTarget) { + // UmLog.log("setIsSensorHero attackType = ", this.attackType); + this.changeMoveMode(EMOVE_MODE.RANGE); + + } + else { + this.changeMoveMode(EMOVE_MODE.FREE); + } + } + + + setIsContactHero(isContact) { + // UmLog.log("setIsContactHero => ", isContact); + this.isContactHero = isContact; + + if (isContact) { + this.changeMoveMode(EMOVE_MODE.RANGE); + } + else { + if (this.isSensorHero && this.heroTarget) {// && this.attackType == EATTACK_TYPE.MELEE + this.changeMoveMode(EMOVE_MODE.RANGE); + } + else { + this.changeMoveMode(EMOVE_MODE.FREE); + } + } + } + + protected updateMove(dt: number): void { + + if (this.moveMode == EMOVE_MODE.FREE) { + this.node.position = this.getMoveTowardPoint(this.nextDestinationMove, dt); + if ((this.isContactObstacle && !this.isContactHero) || Vec3.distance(this.node.position, this.nextDestinationMove) < 1) + this.makeNewRandomTarget(); + + return; + } + + if (this.moveMode == EMOVE_MODE.RANGE && this.heroTarget) { + UmLog.log("move range"); + var direction = UmUtil.subtractTwoVector3(this.node.position, this.heroTarget.position); + this.node.position = this.getMoveTowardPoint(UmUtil.plusTwoVector3(this.node.position, direction), dt); + return; + } + } +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/boss/BossSlow.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/boss/BossSlow.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..08d5053 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/boss/BossSlow.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +{"ver":"4.0.23","importer":"typescript","imported":true,"uuid":"92267a1e-d840-4e6a-9f8d-63539f310078","files":[],"subMetas":{},"userData":{}} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/bullet.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/bullet.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..91ad9e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/bullet.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "1.2.0", + "importer": "directory", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "805210e4-4574-4ecb-b92f-9f0085b4c13e", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/bullet/Bullet.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/bullet/Bullet.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..456a1ba --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/bullet/Bullet.ts @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { BulletBase } from './BulletBase'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('Bullet') +export class Bullet extends BulletBase { + + +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/bullet/Bullet.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/bullet/Bullet.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a340976 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/bullet/Bullet.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "9544b37d-a803-4b42-aad6-b6ab1a2d479d", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/bullet/BulletBase.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/bullet/BulletBase.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0a33dc7 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/bullet/BulletBase.ts @@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ +import { Vec3, Collider2D } from 'cc'; +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { UmLog } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmLog'; +import { ColliderObject } from '../../base/ColliderObject'; +import { UmUtil } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmUtil'; +import { CCFloat } from 'cc'; +import { ShootingDataInfo } from '../../global/GameInterface'; +import { EACTIVE_SKILL_TYPE, EBULLET_DAMAGE_TYPE, EBULLET_TYPE, EPHYSIC_GROUP, ESKILL_SPECIAL_TYPE, GameDefine } from '../../config/GameDefine'; +import { Enum } from 'cc'; +import { RigidBody2D } from 'cc'; +import { Sprite } from 'cc'; +import { Color } from 'cc'; +import { ActiveSkillBase } from '../hero/ActiveSkillBase'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('BulletBase') +export class BulletBase extends Component { + @property(ColliderObject) colliderObject: ColliderObject = null!; + @property(RigidBody2D) rigibodyComponent: RigidBody2D = null!; + @property(Sprite) theme: Sprite = null!; + + @property({ type: Enum(EBULLET_TYPE) }) public bulletType: EBULLET_TYPE = EBULLET_TYPE.NORMAL; + @property({ type: Enum(EBULLET_DAMAGE_TYPE) }) public bulletDamageType: EBULLET_DAMAGE_TYPE = EBULLET_DAMAGE_TYPE.HP; + public damage = 1; + + protected start(): void { + this.registerColliderContact(); + } + + protected registerColliderContact() { + this.colliderObject.registerBeginContact(this.onBeginContact.bind(this), true); + this.colliderObject.registerEndContact(null, true); + } + + protected offColliderContact() { + this.colliderObject.offContact(); + } + + onBeginContact(a: Collider2D, b: Collider2D) { + var bGroup =; + // UmLog.log("BULLET | Contact Begin = " + GameDefine.getPhysicGroupName(, " vs ", GameDefine.getPhysicGroupName(bGroup)); + if (bGroup == Number(EPHYSIC_GROUP.OBSTACLE)) + { + if (this.bulletType == EBULLET_TYPE.NORMAL) + this?.destroyNode(); + + return; + } + + if (bGroup == Number(EPHYSIC_GROUP.ACTIVE_SKILL)) { + // if (this.bulletType == EBULLET_TYPE.NORMAL) + // var skillType = b.node.getComponent(ActiveSkillBase)?.skillType; + // if (skillType != Number(EACTIVE_SKILL_TYPE.SKILL_3)) + // { + + // } + this?.destroyNode(); + + return; + } + } + + public shooting(targetWorldPoint, shootingDataInfo: ShootingDataInfo) + { + var origin = this.node.worldPosition; + //distance and direction to enemy target + var direction = UmUtil.subtractTwoVector3(targetWorldPoint, origin); + + //Actual shooting distance according to shooting range + var distanceShoot = GameDefine.DISTANCE_UNIT * shootingDataInfo.AtkRange; + + // UmLog.log("distanceShoot => ", distanceShoot, shootingDataInfo.shootRange); + var actualTarget = UmUtil.scaleVector3(direction.normalize(), distanceShoot); + actualTarget = UmUtil.plusTwoVector3(origin, actualTarget); + + var duration = this.getTimeMove(shootingDataInfo.AtkSpeed, distanceShoot); + UmUtil.worldMoveTo(this.node, actualTarget, duration, 0, () => { + if (this.node?.active) + this.destroyNode(); + }); + } + + getSpeed(speedScale) + { + return GameDefine.SPEED_TIME_UNIT / speedScale; + } + + getTimeMove(speedScale, distance) + { + return distance * this.getSpeed(speedScale); + } + + setEnableRigibody(isEnable: boolean) { + if (this.rigibodyComponent) + this.rigibodyComponent.enabled = isEnable; + } + + public destroyNode() + { + // UmLog.log("BULLET destroyNode"); + this.offColliderContact(); + UmUtil.stopAllTweenTarget(this.node); + // UmUtil.delay(this.node, GameDefine.TIME_DELAY_DESTROY, () => { + // this.node?.destroy(); + // }); + + //must destroy on thread + this.scheduleOnce(() => { + this.setEnableRigibody(false); + this.node?.destroy(); + }, 0); + } + + public setDamage(damage: number) + { + this.damage = damage; + } + + public setSpecialSkill(skillId) + { + if (skillId == Number(ESKILL_SPECIAL_TYPE.SKILL_1)) + { + this.theme.color = Color.GREEN; + } + } + + public getColor(): Color + { + return this.theme?.color; + } + +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/bullet/BulletBase.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/bullet/BulletBase.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ab5d212 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/bullet/BulletBase.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "5d4d07c4-0ffc-494b-a087-ed980f768026", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/bullet/Shooting.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/bullet/Shooting.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9083373 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/bullet/Shooting.ts @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { ShootingBase } from './ShootingBase'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('Shooting') +export class Shooting extends ShootingBase { + + + +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/bullet/Shooting.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/bullet/Shooting.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ab67f2c --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/bullet/Shooting.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "db99495e-bef2-4eb1-b4b6-0ba2b2b1589b", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/bullet/ShootingBase.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/bullet/ShootingBase.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9a11846 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/bullet/ShootingBase.ts @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ +import { instantiate } from 'cc'; +import { Prefab } from 'cc'; +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { LayoutManager } from '../LayoutManager'; +import { BulletBase } from './BulletBase'; +import { UmUtil } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmUtil'; +import { UmLog } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmLog'; +import { ShootingDataInfo } from '../../global/GameInterface'; +import { GameGlobalData } from '../../global/GameGlobalData'; +import { UITransform } from 'cc'; +import { ESKILL_SPECIAL_TYPE as ESPECIAL_SKILL_TYPE, GameDefine } from '../../config/GameDefine'; +import { Vec3 } from 'cc'; +import { GameAssets } from '../../global/GameAssets'; +import { ActiveSkillBase } from '../hero/ActiveSkillBase'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('ShootingBase') +export class ShootingBase extends Component { + @property(Prefab) bulletPrefab: Prefab = null!; + lastShootingTime = 0; + speedScale = 1; + + public setSpeed(speedScale: number) { + this.speedScale = speedScale; + } + + public shooting(start, target, shootingDataInfo, specialSkillId = -1, parent: Node = null) { + if (!GameGlobalData.Instance.isStatePlay()) return; + + // UmLog.log("shooting => ", JSON.stringify(shootingDataInfo)); + var shootingTarget = target as Node; + var startPoint = start.worldPosition; + var targetPoint = shootingTarget?.active ? target.worldPosition : target; + + this.speedScale = shootingDataInfo.AtkSpeed; + var cooldown_time = shootingDataInfo.AtkCoolDown; + + //conver cooldown time to mili seconds + if (cooldown_time < 100) + cooldown_time *= 1000; + + var timeNow = UmUtil.getTime(); + if (timeNow < (this.lastShootingTime + cooldown_time)) + return; + + // UmLog.log("shooting => ", timeNow); + this.lastShootingTime = timeNow; + + if (!parent) + parent = LayoutManager.instance.gameplaySpaceLayout; + + if (specialSkillId > 0) { + this.specialSkillShooting(startPoint, targetPoint, shootingDataInfo, parent, specialSkillId); + } + else { + this.normalShooting(startPoint, targetPoint, shootingDataInfo, parent); + } + } + + + normalShooting(startPoint, targetPoint, shootingDataInfo, parent) { + this.addBullet(startPoint, targetPoint, shootingDataInfo, parent); + } + + + specialSkillShooting(startPoint, targetPoint, shootingDataInfo, parent, specialSkillId) { + UmLog.log("specialSkillShooting => ", specialSkillId); + switch (specialSkillId) { + case Number(ESPECIAL_SKILL_TYPE.SKILL_1): + { + shootingDataInfo.Damage *= 5; + this.addBullet(startPoint, targetPoint, shootingDataInfo, parent, specialSkillId); + } + break; + + case Number(ESPECIAL_SKILL_TYPE.SKILL_2): + this.speacialSkillType2Shooting(startPoint, targetPoint, shootingDataInfo, parent); + break; + + default: + this.addBullet(startPoint, targetPoint, shootingDataInfo, parent); + break; + } + } + + speacialSkillType2Shooting(startPoint, targetPoint, shootingDataInfo, parent) + { + var space = 60; + var listSpaces = new Array(); + listSpaces.push(0); + listSpaces.push(space * 1); + listSpaces.push(space * 2); + listSpaces.push(space * 3); + listSpaces.push(space * -1); + listSpaces.push(space * -2); + listSpaces.push(space * -3); + + + for (var i = 0; i < listSpaces.length; i++) + { + this.addBullet(UmUtil.plusTwoVector3(startPoint, new Vec3(listSpaces[i], 0)), UmUtil.plusTwoVector3(targetPoint, new Vec3(listSpaces[i], 0)), shootingDataInfo, parent); + } + + } + + addBullet(startPoint, targetPoint, shootingDataInfo, parent, specialSkillId = -1) { + var bullet = instantiate(this.bulletPrefab)?.getComponent(BulletBase); + parent.addChild(bullet.node); + bullet.node.worldPosition = startPoint; + bullet.node.setNodeActive(true); + bullet.setDamage(shootingDataInfo.Damage); + bullet.setSpecialSkill(specialSkillId); + bullet.shooting(targetPoint, shootingDataInfo); + } + + enableActiveSkill(tag: number, parent: Node) + { + var prefab = GameAssets.instance.getActiveSkill(tag); + if (!prefab) return; + + var skillData = GameGlobalData.Instance.listActiveSkillData[tag]; + var skillUse = GameGlobalData.Instance.listActiveSkillUses[tag]; + + var data = { useTime: skillUse?.useTime, range: skillData?.Range, dmg: skillData?.DMG }; + + var skill = instantiate(prefab).getComponent(ActiveSkillBase)!; + if (!skill) return; + skill.node.parent = parent? parent : LayoutManager.instance.gameplaySpaceLayout; + skill?.enableActiveSkill(data, parent); + + } + + +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/bullet/ShootingBase.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/bullet/ShootingBase.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a52b128 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/bullet/ShootingBase.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "57f89ae2-57bc-43db-850d-8387286973ad", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/creep.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/creep.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4a5f929 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/creep.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "1.2.0", + "importer": "directory", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "08b38b3f-a8c1-4929-8152-be8725d02402", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/creep/Creep.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/creep/Creep.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..132576d --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/creep/Creep.ts @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { LayoutManager } from '../LayoutManager'; +import { CreepBase } from './CreepBase'; +import { EMOVE_MODE } from '../../config/GameDefine'; +import { Vec3 } from 'cc'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('Creep') +export class Creep extends CreepBase { + + setIsSensorHero(isContact) { + this.isSensorHero = isContact; + this.speed = this.isSensorHero ? this.moveSpeed * 1.5 : this.moveSpeed; + + if (isContact && this.heroTarget) { + // UmLog.log("setIsSensorHero attackType = ", this.attackType); + this.changeMoveMode(EMOVE_MODE.TARGET); + } + else { + this.changeMoveMode(EMOVE_MODE.FREE); + } + } + + + setIsContactHero(isContact) { + // UmLog.log("setIsContactHero => ", isContact); + this.isContactHero = isContact; + + if (isContact) { + this.changeMoveMode(EMOVE_MODE.STATIC); + } + else { + if (this.isSensorHero && this.heroTarget) {// && this.attackType == EATTACK_TYPE.MELEE + this.changeMoveMode(EMOVE_MODE.TARGET); + } + else { + this.changeMoveMode(EMOVE_MODE.FREE); + } + } + } + + + protected updateMove(dt: number): void { + + if (this.moveMode == EMOVE_MODE.FREE) { + this.node.position = this.getMoveTowardPoint(this.nextDestinationMove, dt); + if ((this.isContactObstacle && !this.isContactHero) || Vec3.distance(this.node.position, this.nextDestinationMove) < 1) + this.makeNewRandomTarget(); + + return; + } + + if (this.moveMode == EMOVE_MODE.TARGET && this.heroTarget) { + this.node.position = this.getMoveTowardPoint(this.heroTarget.position, dt); + return; + } + } +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/creep/Creep.