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ChoicesType: 0 ChoiceOneText: ChoiceOneEventName: ChoiceTwoText: ChoiceTwoEventName: ChoiceThreeText: ChoiceThreeEventName: SelectedChoice: 0 ValueLabel: ValueInitialValue: ValueMMRadioReceiverChannel: 0 ButtonText: ButtonType: 0 ButtonEventName: SpacerType: 0 CheckboxText: CheckboxInitialState: 0 CheckboxEventName: SliderMode: 0 SliderText: SliderRemapZero: 0 SliderRemapOne: 0 SliderInitialValue: 0 SliderEventName: TargetSlider: {fileID: 0} TargetButton: {fileID: 0} TargetCheckbox: {fileID: 0} - Name: Sphere Checkbox Active: 1 Type: 3 TitleText: TextType: 1 TextContents: This demo showcases how you can easily setup a debug menu, exposing quick access controls to pilot your game. ChoicesType: 0 ChoiceOneText: ChoiceOneEventName: ChoiceTwoText: ChoiceTwoEventName: ChoiceThreeText: ChoiceThreeEventName: SelectedChoice: 0 ValueLabel: ValueInitialValue: ValueMMRadioReceiverChannel: 0 ButtonText: ButtonType: 0 ButtonEventName: SpacerType: 0 CheckboxText: Sphere should rotate CheckboxInitialState: 1 CheckboxEventName: SphereShouldRotate SliderMode: 0 SliderText: SliderRemapZero: 0 SliderRemapOne: 0 SliderInitialValue: 0 SliderEventName: TargetSlider: {fileID: 0} TargetButton: {fileID: 0} TargetCheckbox: {fileID: 0} - Name: Cylinder Y Position Active: 1 Type: 6 TitleText: TextType: 1 TextContents: This demo showcases how you can easily setup a debug menu, exposing quick access controls to pilot your game. ChoicesType: 0 ChoiceOneText: ChoiceOneEventName: ChoiceTwoText: ChoiceTwoEventName: ChoiceThreeText: ChoiceThreeEventName: SelectedChoice: 0 ValueLabel: Cylinder Y Position ValueInitialValue: 0 ValueMMRadioReceiverChannel: 1000 ButtonText: ButtonType: 0 ButtonEventName: SpacerType: 0 CheckboxText: Cylinder Y Position CheckboxInitialState: 1 CheckboxEventName: SphereShouldRotate SliderMode: 0 SliderText: SliderRemapZero: 0 SliderRemapOne: 0 SliderInitialValue: 0 SliderEventName: TargetSlider: {fileID: 0} TargetButton: {fileID: 0} TargetCheckbox: {fileID: 0} - Name: Toggle Right Cube Button Active: 1 Type: 2 TitleText: TextType: 1 TextContents: This demo showcases how you can easily setup a debug menu, exposing quick access controls to pilot your game. ChoicesType: 0 ChoiceOneText: ChoiceOneEventName: ChoiceTwoText: ChoiceTwoEventName: ChoiceThreeText: ChoiceThreeEventName: SelectedChoice: 0 ValueLabel: Cylinder Y Position ValueInitialValue: 0 ValueMMRadioReceiverChannel: 1000 ButtonText: Toggle Right Cube ButtonType: 0 ButtonEventName: ToggleRightCube SpacerType: 0 CheckboxText: Cylinder Y Position CheckboxInitialState: 1 CheckboxEventName: SphereShouldRotate SliderMode: 0 SliderText: SliderRemapZero: 0 SliderRemapOne: 0 SliderInitialValue: 0 SliderEventName: TargetSlider: {fileID: 0} TargetButton: {fileID: 0} TargetCheckbox: {fileID: 0} - Name: Sphere Slider Active: 1 Type: 4 TitleText: TextType: 1 TextContents: This demo showcases how you can easily setup a debug menu, exposing quick access controls to pilot your game. ChoicesType: 0 ChoiceOneText: ChoiceOneEventName: ChoiceTwoText: ChoiceTwoEventName: ChoiceThreeText: ChoiceThreeEventName: SelectedChoice: 0 ValueLabel: Cylinder Y Position ValueInitialValue: 0 ValueMMRadioReceiverChannel: 1000 ButtonText: Toggle Right Cube ButtonType: 0 ButtonEventName: ToggleRightCube SpacerType: 0 CheckboxText: Cylinder Y Position CheckboxInitialState: 1 CheckboxEventName: SphereShouldRotate SliderMode: 0 SliderText: Sphere Position SliderRemapZero: 0 