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/creep/Creep.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b524cb8 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/creep/Creep.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +{"ver":"4.0.23","importer":"typescript","imported":true,"uuid":"10bfe008-d92b-4e16-a170-9e0c05e1149e","files":[],"subMetas":{},"userData":{}} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/creep/CreepBase.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/creep/CreepBase.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..be67dc0 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/creep/CreepBase.ts @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +import { Collider2D, Vec3 } from 'cc'; +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { UmUtil } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmUtil'; +import { ColliderObject } from '../../base/ColliderObject'; +import { UmLog } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmLog'; +import { GameDefine, EPHYSIC_GROUP, EACTIVE_SKILL_TYPE, ENEMY_TYPE, EMOVE_MODE, EATTACK_TYPE } from '../../config/GameDefine'; +import { BulletBase } from '../bullet/BulletBase'; +import { LayoutManager } from '../LayoutManager'; +import { Sprite } from 'cc'; +import { Color } from 'cc'; +import { ShootingBase } from '../bullet/ShootingBase'; +import { GameGlobalData } from '../../global/GameGlobalData'; +import { EnemyDataInfo } from '../../global/GameInterface'; +import { ActiveSkillBase } from '../hero/ActiveSkillBase'; +import { HPBar } from '../../game_ui/HPBar'; +import { CreepMove } from './CreepMove'; +import { UmClientEvent } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmOneToMultiListener'; +import { EnemyBase } from '../enemy/EnemyBase'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('CreepBase') +export class CreepBase extends EnemyBase { + @property(HPBar) hpBar: HPBar = null!; + + start(): void { + super.start(); + this.isShootEnable = false; + } + + setEnemyData(data) { + super.setEnemyData(data); + this.hpBar.setMaxHPBar(this.hp); + } + + hitDamage(damage: number) { + this.hpBar?.decreaseHP(damage); + + this.runHitEffect(); + + if (this.hpBar && this.hpBar.currentHP <= 0) { + this.checkWin(); + this?.destroyNode(); + } + } + + checkWin() { + if (this.isCheckedWin) return; + this.isCheckedWin = true; + UmClientEvent.dispatchEvent(GameDefine.EVENT_CHECK_WIN, GameDefine.ENEMY_CREEP, this.dataConfig?.Exp); + } + + protected updateShoot(dt: number): void { + if (!this.isShootEnable) return; + var targetShoot = this.findShootTargetNode(); + if (targetShoot) return; + this.shooting.shooting(this.node, targetShoot, this.ShootingDataConfig); + } + +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/creep/CreepBase.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/creep/CreepBase.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dbc9d78 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/creep/CreepBase.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +{"ver":"4.0.23","importer":"typescript","imported":true,"uuid":"68091231-c4c0-4e3b-89d1-0ec7fa7684ad","files":[],"subMetas":{},"userData":{}} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/creep/CreepMove.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/creep/CreepMove.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..37ac830 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/creep/CreepMove.ts @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { EATTACK_TYPE, EMOVE_MODE, ENEMY_TYPE, GameDefine } from '../../config/GameDefine'; +import { Vec3 } from 'cc'; +import { UmUtil } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmUtil'; +import { GameGlobalData } from '../../global/GameGlobalData'; +import { UmLog } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmLog'; +import { EnemyMove } from '../enemy/EnemyMove'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('CreepMove') +export class CreepMove extends EnemyMove { + + setIsSensorHero(isContact, heroTarget = null) { + this.isSensorHero = isContact; + this.heroTarget = heroTarget; + this.speed = this.isSensorHero ? this.moveSpeed * 1.5 : this.moveSpeed; + + if (isContact && this.heroTarget) { + // UmLog.log("setIsSensorHero attackType = ", this.attackType); + // if (this.attackType == EATTACK_TYPE.MELEE) + // this.changeMode(EMOVE_MODE.TARGET); + + // if (this.attackType == EATTACK_TYPE.TARGET || this.attackType == EATTACK_TYPE.RANGE) + // this.changeMode(EMOVE_MODE.TARGET); + + this.changeMoveMode(EMOVE_MODE.TARGET); + } + else { + this.changeMoveMode(EMOVE_MODE.FREE); + } + } + + + setIsContactHero(isContact) { + // UmLog.log("setIsContactHero => ", isContact); + this.isContactHero = isContact; + + if (isContact) { + this.changeMoveMode(EMOVE_MODE.STATIC); + } + else { + if (this.isSensorHero && this.heroTarget) {// && this.attackType == EATTACK_TYPE.MELEE + this.changeMoveMode(EMOVE_MODE.TARGET); + } + else { + this.changeMoveMode(EMOVE_MODE.FREE); + } + } + } + + + protected updateMove(dt: number): void { + + if (this.moveMode == EMOVE_MODE.FREE) { + this.node.position = this.getMoveTowardPoint(this.nextDestinationMove, dt); + if ((this.isContactObstacle && !this.isContactHero) || Vec3.distance(this.node.position, this.nextDestinationMove) < 1) + this.makeNewRandomTarget(); + + return; + } + + if (this.moveMode == EMOVE_MODE.TARGET && this.heroTarget) { + this.node.position = this.getMoveTowardPoint(this.heroTarget.position, dt); + return; + } + } +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/creep/CreepMove.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/creep/CreepMove.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ea50fff --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/creep/CreepMove.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "a6af2ea8-15f2-4519-a386-bfa375b462ff", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/enemy.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/enemy.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d878cb2 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/enemy.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "1.2.0", + "importer": "directory", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "c8f72972-60ed-4f5e-b80d-4c38406fe368", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/enemy/Enemy.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/enemy/Enemy.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2598ec6 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/enemy/Enemy.ts @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { EnemyBase } from './EnemyBase'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('Enemy') +export class Enemy extends EnemyBase { +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/enemy/Enemy.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/enemy/Enemy.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a5a10f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/enemy/Enemy.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "08f09199-e61a-4a5d-aa33-e705104b750b", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/enemy/EnemyBase.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/enemy/EnemyBase.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f6b4c59 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/enemy/EnemyBase.ts @@ -0,0 +1,364 @@ +import { Collider2D, Vec3 } from 'cc'; +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { UmUtil } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmUtil'; +import { ColliderObject } from '../../base/ColliderObject'; +import { UmLog } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmLog'; +import { GameDefine, EPHYSIC_GROUP, EACTIVE_SKILL_TYPE, ENEMY_TYPE, EATTACK_TYPE, EMOVE_MODE } from '../../config/GameDefine'; +import { BulletBase } from '../bullet/BulletBase'; +import { LayoutManager } from '../LayoutManager'; +import { Sprite } from 'cc'; +import { Color } from 'cc'; +import { ShootingBase } from '../bullet/ShootingBase'; +import { GameGlobalData } from '../../global/GameGlobalData'; +import { EnemyDataInfo, ShootingDataInfo } from '../../global/GameInterface'; +import { ActiveSkillBase } from '../hero/ActiveSkillBase'; +import { Enum } from 'cc'; +import { UmClientEvent } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmOneToMultiListener'; +import { RigidBody2D } from 'cc'; +import { Label } from 'cc'; +import { CircleCollider2D } from 'cc'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('EnemyBase') +export class EnemyBase extends Component { + @property(ColliderObject) colliderObject: ColliderObject = null!; + @property(ColliderObject) sensor: ColliderObject = null!; + @property(RigidBody2D) rigibodyComponent: RigidBody2D = null!; + + @property(Sprite) theme: Sprite = null!; + @property(ShootingBase) shooting: ShootingBase = null!; + @property({ type: Enum(ENEMY_TYPE) }) public enemyType: ENEMY_TYPE = ENEMY_TYPE.MELEE; + @property({ type: Enum(EATTACK_TYPE) }) public attackType: EATTACK_TYPE = EATTACK_TYPE.MELEE + @property(Label) txtName: Label = null!; + + isShootEnable = false; + isDestroying = false; + isCheckedWin = false; + + currentColor: Color; + effectColor: Color = Color.GREEN; + heroTarget: Node; + + dmg = 5; + moveSpeed = 50; + range = 5; + hp = 1000; + dataConfig: any = null; + atkCooldown: number = 1; + visualRange: number = 5; + + TWEEN_TAG = 1001; + + setEnemyData(data) { + this.dataConfig = data; + this.enemyType = GameDefine.getEnemyType(data?.Group); + this.attackType = GameDefine.getAttackType(this.enemyType); + + UmLog.log("BOSS data => ", this.enemyType, data?.Group); + UmLog.log("BOSS data => ", this.attackType); + + this.dmg = data?.Atk || this.dmg; + this.moveSpeed = data?.MoveSpeed || this.moveSpeed; + this.range = data?.AtkRange || this.range; + this.hp = data?.Hp || this.hp; + this.atkCooldown = data?.AtkCoolDown || this.atkCooldown; + this.visualRange = data?.VisualRange || this.visualRange; + + this.txtName.string = data?.Name_Id + "|" + this.dmg.toString(); + this.updateSensorRange(); + this.setMoveData(data); + + } + + updateSensorRange() + { + this.sensor.collider.getComponent(CircleCollider2D).radius = GameDefine.SQUARE_UNIT * this.visualRange; + } + + protected onLoad(): void { + this.setEnableRigibody(false); + this.TWEEN_TAG = UmUtil.getRandomInt(100000, Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER); + } + + start(): void { + this.setEnableRigibody(true); + this.registerColliderContact(); + this.registerSensor(); + // this.loadDataAndDisplay(); + this.isShootEnable = false; + this.currentColor = new Color(this.theme.color); + } + + setEnableRigibody(isEnable: boolean) + { + if (this.rigibodyComponent) + this.rigibodyComponent.enabled = isEnable; + } + + protected registerColliderContact() { + this.colliderObject.registerBeginContact(this.onBeginContact.bind(this), true); + this.colliderObject.registerEndContact(this.onEndContact.bind(this), true); + } + + protected offColliderContact() { + this.colliderObject.offContact(); + } + + protected registerSensor() { + this.sensor.registerBeginContact(this.onSensorBegin.bind(this), false); + this.sensor.registerEndContact(this.onSensorEnd.bind(this), false); + } + + protected offSensor() { + this.sensor.offContact(); + } + + loadDataAndDisplay() + { + LayoutManager.instance.GameUI.getBossHPBar().setMaxHPBar(100); + } + + onBeginContact(a: Collider2D, b: Collider2D) { + var bGroup =; + // UmLog.log("BOSS | Contact Begin = " + GameDefine.getPhysicGroupName(, " vs ", GameDefine.getPhysicGroupName(bGroup)); + if (bGroup == Number(EPHYSIC_GROUP.ENEMY) || bGroup == Number(EPHYSIC_GROUP.OBSTACLE) + || bGroup == Number(EPHYSIC_GROUP.DEFAULT)) { + this.setIsContactObstacle(true); + return; + } + + if (bGroup == Number(EPHYSIC_GROUP.BULLET_HERO)) { + this.onBulletContact(b.node); + return; + } + + if (bGroup == Number(EPHYSIC_GROUP.ACTIVE_SKILL)) { + this.onHeroActiveSkillContact(b.node); + return; + } + + if (bGroup == Number(EPHYSIC_GROUP.HERO)) { + this.setIsContactHero(true); + return; + } + } + + onEndContact(a: Collider2D, b: Collider2D) { + //override + var bGroup =; + if (bGroup == Number(EPHYSIC_GROUP.ENEMY) || bGroup == Number(EPHYSIC_GROUP.OBSTACLE) + || bGroup == Number(EPHYSIC_GROUP.DEFAULT)) { + this.setIsContactObstacle(false); + return; + } + + if (bGroup == Number(EPHYSIC_GROUP.HERO)) { + this.setIsContactHero(false); + return; + } + } + + onSensorBegin(a: Collider2D, b: Collider2D) { + var bGroup =; + // UmLog.log("BOSS |onSensor Begin = " + GameDefine.getPhysicGroupName(, " vs ", GameDefine.getPhysicGroupName(; + if (bGroup != EPHYSIC_GROUP.HERO) return; + this.heroTarget = b.node; + + this.setIsSensorHero(true); + this.checkEnableShootBullet(true); + + } + + onSensorEnd(a: Collider2D, b: Collider2D) { + var bGroup =; + // UmLog.log("BOSS | onSensor End = " + GameDefine.getPhysicGroupName(, " vs ", GameDefine.getPhysicGroupName(; + GameDefine.getPhysicGroupName(bGroup); + if (bGroup != EPHYSIC_GROUP.HERO) return; + this.heroTarget = null; + + this.setIsSensorHero(false); + this.checkEnableShootBullet(false); + } + + checkEnableShootBullet(isSensorHero) { + this.isShootEnable = isSensorHero && (this.attackType == EATTACK_TYPE.TARGET || this.attackType == EATTACK_TYPE.RANGE || this.attackType == EATTACK_TYPE.MIXED); + } + + public destroyNode() { + if (this.isDestroying) return; + this.isDestroying = true; + + //must destroy on thread + this.scheduleOnce(() => { + this.setEnableRigibody(false); + this.node?.destroy(); + }, 0); + } + + onBulletContact(bullet: Node) { + var bulletComp = bullet.parent.getComponent(BulletBase); + if (!bulletComp) return; + + var damage = bulletComp?.damage | 0; + + this.effectColor = bulletComp.getColor(); + this.hitDamage(damage); + + bulletComp?.destroyNode(); + } + + onHeroActiveSkillContact(skill: Node) { + + UmLog.log("onHeroActiveSkillContact => ",; + var skillComp = skill.getComponent(ActiveSkillBase); + if (!skillComp) return; + + if (skillComp.skillType != Number(EACTIVE_SKILL_TYPE.SKILL_2)) return; + + var damage = skillComp?.dmg | 0; + this.effectColor = skillComp.getColor(); + this.hitDamage(damage); + } + + hitDamage(damage: number) + { + var hpBar = LayoutManager.instance.GameUI.getBossHPBar(); + hpBar.decreaseHP(damage); + + if (hpBar.currentHP <= 0) { + this.checkWin(); + this?.destroyNode(); + } + + this.runHitEffect(); + } + + checkWin() + { + //override at extent + } + + runHitEffect() { + this.theme.color = this.effectColor; + UmUtil.stopAllTweenTag(this.TWEEN_TAG); + UmUtil.delay(this.node, 0.2, () => { + this.theme.color = this.currentColor; + }, this.TWEEN_TAG); + } + + // shooting => { "AtkRange": 5, "AtkCoolDown": 1, "AtkSpeed": 30, "Damage": 10, "AoERange": 0, "AoEDmg": 0 } + + get ShootingDataConfig(): ShootingDataInfo { + var shootingData: ShootingDataInfo = { + AtkRange: this.dataConfig.AtkRange, + AtkCoolDown: this.dataConfig.AtkCoolDown, + AtkSpeed: this.dataConfig.AtkSpeed, + Damage: this.dataConfig.Atk, + AoERange: this.dataConfig.AoERange, + AoEDmg: this.dataConfig.AoEDmg, + }; + return shootingData; + } + + protected update(dt: number): void { + if (!GameGlobalData.Instance.isStatePlay()) return; + this.updateShoot(dt); + this.updateMove(dt); + } + + + + //SHOOTER + protected updateShoot(dt: number): void { + if (!this.isShootEnable) return; + + var targetShoot = this.findShootTargetNode(); + if (!targetShoot) return; + this.shooting.shooting(this.node, targetShoot, this.ShootingDataConfig); + } + + findShootTargetNode(): Node + { + return this.heroTarget; + } + + findShootTargetPoint(): Vec3 { + var point = this.node.worldPosition; + point = UmUtil.plusTwoVector3(point, new Vec3(0, -10, 0)); + return point; + } + + + //MOVER + moveMode: number = EMOVE_MODE.FREE; + nextDestinationMove: Vec3 = new Vec3(); + directionMove: Vec3 = new Vec3(); + speed: number = 50; + isContactObstacle = false; + isSensorHero = false; + isContactHero = false; + speedScale = 20; + + setMoveData(data) { + this.range = data?.AtkRange || this.range; + this.moveSpeed = data?.MoveSpeed || this.moveSpeed; + this.moveSpeed *= this.speedScale; + this.speed = this.moveSpeed; + } + + makeNewRandomTarget() { + let x = this.getRandomMove(); + let y = this.getRandomMove(); + // UmLog.log("makeNewRandomTarget => ", x, " | ", y); + this.nextDestinationMove = UmUtil.plusTwoVector3(this.node.position, new Vec3(x, y, 0)); + // UmLog.log("distance => ", Vec3.distance(this.node.position, this.nextDestination)); + this.directionMove = UmUtil.subtractTwoVector3(this.nextDestinationMove, this.node.position); + this.directionMove.normalize(); + } + + getRandomMove() { + var randomRange = 150; + return randomRange - UmUtil.getRandomInt(0, randomRange * 2); + } + + protected updateMove(dt: number): void { + //override at extent + if (this.moveMode == EMOVE_MODE.FREE) { + this.node.position = this.getMoveTowardPoint(this.nextDestinationMove, dt); + if ((this.isContactObstacle && !this.isContactHero) || Vec3.distance(this.node.position, this.nextDestinationMove) < 1) + this.makeNewRandomTarget(); + + return; + } + + if (this.moveMode == EMOVE_MODE.TARGET && this.heroTarget) { + this.node.position = this.getMoveTowardPoint(this.heroTarget.position, dt); + return; + } + } + + getMoveTowardPoint(target, dt: number) { + var result = new Vec3(); + Vec3.moveTowards(result, this.node.position, target, this.speed * dt); + return result; + } + + changeMoveMode(newMode) { + UmLog.log("changeMode => ", newMode); + this.moveMode = newMode; + } + + setIsContactObstacle(isContact) { + //override at extent + } + + setIsSensorHero(isContact) { + //override at extent + } + + setIsContactHero(isContact) { + //override at extent + } + +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/enemy/EnemyBase.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/enemy/EnemyBase.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3dbbd07 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/enemy/EnemyBase.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "09db7764-5140-4821-8a25-32017df64290", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/enemy/EnemyMove.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/enemy/EnemyMove.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3a7703c --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/enemy/EnemyMove.ts @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { EATTACK_TYPE, EMOVE_MODE, ENEMY_TYPE, GameDefine } from '../../config/GameDefine'; +import { Vec3 } from 'cc'; +import { UmUtil } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmUtil'; +import { GameGlobalData } from '../../global/GameGlobalData'; +import { UmLog } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmLog'; +import { random } from 'cc'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('EnemyMove') +export class EnemyMove extends Component { + moveMode: number = EMOVE_MODE.FREE; + nextDestinationMove: Vec3 = new Vec3(); + directionMove: Vec3 = new Vec3(); + speed: number = 50; + isContactObstacle = false; + isSensorHero = false; + isContactHero = false; + heroTarget = null; + + enemyType: number = ENEMY_TYPE.MELEE; + attackType: number = EATTACK_TYPE.MELEE; + moveSpeed = 1; + speedScale = 20; + + setMoveData(data, enemyType, attackType) { + this.enemyType = enemyType; + this.attackType = attackType; + + this.moveSpeed = data?.MoveSpeed || this.moveSpeed; + this.moveSpeed *= this.speedScale; + this.speed = this.moveSpeed; + } + + protected start(): void { + this.makeNewRandomTarget(); + } + + setIsContactObstacle(isContact) + { + // UmLog.log("[CreepMove] => setIsContactObstacle ", isContact); + this.isContactObstacle = isContact; + } + + setIsSensorHero(isContact, heroTarget = null) { + this.isSensorHero = isContact; + this.heroTarget = heroTarget; + this.speed = this.isSensorHero ? this.moveSpeed * 1.5 : this.moveSpeed; + + if (isContact && this.heroTarget) + { + // UmLog.log("setIsSensorHero attackType = ", this.attackType); + if (this.attackType == EATTACK_TYPE.MELEE) + this.changeMoveMode(EMOVE_MODE.TARGET); + + if (this.attackType == EATTACK_TYPE.TARGET) + this.changeMoveMode(EMOVE_MODE.TARGET); + + } + else { + this.changeMoveMode(EMOVE_MODE.FREE); + } + } + + + setIsContactHero(isContact) { + // UmLog.log("setIsContactHero => ", isContact); + this.isContactHero = isContact; + + if (isContact) { + this.changeMoveMode(EMOVE_MODE.STATIC); + } + else { + if (this.isSensorHero && this.heroTarget) {// && this.attackType == EATTACK_TYPE.MELEE + this.changeMoveMode(EMOVE_MODE.TARGET); + } + else { + this.changeMoveMode(EMOVE_MODE.FREE); + } + } + } + + makeNewRandomTarget() + { + let x = this.getRandomMove(); + let y = this.getRandomMove(); + // UmLog.log("makeNewRandomTarget => ", x, " | ", y); + this.nextDestinationMove = UmUtil.plusTwoVector3(this.node.position, new Vec3(x, y, 0)); + // UmLog.log("distance => ", Vec3.distance(this.node.position, this.nextDestination)); + this.directionMove = UmUtil.subtractTwoVector3(this.nextDestinationMove, this.node.position); + this.directionMove.normalize(); + } + + getRandomMove() + { + var randomRange = 150; + return randomRange - UmUtil.getRandomInt(0, randomRange * 2); + } + + protected update(dt: number): void { + if (!GameGlobalData.Instance.isStatePlay()) return; + + this.updateMove(dt); + } + + protected updateMove(dt: number): void + { + if (this.moveMode == EMOVE_MODE.FREE) { + this.node.position = this.getMoveTowardPoint(this.nextDestinationMove, dt); + if ((this.isContactObstacle && !this.isContactHero) || Vec3.distance(this.node.position, this.nextDestinationMove) < 1) + this.makeNewRandomTarget(); + + return; + } + + if (this.moveMode == EMOVE_MODE.TARGET && this.heroTarget) { + this.node.position = this.getMoveTowardPoint(this.heroTarget.position, dt); + return; + } + } + + getMoveTowardPoint(target, dt: number) + { + var result = new Vec3(); + Vec3.moveTowards(result, this.node.position, target, this.speed * dt); + return result; + } + + changeMoveMode(newMode) + { + UmLog.log("changeMode => ", newMode); + this.moveMode = newMode; + } +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/enemy/EnemyMove.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/enemy/EnemyMove.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..31ebc4d --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/enemy/EnemyMove.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +{"ver":"4.0.23","importer":"typescript","imported":true,"uuid":"8e2af47b-62af-4c8c-869b-9cd4f82e588d","files":[],"subMetas":{},"userData":{}} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..995123d --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "1.2.0", + "importer": "directory", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "b9873e9d-1ddd-4e36-82e7-5343fbbf1a0c", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/ActiveSkill1.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/ActiveSkill1.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9027d13 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/ActiveSkill1.ts @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { ActiveSkillBase } from './ActiveSkillBase'; +import { Vec3 } from 'cc'; +import { EACTIVE_SKILL_TYPE, GameDefine } from '../../config/GameDefine'; +import { RigidBody2D } from 'cc'; +import { Vec2 } from 'cc'; +import { UmLog } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmLog'; +import { UmUtil } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmUtil'; +import { GameGlobalData } from '../../global/GameGlobalData'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('ActiveSkill1') +export class ActiveSkill1 extends ActiveSkillBase { + euler: Vec3 = new Vec3(); + body: RigidBody2D; + + + public enableActiveSkill(data, parent) { + super.enableActiveSkill(data, parent); + this.skillType = Number(EACTIVE_SKILL_TYPE.SKILL_1); + this.speed = this.speed / this.useTime; + this.node.setScaleY(this.range); + + this.addForce(parent); + } + + + addForce(parent) + { + this.body = (parent as Node)?.getComponent(RigidBody2D); + if (!this.body) return; + this.body.linearDamping = this.range; + var velocity = UmUtil.scaleVector3(GameGlobalData.Instance.lastHeroMoveDirection.normalize(), 1700 / 6 * this.range); + this.body.applyLinearImpulseToCenter(new Vec2(velocity.x, velocity.y), false); + } + + update(dt: number) + { + if (!this.body) return; + + var volocity = this.body.linearVelocity; + if (Vec2.distance(Vec2.ZERO, volocity) < 0.1) + { + this.body = null; + this.destroyNode(); + return; + } + } + +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/ActiveSkill1.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/ActiveSkill1.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..92f7930 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/ActiveSkill1.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +{"ver":"4.0.23","importer":"typescript","imported":true,"uuid":"dc247ccb-4a6e-4a19-af88-a75ce9541660","files":[],"subMetas":{},"userData":{}} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/ActiveSkill2.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/ActiveSkill2.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d79270b --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/ActiveSkill2.ts @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { ActiveSkillBase } from './ActiveSkillBase'; +import { UmUtil } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmUtil'; +import { GameGlobalData } from '../../global/GameGlobalData'; +import { Vec3 } from 'cc'; +import { UmLog } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmLog'; +import { EACTIVE_SKILL_TYPE, GameDefine } from '../../config/GameDefine'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('ActiveSkill2') +export class ActiveSkill2 extends ActiveSkillBase { + euler: Vec3 = new Vec3(); + + public enableActiveSkill(data, parent) { + super.enableActiveSkill(data, parent); + this.skillType = Number(EACTIVE_SKILL_TYPE.SKILL_2); + this.speed = this.speed / this.useTime; + this.node.setScaleY(this.range); + } + + protected update(dt: number): void { + if (!GameGlobalData.Instance.isStatePlay() || this.isDestroying) return; + + this.node.position = Vec3.ZERO; + + if (this.euler.z <= -360.0) { + this.destroyNode(); + return; + } + + this.euler.z -= dt * this.speed; + this.node.setRotationFromEuler(this.euler); + } +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/ActiveSkill2.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/ActiveSkill2.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..db94639 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/ActiveSkill2.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "88fb6b21-43ad-41ac-a965-105c2cd55b01", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/ActiveSkill3.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/ActiveSkill3.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..353e8d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/ActiveSkill3.ts @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { ActiveSkillBase } from './ActiveSkillBase'; +import { UmUtil } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmUtil'; +import { GameGlobalData } from '../../global/GameGlobalData'; +import { Vec3 } from 'cc'; +import { UmLog } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmLog'; +import { EACTIVE_SKILL_TYPE, GameDefine } from '../../config/GameDefine'; +import { Sprite } from 'cc'; +import { Label } from 'cc'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('ActiveSkill3') +export class ActiveSkill3 extends ActiveSkillBase { + @property(Sprite) clock: Sprite = null!; + @property(Label) clockTxt: Label = null!; + + activeTime = 0; + + public enableActiveSkill(data, parent) { + super.enableActiveSkill(data, parent); + this.skillType = Number(EACTIVE_SKILL_TYPE.SKILL_3); + } + + protected update(dt: number) { + if (!GameGlobalData.Instance.isStatePlay() || this.isDestroying) return; + + this.node.position = Vec3.ZERO; + + if (this.activeTime >= this.useTime) { + this.destroyNode(); + return; + } + this.activeTime += dt; + this.updateClock(); + } + + updateClock() + { + this.clock.fillRange = 1 - this.activeTime / this.useTime; + var remainTime = Math.min((this.useTime - this.activeTime).truncDigits(0) + 1, this.useTime); + this.clockTxt.string = remainTime.toString(); + } + +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/ActiveSkill3.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/ActiveSkill3.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6d46e3e --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/ActiveSkill3.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +{"ver":"4.0.23","importer":"typescript","imported":true,"uuid":"4767037a-3276-4a81-aa40-d8dce4b04ca4","files":[],"subMetas":{},"userData":{}} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/ActiveSkillBase.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/ActiveSkillBase.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..580976f --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/ActiveSkillBase.ts @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +import { Sprite } from 'cc'; +import { Color } from 'cc'; +import { Vec3 } from 'cc'; +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { UmUtil } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmUtil'; +import { GameDefine } from '../../config/GameDefine'; +import { UmClientEvent } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmOneToMultiListener'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('ActiveSkillBase') +export class ActiveSkillBase extends Component { + @property(Sprite) theme: Sprite = null!; + + isDestroying = false; + skillType: number = -1; + speed: number = 360; + mana: number = 10; + dmg: number = 10; + range: number = 5; + useTime: number = 1; + + public enableActiveSkill(data, parent = null) { + this.mana = data?.mana || this.mana; + this.dmg = data?.dmg || this.dmg; + this.range = data?.range || this.range; + this.useTime = data?.useTime || this.useTime; + } + + public getColor(): Color { + return this.theme?.color; + } + + public destroyNode() { + if (this.isDestroying) return; + this.isDestroying = true; + + UmClientEvent.dispatchEvent(GameDefine.EVENT_END_USE_ACTIVE_SKILL); + UmUtil.stopAllTweenTarget(this.node); + //must destroy on thread + this.scheduleOnce(() => { + this.node?.destroy(); + }, 0); + } + + +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/ActiveSkillBase.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/ActiveSkillBase.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0a4f0e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/ActiveSkillBase.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "2811865f-56ee-4470-803a-4d1e0ad136ff", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/Hero.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/Hero.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a8a62be --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/Hero.ts @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { HeroBase } from './HeroBase'; +import { UmLog } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmLog'; +import { EnemyBase } from '../enemy/EnemyBase'; +import { Color } from 'cc'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('Hero') +export class Hero extends HeroBase { + calculateHitMeleeDamageUpdate(dt: number) { + //override + if (this.isImmuneDamage || !this.listEnemyContact.size) + return; + + for (var value of this.listEnemyContact.values()) { + if (!value.enemy) return; + + value.time += dt; + + if (value.time >= 2) { + value.time = 0; + var damage = value.enemy.getComponent(EnemyBase)?.dmg; + // UmLog.log("calculateHitmeleedamage => ",, damage); + if (!damage) continue; + + this.effectColor = Color.RED; + this.onHitDamage(damage); + } + } + + } + + onEnemyStartContact(enemy: Node) { + super.onEnemyStartContact(enemy); + if (this.isImmuneDamage) return; + + var damage = enemy.getComponent(EnemyBase)?.dmg; + if (!damage) return; + this.effectColor = Color.RED; + this.onHitDamage(damage); + } + + +} + + + diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/Hero.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/Hero.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..121217b --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/Hero.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "d34e4991-8f5a-43f5-8025-a2b655b08e20", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/HeroBase.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/HeroBase.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6c1282b --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/HeroBase.ts @@ -0,0 +1,381 @@ +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { NodeBase } from '../../base/NodeBase'; +import { EventTouch, Vec3 } from 'cc'; +import { GameGlobalData } from '../../global/GameGlobalData'; +import { UmLog } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmLog'; +import { ColliderObject } from '../../base/ColliderObject'; +import { Collider2D } from 'cc'; +import { ShootingBase } from '../bullet/ShootingBase'; +import { EACTIVE_SKILL_TYPE, EPHYSIC_GROUP, GameDefine } from '../../config/GameDefine'; +import { LayoutManager } from '../LayoutManager'; +import { HeroDataInfo, ShootingDataInfo } from '../../global/GameInterface'; +import { BulletBase } from '../bullet/BulletBase'; +import { Color } from 'cc'; +import { UmUtil } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmUtil'; +import { Sprite } from 'cc'; +import { math } from 'cc'; +import { UmClientEvent } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmOneToMultiListener'; +import { Label } from 'cc'; +import { RigidBody2D } from 'cc'; +import { PassiveSkillInfo } from '../../game_data/GameDataConfig'; +import { HeroMana } from './HeroMana'; +import { HeroHPHeal } from './HeroHPHeal'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('HeroBase') +export class HeroBase extends NodeBase { + @property(ColliderObject) colliderObject: ColliderObject = null!; + @property(ColliderObject) sensor: ColliderObject = null!; + @property(RigidBody2D) rigibodyComponent: RigidBody2D = null!; + + @property(ShootingBase) shooting: ShootingBase = null!; + @property(Sprite) theme: Sprite = null!; + @property(Label) skillLabel: Label = null!; + @property(HeroMana) heroMana: HeroMana = null!; + @property(HeroHPHeal) herHPHeal: HeroHPHeal = null!; + heroDataConfig: any = null; + + originPoint = new Vec3(); + isShootEnable = false; + listEnemyTarget: Node[] = new Array(); + listEnemyContact = new Map; + currentColor: math.Color; + effectColor: Color = Color.GREEN; + specialSkill = -1; + countImmuneDamageUsing: number = 0; + TWEEN_TAG = 1001; + isDestroying = false; + + get isImmuneDamage(): boolean + { + return this.countImmuneDamageUsing > 0; + } + + protected onLoad(): void { + this.TWEEN_TAG = UmUtil.getRandomInt(100000, Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER); + this.isDestroying = false; + } + + protected start(): void { + UmClientEvent.on(GameDefine.EVENT_START_USE_SPECIAL_SKILL, this.onStartUseSpecialSkill.bind(this)); + UmClientEvent.on(GameDefine.EVENT_END_USE_SPECIAL_SKILL, this.onEndUseSpecialSkill.bind(this)); + + UmClientEvent.on(GameDefine.EVENT_START_USE_ACTIVE_SKILL, this.onStartUseActiveSkill.bind(this)); + UmClientEvent.on(GameDefine.EVENT_END_USE_ACTIVE_SKILL, this.onEndUseActiveSkill.bind(this)); + + UmClientEvent.on(GameDefine.EVENT_COLLECT_PASSIVE_SKILL, this.onCollectPassivceSkill.bind(this)); + + + this.isShootEnable = true; + this.registerColliderContact(); + this.registerSensor(); + this.loadDataAndDisplay(); + this.currentColor = new Color(this.theme.color); + this.skillLabel.string = ""; + } + + protected onDestroy(): void { +, this.onStartUseSpecialSkill.bind(this)); +, this.onEndUseSpecialSkill.bind(this)); + +, this.onStartUseActiveSkill.bind(this)); +, this.onEndUseActiveSkill.bind(this)); + +, this.onCollectPassivceSkill.bind(this)); + + } + + onStartUseSpecialSkill(skillId: number) + { + UmLog.log("onStartUseSpecialSkill => ", skillId); + this.specialSkill = skillId; + this.skillLabel.string = `USE SKILL_${skillId}`; + } + + onEndUseSpecialSkill() { + UmLog.log("onEndUseSpecialSkill"); + this.specialSkill = -1; + this.skillLabel.string = ""; + } + + loadDataAndDisplay() { + this.loadDataConfig(); + UmLog.warn("loadDataAndDisplay => ", JSON.stringify(this.heroDataConfig)); + LayoutManager.instance.GameUI.getHeroHPBar().setMaxHPBar(this.heroDataConfig.Hp); + this.herHPHeal.setStartHPHeal(this.heroDataConfig.HpHeal); + } + + loadDataConfig() { + this.heroDataConfig = GameGlobalData.Instance.heroDataConfig; + } + + protected registerColliderContact() { + this.colliderObject.registerBeginContact(this.onBeginContact.bind(this), true); + this.colliderObject.registerEndContact(this.onEndContact.bind(this), true); + } + + protected offColliderContact() { + this.colliderObject.offContact(); + } + + protected registerSensor() { + this.sensor.registerBeginContact(this.onSensorBegin.bind(this), false); + this.sensor.registerEndContact(this.onSensorEnd.bind(this), false); + } + + protected offSensor() { + this.sensor.offContact(); + } + + getTouchPointInParentNode(touchPoint): Vec3 { + return this.node.parent?.getNodeTransform().convertToNodeSpaceAR(touchPoint.toVec3()); + } + + onBeginContact(a: Collider2D, b: Collider2D) { + var bGroup =; + // UmLog.log("HERO | onBeginContact = " + GameDefine.getPhysicGroupName(, " vs ", GameDefine.getPhysicGroupName(bGroup)); + if ( == Number(EPHYSIC_GROUP.SENSOR)) return; + + if ( == Number(EPHYSIC_GROUP.ENEMY)) + { + this.onEnemyStartContact(b.node); + return; + } + + if (bGroup == Number(EPHYSIC_GROUP.BULLET_ENEMY)) { + this.onBulletContact(b.node); + return; + } + + } + + onEndContact(a: Collider2D, b: Collider2D) { + if ( == Number(EPHYSIC_GROUP.ENEMY)) { + this.onEnemyEndContact(b.node); + return; + } + } + + onSensorBegin(a: Collider2D, b: Collider2D) { + var bGroup =; + // UmLog.log("HERO | onSensor Begin = " + GameDefine.getPhysicGroupName(, " vs ", GameDefine.getPhysicGroupName(; + if (bGroup != EPHYSIC_GROUP.ENEMY) return; + this.addEnemyTarget(b.node); + } + + onSensorEnd(a: Collider2D, b: Collider2D) { + var bGroup =; + // UmLog.log("HERO | onSensor End = " + GameDefine.getPhysicGroupName(, " vs ", GameDefine.getPhysicGroupName(; + GameDefine.getPhysicGroupName(bGroup); + if (bGroup != EPHYSIC_GROUP.ENEMY) return; + this.removeEnemyTarget(b.node); + } + + protected update(dt: number): void { + if (!GameGlobalData.Instance.isStatePlay()) return; + if (this.isShootEnable) + { + var targetNode = this.findShootTarget(); + this.shoot(targetNode); + } + + this.calculateHitMeleeDamageUpdate(dt); + } + + calculateHitMeleeDamageUpdate(dt: number) + { + //override + } + + + get ShootingDataConfig(): ShootingDataInfo + { + var shootingData: ShootingDataInfo = { + AtkRange: this.heroDataConfig.AtkRange, + AtkCoolDown: this.heroDataConfig.AtkCoolDown, + AtkSpeed: this.heroDataConfig.AtkSpeed, + Damage: this.heroDataConfig.Atk, + AoERange: this.heroDataConfig.AoERange, + AoEDmg: this.heroDataConfig.AoEDmg, + }; + return shootingData; + } + + + shoot(targetNode) + { + if (!targetNode) return; + this.shooting.shooting(this.node, targetNode, this.ShootingDataConfig, this.specialSkill); + } + + addEnemyTarget(enemy: Node) { + UmLog.log("addEnemyTarget => ",; + this.listEnemyTarget.push(enemy); + } + + removeEnemyTarget(enemy: Node) { + UmLog.log("removeEnemyTarget => ",; + if (!this.listEnemyTarget?.length) return; + let index = -1; + for (var i = 0; i < this.listEnemyTarget.length; i++) { + if (this.listEnemyTarget[i] && this.listEnemyTarget[i] == enemy) + { + index = i; + break; + } + } + + if (index < 0) return; + this.listEnemyTarget.splice(index, 1); + } + + findShootTarget(): Node { + // UmLog.log("FINE => ", this.listEnemyTarget.length); + var min_distance = Number.MAX_VALUE; + var heroPoint = this.node.worldPosition; + var targetNode: Node = null; + + if (!this.listEnemyTarget.length) return null; + + for (var i = 0; i < this.listEnemyTarget.length; i++) { + var point = this.listEnemyTarget[i].worldPosition; + var check_distance = Vec3.distance(heroPoint, point); + if (check_distance < min_distance) + { + min_distance = check_distance; + targetNode = this.listEnemyTarget[i]; + } + } + + return targetNode; + } + + onEnemyStartContact(enemy: Node) + { + this.listEnemyContact.set(, {enemy: enemy, time: 0}); + } + + onEnemyEndContact(enemy: Node) { + this.listEnemyContact.delete(; + if (this.isImmuneDamage) return; + } + + onBulletContact(bullet: Node) { + var bulletComp = bullet.parent.getComponent(BulletBase); + var damage = bulletComp?.damage | 0; + + UmLog.warn("onBulletContact => ", damage); + + bulletComp?.destroyNode(); + this.effectColor = bulletComp.getColor(); + + this.onHitDamage(damage); + } + + onHitDamage(damage: number) + { + if (this.isImmuneDamage || !damage) return; + this.runHitEffect(); + var hpBar = LayoutManager.instance.GameUI.getHeroHPBar(); + hpBar?.decreaseHP(damage); + + if (hpBar?.currentHP <= 0) { + this?.destroyNode(); + LayoutManager.instance.GameUI.showGameLose(); + } + } + + runHitEffect() + { + this.theme.color = this.effectColor; + UmUtil.stopAllTweenTag(this.TWEEN_TAG); + UmUtil.delay(this.node, 0.2, () => { + this.theme.color = this.currentColor; + }, this.TWEEN_TAG); + } + + + setEnableRigibody(isEnable: boolean) { + if (this.rigibodyComponent) + this.rigibodyComponent.enabled = isEnable; + } + + public destroyNode() { + if (this.isDestroying) return; + this.isDestroying = true; + //must destroy on thread + this.scheduleOnce(() => { + this.setEnableRigibody(false); + this.node?.destroy(); + }, 0); + } + + onStartUseActiveSkill(tag: number, manaUsed: number) { + UmLog.log("HERO => onStartUseActiveSkill"); + this.countImmuneDamageUsing += (tag != Number(EACTIVE_SKILL_TYPE.SKILL_2)) ? 1 : 0; + this.shooting?.enableActiveSkill(tag, this.node); + } + + onEndUseActiveSkill(tag: number, manaUsed: number) { + UmLog.log("HERO => onEndUseActiveSkill"); + this.countImmuneDamageUsing -= (tag != Number(EACTIVE_SKILL_TYPE.SKILL_2)) ? 1 : 0; + this.countImmuneDamageUsing = Math.max(0, this.countImmuneDamageUsing); + } + + onCollectPassivceSkill(passiveSkillData: PassiveSkillInfo) { + UmLog.log("HERO => onCollectPassivceSkill: ", JSON.stringify(passiveSkillData)); + var valueReward = passiveSkillData.value; + switch (passiveSkillData.skillname) + { + case GameDefine.PASSIVE_SKILL.PS1: + this.heroDataConfig.Atk += valueReward; + break; + + case GameDefine.PASSIVE_SKILL.PS2: + this.heroDataConfig.Hp += valueReward; + var hpBar = LayoutManager.instance.GameUI.getHeroHPBar(); + if (hpBar) + hpBar.setHPValue(hpBar.currentHP + valueReward, hpBar.maxHP + valueReward); + break; + + case GameDefine.PASSIVE_SKILL.PS3: + this.heroMana.setCollectMana(valueReward); + break; + + case GameDefine.PASSIVE_SKILL.PS4: + this.heroDataConfig.ManaMax += valueReward; + this.heroMana.setCollectManaMax(valueReward); + break; + + case GameDefine.PASSIVE_SKILL.PS5: + GameGlobalData.Instance.expCollected += valueReward; + UmUtil.delay(this.node, 1, () => { + LayoutManager.instance.GameUI.updateExpProgressBar(GameGlobalData.Instance.expCollected); + LayoutManager.instance.GameUI.checkLevelUp(); + }); + break; + + case GameDefine.PASSIVE_SKILL.PS6: + GameGlobalData.Instance.HERO_CONTROL_CONFIG.heroMoveSpeed += valueReward; + break; + + case GameDefine.PASSIVE_SKILL.PS7: + this.heroDataConfig.HpHeal += valueReward; + this.herHPHeal.setHPHealValue(this.heroDataConfig.HpHeal); + break; + + case GameDefine.PASSIVE_SKILL.PS8: + this.heroDataConfig.AoERange += valueReward; + break; + + case GameDefine.PASSIVE_SKILL.PS9: + this.heroDataConfig.AtkRange += valueReward; + break; + + } + + } + + +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/HeroBase.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/HeroBase.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d7e50fb --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/HeroBase.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "a4e1107f-4ba0-437f-97a0-4bfdbc47a49f", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/HeroHPHeal.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/HeroHPHeal.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cabba66 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/HeroHPHeal.ts @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { GameGlobalData } from '../../global/GameGlobalData'; +import { LayoutManager } from '../LayoutManager'; +import { HPBar } from '../../game_ui/HPBar'; +import { GameDefine } from '../../config/GameDefine'; +import { UmLog } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmLog'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('HeroHPHeal') +export class HeroHPHeal extends Component { + hpHeal = 2; + countTime = 0; + + setStartHPHeal(hpHeal: number) + { + this.countTime = 0; + this.setHPHealValue(hpHeal); + } + + setHPHealValue(value: number) + { + this.hpHeal = value; + } + + get hpBar(): HPBar + { + return LayoutManager.instance.GameUI.getHeroHPBar(); + } + + protected update(dt: number): void { + if (!GameGlobalData.Instance.isStatePlay()) return; + + this.countTime += dt; + + var hpCollect = this.timeToHP(this.countTime); + if (hpCollect >= 1) + { + this.hpBar.increaseHP(1); + hpCollect -= 1; + this.countTime = this.hpToTime(hpCollect); + } + + } + + timeToHP(time: number): number + { + return time * GameDefine.HPHEAL_UNIT * this.hpHeal; + } + + hpToTime(hp: number) { + return hp / GameDefine.HPHEAL_UNIT; + } + + + +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/HeroHPHeal.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/HeroHPHeal.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4cc2672 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/HeroHPHeal.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "c8fed59d-fd21-4421-bef3-f4a975973210", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/HeroMana.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/HeroMana.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7b1ec0f --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/HeroMana.ts @@ -0,0 +1,112 @@ +import { Sprite } from 'cc'; +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { GameGlobalData } from '../../global/GameGlobalData'; +import { UmClientEvent } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmOneToMultiListener'; +import { GameDefine } from '../../config/GameDefine'; +import { UmLog } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmLog'; +import { SkillActiveManagerUI } from '../skill-active/SkillActiveManagerUI'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('HeroMana') +export class HeroMana extends Component { + @property(Sprite) manaProgress: Sprite = null!; + @property(SkillActiveManagerUI) skillActive: SkillActiveManagerUI = null!; + + manaRecoveryTime: number = 10; + countTime: number = 0; + _tween: any; + isTurnOn = false; + isUsingSkill = false; + + protected start(): void { + UmClientEvent.on(GameDefine.EVENT_END_JOYSTICK, this.onCheckCastActiveSkill.bind(this)); + UmClientEvent.on(GameDefine.EVENT_START_USE_ACTIVE_SKILL, this.onStartUseActiveSkill.bind(this)); + UmClientEvent.on(GameDefine.EVENT_END_USE_ACTIVE_SKILL, this.onEndUseActiveSkill.bind(this)); + // UmClientEvent.on(GameDefine.EVENT_START_USE_SPECIAL_SKILL, this.onStartUseSkillSpecial.bind(this)); + + this.setManaMaxRecoveryTime(GameGlobalData.Instance.manaToTime(GameGlobalData.Instance.heroDataConfig.ManaMax)); + } + + protected onDestroy(): void { +, this.onCheckCastActiveSkill.bind(this)); +, this.onStartUseActiveSkill.bind(this)); +, this.onEndUseActiveSkill.bind(this)); + //, this.onStartUseSkillSpecial.bind(this)); + } + + // onStartUseSkillSpecial() + // { + // this.resetManaTime(); + // } + + setManaMaxRecoveryTime(time: number) + { + this.manaRecoveryTime = time; + } + + resetManaTime() + { + this.countTime = 0; + this.isTurnOn = false; + GameGlobalData.Instance.isHeroManaReady = false; + } + + setCollectMana(mana : number) + { + this.countTime += GameGlobalData.Instance.manaToTime(mana); + } + + setCollectManaMax(mana: number) { + this.setManaMaxRecoveryTime(this.manaRecoveryTime + GameGlobalData.Instance.manaToTime(mana)); + } + + protected update(dt: number): void { + if (!GameGlobalData.Instance.isStatePlay()) return; + + if (this.countTime >= this.manaRecoveryTime) { + if (this.isTurnOn) return; + this.isTurnOn = true; + this.turnOnSpecialSkillAvailable(); + + return; + }; + + this.countTime += dt; + this.updateProgress(this.countTime / this.manaRecoveryTime); + + } + + + updateProgress(progress: number) + { + this.manaProgress.fillRange = progress; + } + + turnOnSpecialSkillAvailable() + { + UmLog.log("MANA FULL => READY"); + // GameGlobalData.Instance.isHeroManaReady = true; + // UmClientEvent.dispatchEvent(GameDefine.EVENT_MANA_READY, true); + } + + onCheckCastActiveSkill() { + if (!GameGlobalData.Instance.isStatePlay()) return; + var mana = GameGlobalData.Instance.timeToMana(this.countTime); + this.skillActive?.checkCastSkill(mana); + } + + onStartUseActiveSkill(tag: number, manaUsed: number) { + this.isUsingSkill = true; + var mana = GameGlobalData.Instance.timeToMana(this.countTime); + mana -= manaUsed; + mana = Math.max(0, mana); + this.countTime = GameGlobalData.Instance.manaToTime(mana); + this.updateProgress(this.countTime / this.manaRecoveryTime); + } + + onEndUseActiveSkill(tag: number, manaUsed: number) { + this.isUsingSkill = false; + } + +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/HeroMana.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/HeroMana.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c097ae2 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/HeroMana.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "a0141109-2267-4d3c-869a-3e2dc38d55ec", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/HeroMove.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/HeroMove.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1f55cfc --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/HeroMove.ts @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +import { Vec3 } from 'cc'; +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { UmUtil } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmUtil'; +import { GameGlobalData } from '../../global/GameGlobalData'; +import { JoyStick } from '../../../Test/JoyStick'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('HeroMove') +export class HeroMove extends Component { + + isTouchEnable = false; + moveSpeed: number = 5; + + update(deltaTime: number) { + if (!JoyStick.IS_TOUCH_ENABLE || JoyStick.DIRECTION === Vec3.ZERO || !GameGlobalData.Instance.isStatePlay()) return; + this.moveSpeed = GameGlobalData.Instance.HERO_CONTROL_CONFIG.heroMoveSpeed; + this.node.position = UmUtil.plusTwoVector3(this.node.position, UmUtil.scaleVector3(JoyStick.DIRECTION, this.moveSpeed)); + } + +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/HeroMove.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/HeroMove.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7730784 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/hero/HeroMove.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "8e97af40-8109-484f-ab9d-bcb3ff609449", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/map.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/map.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e248eef --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/map.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "1.2.0", + "importer": "directory", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "62e0f34d-68f7-4d7d-8b94-d520b0a5078b", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/map/MapManager.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/map/MapManager.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..90f2a12 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/map/MapManager.ts @@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { StageInfo } from '../../global/GameInterface'; +import { Prefab } from 'cc'; +import { instantiate } from 'cc'; +import { GameAssets } from '../../global/GameAssets'; +import { UmClientEvent } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmOneToMultiListener'; +import { EGAME_STATE, GameDefine } from '../../config/GameDefine'; +import { GameGlobalData } from '../../global/GameGlobalData'; +import { UmUtil } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmUtil'; +import { HeroBase } from '../hero/HeroBase'; +import { CreepBase } from '../creep/CreepBase'; +import { Vec3 } from 'cc'; +import { UmLog } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmLog'; +import { EnemyBase } from '../enemy/EnemyBase'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('MapManager') +export class MapManager extends Component { + @property(Node) gameplaySpaceLayout: Node = null!; + @property(Node) environment: Node = null!; + private stageInfo: StageInfo = null; + + protected onLoad(): void { + UmClientEvent.on(GameDefine.EVENT_START_GAME, this.onGameStart.bind(this)); + UmClientEvent.on(GameDefine.EVENT_INIT_MAP, this.initObjectMap.bind(this)); + + this.environment?.setNodeActive(false); + } + + protected onDestroy(): void { +, this.onGameStart.bind(this)); + } + + onGameStart() + { + GameGlobalData.Instance.prepareDataOnStartNewStage(); + this.initMapAtStartStage(); + } + + public initMapAtStartStage() + { + this.addEnvironment(); + this.initObjectMap(GameDefine.ENEMY_CREEP); + // this.initObjectMap(GameDefine.ENEMY_BOSS); + + this.gameplaySpaceLayout?.getComponentInChildren(HeroBase)?.node.setSiblingIndex(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER); + + UmUtil.delay(this.node, 1, () => { + GameGlobalData.Instance.changeState(EGAME_STATE.PLAY); + }); + } + + public initObjectMap(objectRequest: string) + { + UmLog.log("initObjectMap => ", objectRequest); + if (objectRequest == GameDefine.ENEMY_CREEP) + { + this.addCreepEnemy(); + return; + } + + if (objectRequest == GameDefine.ENEMY_BOSS) { + this.initBoss(); + return; + } + + if (objectRequest == GameDefine.HERO) { + this.initHero(); + return; + } + } + + private initHero() + { + var hero = instantiate(GameAssets.instance.heroPrefab); + hero.parent = this.gameplaySpaceLayout; + } + + + bossIndex = 0; + getBossIndex() + { + return 2; + this.bossIndex++; + this.bossIndex = Math.min(2, this.bossIndex); + this.bossIndex = Math.max(1, this.bossIndex); + } + + private initBoss() { + var bossIndex = `B${this.getBossIndex()}`; + var boss = instantiate(GameAssets.instance.getBossPrefabById(bossIndex)); + boss.parent = this.gameplaySpaceLayout; + + var data = GameGlobalData.Instance.getBossDataConfigAfterRaitoById(bossIndex); + boss.getComponent(EnemyBase)?.setEnemyData(data); + } + + private addEnvironment() + { + this.environment?.setNodeActive(true); + } + + private addCreepEnemy() { + + // this.enemyType = data?.enemyType || this.enemyType; + // this.attackType = data?.attackType || this.attackType; + + // this.dmg = data?.dmg || this.dmg; + // this.moveSpeed = data?.moveSpeed || this.moveSpeed; + // this.range = data?.range || this.range; + var count = 1; + + { + var creep = instantiate(GameAssets.instance.creepPrefab); + creep.parent = this.gameplaySpaceLayout; + // var data = { enemyType: 0, attackType: 0, hp: 75, dmg: 20 }; + var data = GameGlobalData.Instance.getEnemyDataConfigAfterRatioById(`E${UmUtil.getRandomInt(1,3)}`); + creep.getComponent(CreepBase)?.setEnemyData(data); + = data.Name_Id + "_" + (count++).toString(); + creep.position = new Vec3(-233, 104, 0); + } + + { + var creep = instantiate(GameAssets.instance.creepPrefab); + creep.parent = this.gameplaySpaceLayout; + // var data = { enemyType: 1, attackType: 1, hp: 50, dmg: 5 }; + var data = GameGlobalData.Instance.getEnemyDataConfigAfterRatioById(`E${UmUtil.getRandomInt(4, 6)}`); + creep.getComponent(CreepBase)?.setEnemyData(data); + creep.position = new Vec3(290, 310, 0); + = data.Name_Id + "_" + (count++).toString(); + } + + { + var creep = instantiate(GameAssets.instance.creepPrefab); + creep.parent = this.gameplaySpaceLayout; + // var data = { enemyType: 0, attackType: 0, hp: 75, dmg: 20 }; + var data = GameGlobalData.Instance.getEnemyDataConfigAfterRatioById(`E${UmUtil.getRandomInt(1, 3)}`); + creep.getComponent(CreepBase)?.setEnemyData(data); + creep.position = new Vec3(-211, 480, 0); + = data.Name_Id + "_" + (count++).toString(); + } + + } + + get StageInfo(): StageInfo + { + if (this.stageInfo) + return this.stageInfo; + + + return { stageId: 1, stageName: "Stage 1" }; + } + + +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/map/MapManager.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/map/MapManager.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9188a20 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/map/MapManager.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "a312f583-eb51-4a0d-abab-e140439ce25b", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/map/Obstacle.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/map/Obstacle.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..19539bf --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/map/Obstacle.ts @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('Obstacle') +export class Obstacle extends Component { + +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/map/Obstacle.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/map/Obstacle.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..44358ea --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/map/Obstacle.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "dc40c76b-efa9-4845-908a-8d7fa243402f", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/map/Wall.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/map/Wall.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..afe385d --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/map/Wall.ts @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { Obstacle } from './Obstacle'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('Wall') +export class Wall extends Obstacle { + +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/map/Wall.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/map/Wall.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..376bd6f --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/map/Wall.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "300547db-7943-4a67-bd92-5bcd3e780c0b", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/skill-active.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/skill-active.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5a9a07c --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/skill-active.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "1.2.0", + "importer": "directory", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "6dfd8a1a-7dda-48e5-ba00-0daf3a7f8dd0", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/skill-active/SkillActiveItemUI.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/skill-active/SkillActiveItemUI.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8624b14 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/skill-active/SkillActiveItemUI.ts @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +import { Sprite } from 'cc'; +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { SkillUseInfo } from '../../global/GameInterface'; +import { Color } from 'cc'; +import { Button } from 'cc'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('SkillActiveItemUI') +export class SkillActiveItemUI extends Component { + @property(Button) btn: Button = null!; + @property(Sprite) theme: Sprite = null!; + @property(Node) activeFlag: Node = null!; + mana = 10; + isUsing = false; + tag = -1; + + public onClicked: ((tag: number) => void) | undefined; + + protected onLoad(): void { + this.btn?.node.on(Button.EventType.CLICK, this.onBtnClicked, this); + this.setActive(false); + } + + onBtnClicked() + { + if (this.isUsing) return; + this.onClicked?.(this.tag); + } + + setSkillInfo(tag, mana) + { + this.tag = tag; + this.mana = mana; + } + + updateMana(heroMana) + { + this.setActive(heroMana >= this.mana); + } + + setActive(isActive) + { + this.node?.setNodeActive(isActive); + } + + showSkill(isShow: boolean) + { + this.isUsing = isShow; + this.activeFlag.setNodeActive(isShow); + this.node?.setNodeActive(isShow); + } +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/skill-active/SkillActiveItemUI.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/skill-active/SkillActiveItemUI.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fa22006 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/skill-active/SkillActiveItemUI.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "ea660e60-6767-4a84-9cb7-e46e765436da", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/skill-active/SkillActiveManagerOld.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/skill-active/SkillActiveManagerOld.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b2796bf --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/skill-active/SkillActiveManagerOld.ts @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +import { Label } from 'cc'; +import { Color } from 'cc'; +import { Sprite } from 'cc'; +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { GameGlobalData } from '../../global/GameGlobalData'; +import { UmUtil } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmUtil'; +import { GameDefine } from '../../config/GameDefine'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('SkillActiveManagerOld') +export class SkillActiveManagerOld extends Component { + // @property(Node) skillItem: Node = null!; + // @property(Sprite) manaProgress: Sprite = null!; + // @property(Label) lbName: Label = null!; + // @property(Sprite) theme: Sprite = null!; + // @property(Node) activeFlag: Node = null!; + + // MANA_TIME = 10; + // themeColor = [new Color('dcb550'), new Color('73f4ab'), new Color('e95048')]; + // manaTween = null; + // manaRecoveryTime: number = 10; + // countTime: number = 0; + // isCastSkill: boolean = false; + + // protected onLoad(): void { + // this.updateDisplaySkillItem(); + // this.resetManaTime(); + // } + + // public checkManaToCastSkill(): boolean + // { + // if (this.manaProgress.fillRange >= 1.0) return true; + // this.switchToNextSkill(); + + // return false; + // } + + + // switchToNextSkill() + // { + // this.resetManaTime(); + // let next = GameGlobalData.Instance.currentActiveSkill + 1; + // if (next > GameDefine.ACTIVE_SKILL.length) + // next = 0; + + // GameGlobalData.Instance.currentActiveSkill = next; + // this.updateDisplaySkillItem(); + // } + + // resetManaTime() { + // this.countTime = 0; + // this.manaProgress.fillRange = 0; + // this.isCastSkill = false; + // } + + // protected update(dt: number): void { + // if (!GameGlobalData.Instance.isStatePlay()) return; + // if (this.countTime >= this.manaRecoveryTime) { + // if (this.isCastSkill) return; + // this.isCastSkill = true; + // this.castSkill(); + // return; + // }; + + // this.countTime += dt; + // this.updateProgress(this.countTime / this.manaRecoveryTime); + + // } + + // castSkill() + // { + + // } + + // updateProgress(progress: number) { + // this.manaProgress.fillRange = Math.min(progress, 1.0); + // } + + + // updateDisplaySkillItem() { + // var currentActiveSkill = GameGlobalData.Instance.currentActiveSkill; + // this.theme.color = this.themeColor[currentActiveSkill]; + // this.lbName.string = `S${currentActiveSkill + 1}`; + // } + +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/skill-active/SkillActiveManagerOld.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/skill-active/SkillActiveManagerOld.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b868f4a --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/skill-active/SkillActiveManagerOld.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "7ce100f8-a1a4-4b77-9168-8476ef5b8ecf", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/skill-active/SkillActiveManagerUI.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/skill-active/SkillActiveManagerUI.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..15b7320 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/skill-active/SkillActiveManagerUI.ts @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ + +import { Color } from 'cc'; +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { GameGlobalData } from '../../global/GameGlobalData'; +import { SkillActiveItemUI } from './SkillActiveItemUI'; +import { GameDefine } from '../../config/GameDefine'; +import { UmClientEvent } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmOneToMultiListener'; +import { UmLog } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmLog'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('SkillActiveManagerUI') +export class SkillActiveManagerUI extends Component { + @property(SkillActiveItemUI) listSkillBtns: SkillActiveItemUI[] = []; + themeColor = [new Color('dcb550'), new Color('73f4ab'), new Color('e95048')]; + isSkillUsing = false; + timeSkillCanUse: number = 0; + timeSkillUsing: number = 0; + currentChooseSkill: number = 0; + + protected start(): void { + + // var listDatas = GameGlobalData.Instance.listActiveSkillUses; + // for (var i = 0; i < this.listSkillBtns.length; i++) + // { + // this.listSkillBtns[i].setSkillInfo(i, listDatas[i]?.mana); + // this.listSkillBtns[i].onClicked = this.onBtnSkillClicked.bind(this); + // } + + this.showChooseSkill(); + + } + + onBtnSkillClicked(tag: number) { + // this.castSkill(tag); + } + + nextChooseSkill() + { + this.currentChooseSkill++; + if (this.currentChooseSkill >= GameGlobalData.Instance.listActiveSkillUses.length) + this.currentChooseSkill = 0; + + this.showChooseSkill(); + } + + showChooseSkill() + { + for (var i = 0; i < this.listSkillBtns.length; i++) { + this.listSkillBtns[i].showSkill(i == this.currentChooseSkill); + } + } + + checkCastSkill(mana: number) + { + var infoSkillUsing = GameGlobalData.Instance.listActiveSkillUses[this.currentChooseSkill]; + if (mana >= infoSkillUsing.mana) + { + this.castSkill(this.currentChooseSkill); + } + + this.nextChooseSkill(); + } + + castSkill(tag: number) + { + UmLog.log("castSkill => ", tag); + GameGlobalData.Instance.currentActiveSkill = tag; + var infoSkillUsing = GameGlobalData.Instance.listActiveSkillUses[tag]; + UmClientEvent.dispatchEvent(GameDefine.EVENT_START_USE_ACTIVE_SKILL, tag, infoSkillUsing.mana); + + for (var i = 0; i < this.listSkillBtns.length; i++) + { + this.listSkillBtns[i].showSkill(false); + } + + this.timeSkillCanUse = infoSkillUsing.useTime; + this.timeSkillUsing = 0; + this.isSkillUsing = true; + + } + + protected update(dt: number): void { + if (!GameGlobalData.Instance.isStatePlay()) return; + if (!this.isSkillUsing) return; + + this.timeSkillUsing += dt; + + if (this.timeSkillUsing >= this.timeSkillCanUse) + { + this.isSkillUsing = false; + this.listSkillBtns[GameGlobalData.Instance.currentActiveSkill].showSkill(false); + } + } +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/skill-active/SkillActiveManagerUI.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/skill-active/SkillActiveManagerUI.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..05f5a53 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/skill-active/SkillActiveManagerUI.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +{"ver":"4.0.23","importer":"typescript","imported":true,"uuid":"02b1a982-eeb5-4dfb-bbd2-54e2316ae0d0","files":[],"subMetas":{},"userData":{}} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/skill-special.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/skill-special.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9b0929d --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/skill-special.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "1.2.0", + "importer": "directory", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "1ad41947-12ac-48eb-9fcf-a3c65b2dbf0e", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/skill-special/SkillSpecialItemUI.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/skill-special/SkillSpecialItemUI.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bf0f0fa --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/skill-special/SkillSpecialItemUI.ts @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +import { Label } from 'cc'; +import { tween } from 'cc'; +import { Sprite } from 'cc'; +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { UmUtil } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmUtil'; +import { Button } from 'cc'; +import { SpecialSkillInfo } from '../../global/GameInterface'; +import { UmClientEvent } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmOneToMultiListener'; +import { GameDefine } from '../../config/GameDefine'; +import { GameGlobalData } from '../../global/GameGlobalData'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('SkillSpecialItemUI') +export class SkillSpecialItemUI extends Component { + @property(Button) btnUse: Button = null!; + @property(Sprite) icon: Sprite = null!; + @property(Sprite) progress: Sprite = null!; + @property(Label) nameTxt: Label = null!; + skillItemInfo: SpecialSkillInfo = null; + isUsing = false; + _tween: any = null; + + protected start(): void { + this.btnUse?.node.on(Button.EventType.CLICK, this.startUseSkill, this); + } + + protected onDestroy(): void { + this._tween?.stop(); + this._tween = null; + } + + protected onDisable(): void { + this.isUsing = false; + } + + + setData(skillItemInfo: SpecialSkillInfo) + { + this.skillItemInfo = skillItemInfo; + this.nameTxt.string = skillItemInfo.skillName; + } + + startUseSkill() + { + if (this.isUsing || !GameGlobalData.Instance.isHeroManaReady) return; + this.isUsing = true; + UmClientEvent.dispatchEvent(GameDefine.EVENT_START_USE_SPECIAL_SKILL, this.skillItemInfo.skillId); + this._tween = UmUtil.tweenValue(1, 0, this.skillItemInfo.skillTime, (value) => { + this.progress.fillRange = value; + }, () => { + this.progress.fillRange = 0; + this.endUseSkill(); + }) + } + + endUseSkill() { + this.isUsing = false; + UmClientEvent.dispatchEvent(GameDefine.EVENT_END_USE_SPECIAL_SKILL, this.skillItemInfo.skillId); + } +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/skill-special/SkillSpecialItemUI.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/skill-special/SkillSpecialItemUI.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d661c35 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/skill-special/SkillSpecialItemUI.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "0dd7e01c-a163-47d4-8ca5-d8be9a8fa898", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/skill-special/SkillSpecialManager.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/skill-special/SkillSpecialManager.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3046e13 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/skill-special/SkillSpecialManager.ts @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { GameGlobalData } from '../../global/GameGlobalData'; +import { instantiate } from 'cc'; +import { SkillSpecialItemUI } from './SkillSpecialItemUI'; +import { UmClientEvent } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmOneToMultiListener'; +import { UmLog } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmLog'; +import { GameDefine } from '../../config/GameDefine'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('SkillSpecialManager') +export class SkillSpecialManager extends Component { + @property(Node) container: Node = null; + @property(Node) skillItemPrefab: Node = null; + + listItem: Map = new Map(); + isSkillUsing = false; + + protected onLoad(): void { + UmLog.log("SkillSpecialManager => start"); + this.addListSkillAvailable(); + UmClientEvent.on(GameDefine.EVENT_START_USE_SPECIAL_SKILL, this.onStartUseSkillSpecial.bind(this)); + UmClientEvent.on(GameDefine.EVENT_END_USE_SPECIAL_SKILL, this.onEndUseSkillSpecial.bind(this)); + // UmClientEvent.on(GameDefine.EVENT_MANA_READY, this.onManaReady.bind(this)); + } + + protected onDestroy(): void { + UmLog.log("SkillSpecialManager => onDestroy"); +, this.onStartUseSkillSpecial.bind(this)); +, this.onEndUseSkillSpecial.bind(this)); + //, this.onManaReady.bind(this)); + } + + onManaReady(isAvailable: boolean) + { + if (!this?.node?.active) return; + if (!this.isSkillUsing) + this.setAllItemActive(isAvailable); + } + + onStartUseSkillSpecial(skillId: number) { + UmLog.log("onStartUseSkillSpecial => ", skillId); + this.isSkillUsing = true; + this.setAllItemActive(false); + this.listItem.get(skillId.toString()).node.setNodeActive(true); + + } + + onEndUseSkillSpecial(skillId: number) { + UmLog.log("onEndUseSkillSpecial => ", skillId); + this.isSkillUsing = false; + this.setAllItemActive(GameGlobalData.Instance.isHeroManaReady); + } + + setAllItemActive(isActive: boolean) + { + for (var item of this.listItem.values()) { + item.node.setNodeActive(isActive); + } + } + + addListSkillAvailable() + { + // let listSkillAvailable = GameGlobalData.Instance.userDataSaver.skill_collected; + // if (!listSkillAvailable?.length) return; + + // for (var i = 0; i < listSkillAvailable.length; i++) + // { + // var item = instantiate(this.skillItemPrefab).getComponent(SkillSpecialItemUI); + // item.node.parent = this.container; + // item.node.setNodeActive(true); + // var itemData = GameGlobalData.Instance.skillSpecialDataInfo[listSkillAvailable[i]]; + // item.setData(itemData); + // this.listItem.set(itemData.skillId.toString(), item); + // } + + // this.setAllItemActive(false); + } +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/skill-special/SkillSpecialManager.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/skill-special/SkillSpecialManager.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7ce7b98 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_play/skill-special/SkillSpecialManager.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "c2c89e8b-d30f-412e-bcbb-b121b8ec1ffc", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_ui.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_ui.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e420e22 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_ui.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "1.2.0", + "importer": "directory", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "7f8e0b24-a083-4cea-be00-477cd6226a7b", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_ui/GameLoseLayout.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_ui/GameLoseLayout.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5fa52a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_ui/GameLoseLayout.ts @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { UmPopupBase } from '../../../cc-common/cc-ui/UmPopupBase'; +import { Button } from 'cc'; +import { GameGlobalData } from '../global/GameGlobalData'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('GameLoseLayout') +export class GameLoseLayout extends Component { + @property(Button) btnPlay: Button = null!; + + protected onLoad(): void { + this.btnPlay?.node.on(Button.EventType.CLICK, this.onBtnReplayClicked, this); + } + + onBtnReplayClicked() + { + GameGlobalData.Instance.newGame(); + } + + +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_ui/GameLoseLayout.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_ui/GameLoseLayout.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..14a3d3c --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_ui/GameLoseLayout.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "113f0fe8-de0d-48d1-af85-c59b74896b7a", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_ui/GameUI.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_ui/GameUI.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f2a6fc7 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_ui/GameUI.ts @@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { HPBar } from './HPBar'; +import { GameGlobalData } from '../global/GameGlobalData'; +import { EGAME_STATE, GameDefine } from '../config/GameDefine'; +import { Button } from 'cc'; +import { UmClientEvent } from '../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmOneToMultiListener'; +import { director } from 'cc'; +import { Label } from 'cc'; +import { GameWinLayout } from './GameWinLayout'; +import { LevelUpLayout } from './LevelUpLayout'; +import { UmLog } from '../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmLog'; +import { JoyStick } from '../../Test/JoyStick'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('GameUI') +export class GameUI extends Component { + @property(Node) gameWinPopup: Node = null!; + @property(Node) gameLosePopup: Node = null!; + @property(Node) levelUpLayout: Node = null!; + @property(Node) topLayout: Node = null!; + @property(Node) bottomLayout: Node = null!; + + @property(HPBar) bossHPBar: HPBar = null!; + @property(HPBar) heroHPBar: HPBar = null!; + @property(HPBar) expBar: HPBar = null!; + @property(Button) btnConfig: Button = null!; + @property(Button) btnStart: Button = null!; + @property(Node) layoutConfig: Node = null!; + @property(Label) expLevelTitle: Label = null!; + @property(Label) txtSkillCollectDebug: Label = null!; + @property(Label) txtBuildVer: Label = null!; + + protected onLoad(): void { + this.btnConfig?.node.on(Button.EventType.CLICK, this.showLayoutConfig, this); + this.btnStart?.node.on(Button.EventType.CLICK, this.onBtnStartClicked, this); + } + + protected start(): void { + GameGlobalData.Instance.changeState(EGAME_STATE.INIT); + this.btnStart?.node.setNodeActive(true); + this.gameWinPopup.setNodeActive(false); + this.gameLosePopup.setNodeActive(false); + this.levelUpLayout.setNodeActive(false); + this.setTopBottomLayoutActive(false); + this.getBossHPBar().node.setNodeActive(false); + this.debugSkillCollectedDebug(); + + this.txtBuildVer.string = GameDefine.BUILD_VER; + + JoyStick.Instance.hideJoySitck(); + + } + + public getBossHPBar(): HPBar + { + return this.bossHPBar; + } + + public getHeroHPBar(): HPBar { + return this.heroHPBar; + } + + public getExpbar(): HPBar { + return this.expBar; + } + + public setExpLevelTitle(content: string) + { + if (!this.expLevelTitle) + return; + + this.expLevelTitle.string = content; + } + + private onBtnStartClicked(btn: Button) + { + this.btnStart?.node.setNodeActive(false); + this.setTopBottomLayoutActive(true); + + this.displayStatsDataOnStartGame(); + + UmClientEvent.dispatchEvent(GameDefine.EVENT_START_GAME); + JoyStick.Instance.showJoystick(); + } + + public setTopBottomLayoutActive(isActive: boolean) + { + this.bottomLayout?.setNodeActive(isActive); + this.topLayout?.setNodeActive(isActive); + } + + public showLayoutConfig() + { + this.layoutConfig?.setNodeActive(true); + } + + public displayStatsDataOnStartGame() + { + var expLevel = GameGlobalData.Instance.getExpInlevelNeed(); + var level = GameGlobalData.Instance.level; + this.setExpLevelTitle(`Exp Level ${level}`); + this.getExpbar().setHPValue(GameGlobalData.Instance.userDataSaver.expInLevel, expLevel); + this.debugSkillCollectedDebug(); + } + + public updateExpProgressBar(expCollectRunTime: number) + { + var currentExp = expCollectRunTime + GameGlobalData.Instance.userDataSaver.expInLevel; + // UmLog.log("updateExpProgressBar => ", currentExp, GameGlobalData.Instance.getExpInlevelNeed()); + this.getExpbar().setHPValue(currentExp, GameGlobalData.Instance.getExpInlevelNeed()); + } + + + public showGameLose() + { + JoyStick.Instance.hideJoySitck(); + GameGlobalData.Instance.changeState(EGAME_STATE.FINISH); + this.gameLosePopup.setNodeActive(true); + } + + public showGameWin(rewardData) + { + GameGlobalData.Instance.changeState(EGAME_STATE.FINISH); + this.gameWinPopup.setNodeActive(true); + this.gameWinPopup.getComponent(GameWinLayout)?.showWin(rewardData, () => { + GameGlobalData.Instance.newGame(); + }); + } + + checkLevelUp() + { + UmLog.log("checkLevelUp"); + if (!GameGlobalData.Instance.checkLevelUpWithSessionExpCollected(GameGlobalData.Instance.expCollected)) + { + UmLog.log("checkLevelUp => NO"); + return; + } + + this.setExpLevelTitle(`Exp Level ${GameGlobalData.Instance.level}`); + this.updateExpProgressBar(GameGlobalData.Instance.expCollected); + UmLog.log("SHOW Level Up"); + var levelAfter = GameGlobalData.Instance.level; + this.levelUpLayout.setNodeActive(true); + this.levelUpLayout.getComponent(LevelUpLayout).showLevelUp(levelAfter - 1, levelAfter, () => { + this.debugSkillCollectedDebug(); + }); + } + + public debugSkillCollectedDebug() + { + // var debug: string = ""; + this.txtSkillCollectDebug.string = `AS => ${JSON.stringify(GameGlobalData.Instance.userDataSaver.activeSkillCollected)} | PS => ${JSON.stringify(GameGlobalData.Instance.passiveSkillCollected) }`; + } + +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_ui/GameUI.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_ui/GameUI.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..29dae28 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_ui/GameUI.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "d516cc80-1f17-4d36-ab72-dc714016a793", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_ui/GameWinLayout.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_ui/GameWinLayout.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5dc9ad3 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_ui/GameWinLayout.ts @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +import { Button, director } from 'cc'; +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { GameGlobalData } from '../global/GameGlobalData'; +import { Label } from 'cc'; +import { UmLog } from '../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmLog'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('GameWinLayout') +export class GameWinLayout extends Component { + @property(Button) btnPlay: Button = null!; + @property(Label) txtLevel: Label = null!; + @property(Label) txtExp: Label = null!; + @property(Label) txtCoin: Label = null!; + @property(Label) txtReward: Label = null!; + + public onGameWinClose: (() => void) | undefined; + + protected onLoad(): void { + this.btnPlay?.node.on(Button.EventType.CLICK, this.onBtnReplayClicked, this); + } + + onBtnReplayClicked() { + this.onGameWinClose?.(); +} + + showWin(rewardData, callback = null) { + + UmLog.log("Show Game Win => ", JSON.stringify(rewardData)); + this.onGameWinClose = callback; + this.txtLevel.string = `Reward Level ${GameGlobalData.Instance.level}`; + + var exp = rewardData.exp || 0; + this.txtExp.string = `Exp: ${exp}`; + + var gold = || 0; + this.txtCoin.string = `Gold: ${gold}`; + this.txtReward.string = `Reward: ${rewardData.reward || ""}`; + + + var userDataSaver = GameGlobalData.Instance.userDataSaver; + userDataSaver.expInLevel += exp; + userDataSaver.expAllTime += exp; + += gold; + userDataSaver.saveData(); + } +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_ui/GameWinLayout.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_ui/GameWinLayout.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e8c8f3e --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_ui/GameWinLayout.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "afbe4ac6-0732-49cb-b3b9-36c65db1df69", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_ui/HPBar.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_ui/HPBar.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2581001 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_ui/HPBar.ts @@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ +import { Color } from 'cc'; +import { Sprite } from 'cc'; +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { UmLog } from '../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmLog'; +import { Label } from 'cc'; +import { Enum } from 'cc'; +import { CCFloat } from 'cc'; +import { size } from 'cc'; +import { Size } from 'cc'; +import { GameGlobalData } from '../global/GameGlobalData'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +export enum PROGRESS_TYPE { + FILL = 0, + SLICED_HOR = 1, + SLICED_VER = 2 +} + +@ccclass('HPBar') +export class HPBar extends Component { + @property({ type: Enum(PROGRESS_TYPE) }) public progressType: PROGRESS_TYPE = PROGRESS_TYPE.FILL; + @property(Sprite) barProgress: Sprite = null!; + @property(Label) valueTxt: Label = null!; + @property(CCFloat) switchColorValue = 0.4; + @property(Color) public normalColor: Color = new Color(255, 255, 255, 255); + @property(Color) public warningColor: Color = new Color(255, 255, 255, 255); + + + maxHP = 1000; + currentHP = this.maxHP; + progressSize: Size; + + protected onLoad(): void { + this.progressSize = new Size(this.barProgress?.node?.getContentSize()); + } + + public setMaxHPBar(maxHP: number, isResetHP = true) { + this.maxHP = maxHP; + if (isResetHP) + this.currentHP = maxHP; + + this.updateProgress(); + } + + + public decreaseHP(value: number) { + if (!GameGlobalData.Instance.isStatePlay()) return; + this.currentHP -= value; + this.currentHP = Math.max(0, this.currentHP); + // UmLog.log("decreaseHP => ",value, " | ", this.maxHP, " vs ", this.currentHP); + this.updateProgress(); + } + + public increaseHP(value: number) { + if (!GameGlobalData.Instance.isStatePlay()) return; + this.currentHP = Math.max(0, this.currentHP); + this.currentHP += value; + this.currentHP = Math.min(this.maxHP, this.currentHP); + // UmLog.log("increaseHP => ", this.maxHP, " vs ", this.currentHP); + this.updateProgress(); + } + + setHPValue(current, max) + { + this.maxHP = max; + this.currentHP = Math.max(0, current); + this.currentHP = Math.min(this.maxHP, this.currentHP); + this.updateProgress(); + } + + updateProgress() { + var progress = this.currentHP / this.maxHP; + progress = Math.min(1, progress); + this.barProgress.setColor(progress > this.switchColorValue ? this.normalColor : this.warningColor); + + + switch (this.progressType) + { + case PROGRESS_TYPE.FILL: + this.barProgress.fillRange = progress; + break; + + case PROGRESS_TYPE.SLICED_HOR: + this.barProgress?.node?.setContentSize(new Size(this.progressSize.x * progress, this.progressSize.y)); + break; + + case PROGRESS_TYPE.SLICED_VER: + this.barProgress?.node?.setContentSize(new Size(this.progressSize.x, this.progressSize.y * progress)); + break; + } + + + if (this.valueTxt) + this.valueTxt.string = `${this.currentHP.roundDigits(0).toString()}/${this.maxHP.roundDigits(0).toString()}`; + } + + +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_ui/HPBar.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_ui/HPBar.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..93d517c --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_ui/HPBar.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "2e254316-53cc-4145-b662-9e581b94d18c", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_ui/LevelUp.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_ui/LevelUp.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1cc7f6d --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_ui/LevelUp.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "1.2.0", + "importer": "directory", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "88baa37c-127b-447b-bf9b-01e8e1e3dc90", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_ui/LevelUp/SkillRewardItemUI.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_ui/LevelUp/SkillRewardItemUI.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..502e31d --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_ui/LevelUp/SkillRewardItemUI.ts @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +import { Label } from 'cc'; +import { Button } from 'cc'; +import { Sprite } from 'cc'; +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { SkillInfo } from '../../global/GameInterface'; +import { UmLog } from '../../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmLog'; +import { GameDefine } from '../../config/GameDefine'; +import { GameGlobalData } from '../../global/GameGlobalData'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('SkillRewardItemUI') +export class SkillRewardItemUI extends Component { + @property(Sprite) spIcon: Sprite = null!; + @property(Label) txtName: Label = null!; + @property(Label) txtInfo: Label = null!; + @property(Button) btnSelect: Button = null!; + + selectCallback = null; + skillData: SkillInfo = null; + + protected onLoad(): void { + this.btnSelect?.node.on(Button.EventType.CLICK, this.onBtnSelectClicked, this); + } + + public setData(skillData: SkillInfo, selectCallback) + { + this.skillData = skillData; + this.txtName.string = skillData.skillName; + this.selectCallback = selectCallback; + + var infoStr = ""; + if (GameGlobalData.Instance.isActiveSkill(skillData.skillName)) + { + var asCollected = GameGlobalData.Instance.userDataSaver.activeSkillCollected; + var targetLevel = 1; + if (asCollected.hasOwnProperty(skillData.skillName)) { + targetLevel += asCollected[skillData.skillName]; + } + + var skillConfig = GameGlobalData.Instance.gameDataConfig.getActiveSkillDataByNameAndLevel(skillData.skillName, targetLevel); + + this.txtName.string += (": " + skillConfig.Visual_Name); + infoStr += `\nDMG: ~> ${skillConfig.DMG}`; + infoStr += `\nMana: ~> ${skillConfig.Mana}`; + infoStr += `\nRange: ~> ${skillConfig.Range}`; + } + else { + var psCollected = GameGlobalData.Instance.passiveSkillCollected; + var targetLevel = 1; + if (psCollected.hasOwnProperty(skillData.skillName)) + { + targetLevel += psCollected[skillData.skillName]; + } + + var skillConfig = GameGlobalData.Instance.gameDataConfig.getPassiveSkillDataByNameAndLevel(skillData.skillName, targetLevel); + infoStr = `${skillConfig.visualname}: +${skillConfig.value}`; + } + + this.txtInfo.string = infoStr; + } + + onBtnSelectClicked() + { + UmLog.log("onBtnSelectClicked => ", this.skillData.skillName); + this.selectCallback?.(this.skillData); + } +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_ui/LevelUp/SkillRewardItemUI.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_ui/LevelUp/SkillRewardItemUI.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5e3aa2a --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_ui/LevelUp/SkillRewardItemUI.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "4311bac7-b804-4596-87e9-32ce14dac2d8", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_ui/LevelUpLayout.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_ui/LevelUpLayout.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6d28b5a --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_ui/LevelUpLayout.ts @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +import { Button, director } from 'cc'; +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { GameGlobalData } from '../global/GameGlobalData'; +import { Label } from 'cc'; +import { SkillRewardItemUI } from './LevelUp/SkillRewardItemUI'; +import { SkillInfo } from '../global/GameInterface'; +import { EGAME_STATE, GameDefine } from '../config/GameDefine'; +import { UmLog } from '../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmLog'; +import { UmClientEvent } from '../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmOneToMultiListener'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('LevelUpLayout') +export class LevelUpLayout extends Component { + @property(Button) btnClose: Button = null!; + @property(Label) txtLevelBefore: Label = null!; + @property(Label) txtLevelAfter: Label = null!; + @property(SkillRewardItemUI) listSkillRewardItems: SkillRewardItemUI[] = []; + + public onLevelUpClose: (() => void) | undefined; + beforeState = EGAME_STATE.WAIT; + + protected onLoad(): void { + this.btnClose?.node.on(Button.EventType.CLICK, this.onBtnCloseClicked, this); + } + + protected onEnable(): void { + this.beforeState = GameGlobalData.Instance.gameState; + GameGlobalData.Instance.changeState(EGAME_STATE.WAIT); + } + + protected onDisable(): void { + GameGlobalData.Instance.changeState(this.beforeState); + } + + onBtnCloseClicked() { + this.node.setNodeActive(false); + this.onLevelUpClose?.(); +} + + showLevelUp(levelBefore, levelAfter, callback = null) { + this.txtLevelBefore.string = `Level \n${levelBefore}`; + this.txtLevelAfter.string = `Level \n${levelAfter}`; + this.onLevelUpClose = callback; + + var listSkillRewardDatas = GameGlobalData.Instance.getListSkillReward(levelBefore); + + for (var i = 0; i < listSkillRewardDatas.length; i++) + { + this.listSkillRewardItems[i].setData(listSkillRewardDatas[i], (skillData) => this.onSkillSelectCallback(skillData)); + } + + } + + onSkillSelectCallback(skillData: SkillInfo) + { + UmLog.log("onSkillSelectCallback => ", skillData.skillName); + + if (skillData.skillName.includes("AS")) + { + UmLog.log("Collect Skill Type: AS => ", skillData.skillName); + GameGlobalData.Instance.userDataSaver.collectSkill(skillData.skillName, skillData.level); + } + else { + UmLog.log("Collect Skill Type: PS => ", skillData.skillName); + var passiveSkillData = GameGlobalData.Instance.collectPassiveSkill(skillData.skillName, skillData.level); + UmClientEvent.dispatchEvent(GameDefine.EVENT_COLLECT_PASSIVE_SKILL, passiveSkillData); + } + + this.node.setNodeActive(false); + this.onLevelUpClose?.(); + } +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_ui/LevelUpLayout.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_ui/LevelUpLayout.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8cac0d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/game_ui/LevelUpLayout.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +{"ver":"4.0.23","importer":"typescript","imported":true,"uuid":"d46d6b00-9657-4f73-93a3-646f4b0cd9e7","files":[],"subMetas":{},"userData":{}} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/global.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/global.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3c81ce1 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/global.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "1.2.0", + "importer": "directory", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "e4a0de41-580b-4727-94a2-97ad1539c5a6", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/global/GameAssets.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/global/GameAssets.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d7d4be2 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/global/GameAssets.ts @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +import { SpriteFrame } from 'cc'; +import { Prefab } from 'cc'; +import { SpriteAtlas } from 'cc'; +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('GameAssets') +export class GameAssets extends Component { + // @property(SpriteAtlas) public assetAtlas: SpriteAtlas = null!; + public static instance: GameAssets = null!; + + @property(Prefab) heroPrefab: Prefab = null!; + @property(Prefab) creepPrefab: Prefab = null!; + @property(Prefab) activeSkillPrefabs: Prefab[] = []; + @property(Prefab) bossMeleePrefab: Prefab = null!; + @property(Prefab) bossRangePrefab: Prefab = null!; + + protected onLoad(): void { + GameAssets.instance = this; + } + + public getActiveSkill(type: number): Prefab + { + if (type >= 0 && type < this.activeSkillPrefabs.length) + return this.activeSkillPrefabs[type]; + + return null; + } + + public getBossPrefabById(bossId: string) + { + switch (bossId) + { + case "B1": + return this.bossMeleePrefab; + + case "B2": + return this.bossRangePrefab; + } + } + +} + diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/global/GameAssets.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/global/GameAssets.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fee2ab8 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/global/GameAssets.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "6bf10a44-84d2-4eee-b21e-1ca3a89b2484", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/global/GameGlobalData.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/global/GameGlobalData.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8adad3f --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/global/GameGlobalData.ts @@ -0,0 +1,246 @@ +import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; +import { EGAME_STATE, GameDefine } from '../config/GameDefine'; +import { HeroData } from '../game_data/HeroData'; +import { EnemyData } from '../game_data/EnemyData'; +import { director } from 'cc'; +import { Tween } from 'cc'; +import { UmClientEvent } from '../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmOneToMultiListener'; +import { ActiveSkillData, GameDataConfig, LevelDesignInfo, PassiveSkillInfo } from '../game_data/GameDataConfig'; +import { UmLog } from '../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmLog'; +import { Vec3 } from 'cc'; +import { UserDataSaver } from '../game_data/UserDataSaver'; +import { CCClass } from 'cc'; +import { SkillInfo } from './GameInterface'; +import { UmUtil } from '../../../cc-common/cc-util/UmUtil'; +const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; + +@ccclass('GameGlobalData') +export class GameGlobalData extends Component { + @property(UserDataSaver) public userDataSaver: UserDataSaver = null!; + @property(GameDataConfig) public gameDataConfig: GameDataConfig = null!; + + public static Instance: GameGlobalData = null; + public gameState = EGAME_STATE.INIT; + public isHeroManaReady: boolean = false; + public currentActiveSkill: number = 0; + public lastHeroMoveDirection: Vec3 = new Vec3(0, 1, 0); + public level = 1; + private levelDesignConfigData: LevelDesignInfo = null; + public expCollected = 0; + + public killedData = { creep: 0, boss: 0 }; + public passiveSkillCollected = {}; + public HERO_CONTROL_CONFIG = { heroMoveSpeed : 5}; + + protected onLoad(): void { + GameGlobalData.Instance = this; + this.userDataSaver.loadData(); + this.prepareDataOnStartNewStage(); + UmLog.log("skill_collected = ", JSON.stringify(this.userDataSaver.activeSkillCollected)); + + } + + protected start(): void { + this.checkLevelUp(); + } + + public changeState(state: EGAME_STATE) { + this.gameState = state; + } + + public isStatePlay(): boolean { + return this.gameState == EGAME_STATE.PLAY; + } + + public isStateWait(): boolean { + return this.gameState == EGAME_STATE.WAIT; + } + + public get skillSpecialDataInfo(): any { + return GameDefine.SKILL_SPECIAL_DATA_INFO; + } + + public newGame() { + UmClientEvent.offAll(); + Tween.stopAll(); + director.loadScene("mainscene"); + } + + public manaToTime(mana: number) { + return mana / GameDefine.MANA_UNIT; + } + + public timeToMana(time: number) { + return time * GameDefine.MANA_UNIT; + } + + resetDataSaveBeforeStartNewStage() { + this.expCollected = 0; + this.passiveSkillCollected = {}; + this.killedData = { creep: 0, boss: 0 }; + this.HERO_CONTROL_CONFIG = { heroMoveSpeed : 5}; + } + + listActiveSkillData: ActiveSkillData[]; + listActiveSkillUses = new Array(); + + public prepareDataOnStartNewStage() { + this.HERO_CONTROL_CONFIG = UmUtil.clone(this.gameDataConfig.HERO_CONTROL_CONFIG); + this.resetDataSaveBeforeStartNewStage(); + this.userDataSaver.resetData(); + this.level = this.userDataSaver.level; + this.loadActiveSkillData(); + } + + loadActiveSkillData() { + var listSkillCollected = this.userDataSaver.activeSkillCollected; + var listKeys = UmUtil.clone(GameDefine.ACTIVE_SKILL_KEY); + + for (var i = 0; i < listKeys.length; i++) { + var key = listKeys[i]; + listKeys[i] = `${key}|${listSkillCollected[key]}`; + } + + this.listActiveSkillData = this.gameDataConfig.getActiveSkillConfig(listKeys); + UmLog.log("listActiveSkillData => ", JSON.stringify(this.listActiveSkillData)); + this.listActiveSkillUses = this.gameDataConfig.ACTIVE_SKILL_USE_INFO; + + for (var i = 0; i < this.listActiveSkillData.length; i++) { + var data = this.listActiveSkillData[i]; + this.listActiveSkillUses[i].mana = data.Mana; + + if (i == 2) + { + this.listActiveSkillUses[i].useTime = data.Range; + } + } + + UmLog.log("listActiveSkillUses => ", JSON.stringify(this.listActiveSkillUses)); + } + + get heroDataConfig(): any { + var result = this.gameDataConfig.getHeroDataByLevel(this.level); + result.Atk = 50; + result.Hp = 400; + return result; + } + + getEnemyDataConfigAfterRatioById(enemyId: string) { + var enemyData = this.gameDataConfig.getEnemyDataConfigById(enemyId); + var levelData = this.getLevelDesignConfigData(); + enemyData.atk *= levelData.atkratio; + enemyData.hp *= levelData.hpratio; + enemyData.exp *= levelData.expratio; + return enemyData; + } + + getBossDataConfigAfterRaitoById(enemyId: string) { + var bossData = this.gameDataConfig.getBossDataConfigById(enemyId); + var levelData = this.getLevelDesignConfigData(); + bossData.atk *= levelData.atkratio; + bossData.hp *= levelData.hpratio; + bossData.exp *= levelData.expratio; + return bossData; + } + + getLevelDesignConfigData(): LevelDesignInfo { + if (!this.levelDesignConfigData || this.levelDesignConfigData.level != this.level) { + this.levelDesignConfigData = this.gameDataConfig.getLevelDesignByLevel(this.level); + } + + return this.levelDesignConfigData; + } + + getExpInlevelNeed(): number { + return this.heroDataConfig.Exp; + } + + checkLevelUp(): boolean { + var userDataSaver = GameGlobalData.Instance.userDataSaver; + var levelExp = GameGlobalData.Instance.getExpInlevelNeed(); + + UmLog.log("checkLevelUp => user exp = ", userDataSaver.expInLevel); + UmLog.log("checkLevelUp => level exp = ", levelExp); + + if (userDataSaver.expInLevel < levelExp) + return false; + + userDataSaver.expInLevel -= levelExp; + userDataSaver.level++; + this.level = userDataSaver.level; + userDataSaver.saveData(); + return true; + } + + checkLevelUpWithSessionExpCollected(expCollect: number): boolean { + var userDataSaver = GameGlobalData.Instance.userDataSaver; + var levelExp = GameGlobalData.Instance.getExpInlevelNeed(); + var expCheck = userDataSaver.expInLevel + expCollect; + + UmLog.log("checkLevelUp => user exp = ", userDataSaver.expInLevel); + UmLog.log("checkLevelUp => check exp = ", expCheck); + UmLog.log("checkLevelUp => level exp = ", levelExp); + + if (expCheck < levelExp) + return false; + + userDataSaver.expInLevel = expCheck - levelExp; + userDataSaver.level++; + this.level = userDataSaver.level; + userDataSaver.saveData(); + this.expCollected = 0; + return true; + } + + getListSkillReward(level: number = this.level): SkillInfo[] { + var skillConfig: string = this.gameDataConfig.getSkillUnlockDataByLevel(level); + + var skillSplits = skillConfig.split("_"); + var skillRewards = new Array(); + + for (var i = 0; i < skillSplits.length; i++) { + var skillls = skillSplits[i].split("|"); + if (skillls.length < 2) + continue; + + var skillInfo: SkillInfo = { skillName: skillls[0], level: Number(skillls[1]) }; + skillRewards.push(skillInfo); + } + + skillRewards.shuffleArray(); + skillRewards.splice(3, skillRewards.length - 3); + return skillRewards; + } + + //Passive Skill + + collectPassiveSkill(skillName: string, plusLevel: number): PassiveSkillInfo { + var skillLevel = 0; + if (this.passiveSkillCollected.hasOwnProperty((skillName))) + skillLevel = this.passiveSkillCollected[skillName]; + + skillLevel += plusLevel; + skillLevel = Math.min(skillLevel, GameDefine.MAX_PASSIVE_SKILL_LEVEL); + this.passiveSkillCollected[skillName] = skillLevel; + return this.gameDataConfig.getPassiveSkillDataByNameAndLevel(skillName, skillLevel); + } + + isActiveSkill(skillName: string) + { + return skillName.includes("AS"); + } + + // getHeroDataAfterApplyPassiveSkill() + // { + // var listNameCollected = Object.keys(this.passiveSkillCollected); + // var passiveMapCollected = {}; + // for (var skillName in listNameCollected) + // { + // //Skill ID = skill name + skill level + // var skillID = `${skillName}|${this.passiveSkillCollected[skillName]}`; + // // passiveMapCollected[] + // } + // } + + +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/global/GameGlobalData.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/global/GameGlobalData.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8745265 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/global/GameGlobalData.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "ddc8d0b2-b483-46eb-887c-40ca10f260b2", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/global/GameInterface.ts b/assets/cc-game/scripts/global/GameInterface.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2542e54 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/global/GameInterface.ts @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ + +export interface HeroDataInfo { + hp: number; + weapon: number; + shooting: ShootingDataInfo; + manaRecoveryTime: number; + skillSpecial: number[] +} + +export interface EnemyDataInfo { + hp: number; + weapon: number; + shooting: ShootingDataInfo; +} + +export interface ShootingDataInfo { + AtkRange: number; + AtkCoolDown: number; + AtkSpeed: number; + Damage: number; + AoERange: number; + AoEDmg: number; +} + +export interface StageInfo { + stageId: number; + stageName: string; +} + +export interface SpecialSkillInfo { + skillId: number; + skillName: string; + skillTime: number; +} + +export interface SkillUseInfo { + skillType: number; + skillId: number; + useType: number + useTime: number; + mana: number; +} + +export interface SkillInfo +{ + skillName: string; + level: number; +} + + diff --git a/assets/cc-game/scripts/global/GameInterface.ts.meta b/assets/cc-game/scripts/global/GameInterface.ts.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d4ab4ca --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/cc-game/scripts/global/GameInterface.ts.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "ver": "4.0.23", + "importer": "typescript", + "imported": true, + "uuid": "d30aafc3-8267-4f6c-8ee2-135290a0fe9d", + "files": [], + "subMetas": {}, + "userData": {} +} diff --git a/package.json b/package.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..38a2bae --- /dev/null +++ b/package.json @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +{ + "creator": { + "version": "3.8.2", + "dependencies": {}, + "registry": { + "remote": {} + } + }, + "name": "Super-Hero", + "type": "3d", + "uuid": "cb08068e-a967-4ef4-b4d4-b4fd8d24334c", + "version": "3.8.2" +} diff --git a/preview-template/index.ejs b/preview-template/index.ejs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..50de304 --- /dev/null +++ b/preview-template/index.ejs @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ + + + + + <%=title%> + + + + + + + + + + + + + <%- include(cocosToolBar, {config: config}) %> +
+ +
Error (Please open the console to see detailed errors)
+ +
+ <%- include(cocosTemplate, {}) %> + + + diff --git a/preview-template/test.js b/preview-template/test.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..94d707c --- /dev/null +++ b/preview-template/test.js @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +console.warn('load preview plugin success!'); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/settings/3.0.0/packages/builder.json b/settings/3.0.0/packages/builder.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..73c7b36 --- /dev/null +++ b/settings/3.0.0/packages/builder.json @@ -0,0 +1,245 @@ +{ + "projectSetting": {}, + "textureCompressConfig": { + "userPreset": { + "33c0074836a7e03830341d5a99f09f00": { + "name": "etc1rgb", + "options": { + "android": { + "etc1_rgb": "fast" + }, + "ios": { + "etc1_rgb": "fast" + }, + "miniGame": { + "etc1_rgb": "fast" + }, + "web": { + "etc1_rgb": "fast" + } + } + }, + "2098655fcfa99b57d3f696a4033b3820": { + "name": "etc1rgb_a", + "options": { + "android": { + "etc1_rgb_a": "fast" + }, + "ios": { + "etc1_rgb_a": "fast" + }, + "miniGame": { + "etc1_rgb_a": "fast" + }, + "web": { + "etc1_rgb_a": "fast" + } + } + }, + "a7dbf347e43450d4471f61e6e1644691": { + "name": "etc2_rgb", + "options": { + "android": { + "etc2_rgb": "fast" + }, + "ios": { + "etc2_rgb": "fast" + }, + "miniGame": {}, + "web": { + "etc2_rgb": "fast" + } + } + }, + "dccb557a034387b75e6baa80196832f0": { + "name": "etc2rgba", + "options": { + "android": { + "etc2_rgba": "fast" + }, + "ios": { + "etc2_rgba": "fast" + }, + "miniGame": { + "etc2_rgba": "fast" + }, + "web": { + "etc2_rgba": "fast" + } + } + }, + "13557f486bcc25b285cba9223b3377a8": { + "name": "pvr2rgb", + "options": { + "android": {}, + "ios": { + "pvrtc_2bits_rgb": "normal" + }, + "miniGame": { + "pvrtc_2bits_rgb": "normal" + }, + "web": { + "pvrtc_2bits_rgb": "normal" + } + } + }, + "0c4695421f1d2822ee478d63a908ebaf": { + "name": "pvr2rgb_a", + "options": { + "android": {}, + "ios": { + "pvrtc_2bits_rgb_a": "normal" + }, + "miniGame": { + "pvrtc_2bits_rgb_a": "normal" + }, + "web": { + "pvrtc_2bits_rgb_a": 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