SliderRemapOne: 1 SliderInitialValue: 0 SliderEventName: SpherePosition TargetSlider: {fileID: 0} TargetButton: {fileID: 0} TargetCheckbox: {fileID: 0} - Name: Lift Instructions Text Active: 1 Type: 5 TitleText: TextType: 0 TextContents: Lift cube ChoicesType: 0 ChoiceOneText: ChoiceOneEventName: ChoiceTwoText: ChoiceTwoEventName: ChoiceThreeText: ChoiceThreeEventName: SelectedChoice: 0 ValueLabel: Cylinder Y Position ValueInitialValue: 0 ValueMMRadioReceiverChannel: 1000 ButtonText: Toggle Right Cube ButtonType: 0 ButtonEventName: ToggleRightCube SpacerType: 0 CheckboxText: Cylinder Y Position CheckboxInitialState: 1 CheckboxEventName: SphereShouldRotate SliderMode: 0 SliderText: Sphere Position SliderRemapZero: 0 SliderRemapOne: 1 SliderInitialValue: 0 SliderEventName: SpherePosition TargetSlider: {fileID: 0} TargetButton: {fileID: 0} TargetCheckbox: {fileID: 0} - Name: Lift Three Choices Active: 1 Type: 7 TitleText: TextType: 0 TextContents: Lift cube ChoicesType: 1 ChoiceOneText: Left ChoiceOneEventName: LiftLeft ChoiceTwoText: Middle ChoiceTwoEventName: LiftMiddle ChoiceThreeText: Right ChoiceThreeEventName: LiftRight SelectedChoice: 0 ValueLabel: Cylinder Y Position ValueInitialValue: 0 ValueMMRadioReceiverChannel: 1000 ButtonText: Toggle Right Cube ButtonType: 0 ButtonEventName: ToggleRightCube SpacerType: 0 CheckboxText: Cylinder Y Position CheckboxInitialState: 1 CheckboxEventName: SphereShouldRotate SliderMode: 0 SliderText: Sphere Position SliderRemapZero: 0 SliderRemapOne: 1 SliderInitialValue: 0 SliderEventName: SpherePosition TargetSlider: {fileID: 0} TargetButton: {fileID: 0} TargetCheckbox: {fileID: 0} - Name: Long text example Active: 1 Type: 5 TitleText: TextType: 2 TextContents: You can also display longer texts in your debug menu. It can be useful when you have a lot of info to provide, or when you really really like long sentences that never end because of how extremely long they are. ChoicesType: 1 ChoiceOneText: Left ChoiceOneEventName: LiftLeft ChoiceTwoText: Middle ChoiceTwoEventName: LiftMiddle ChoiceThreeText: Right ChoiceThreeEventName: LiftRight SelectedChoice: 0 ValueLabel: Cylinder Y Position ValueInitialValue: 0 ValueMMRadioReceiverChannel: 1000 ButtonText: Toggle Right Cube ButtonType: 0 ButtonEventName: ToggleRightCube SpacerType: 0 CheckboxText: Cylinder Y Position CheckboxInitialState: 1 CheckboxEventName: SphereShouldRotate SliderMode: 0 SliderText: Sphere Position SliderRemapZero: 0 SliderRemapOne: 1 SliderInitialValue: 0 SliderEventName: SpherePosition TargetSlider: {fileID: 0} TargetButton: {fileID: 0} TargetCheckbox: {fileID: 0} - Name: Rotate Middle Cube Button Active: 1 Type: 2 TitleText: TextType: 2 TextContents: You can also display longer texts in your debug menu. It can be useful when you have a lot of info to provide, or when you really really like long sentences that never end because of how extremely long they are. ChoicesType: 1 ChoiceOneText: Left ChoiceOneEventName: LiftLeft ChoiceTwoText: Middle ChoiceTwoEventName: LiftMiddle ChoiceThreeText: Right ChoiceThreeEventName: LiftRight SelectedChoice: 0 ValueLabel: Cylinder Y Position ValueInitialValue: 0 ValueMMRadioReceiverChannel: 1000 ButtonText: Rotate Middle Cube ButtonType: 1 ButtonEventName: RotateMiddleCube SpacerType: 0 CheckboxText: Cylinder Y Position CheckboxInitialState: 1 CheckboxEventName: SphereShouldRotate SliderMode: 0 SliderText: Sphere Position SliderRemapZero: 0 SliderRemapOne: 1 SliderInitialValue: 0 SliderEventName: SpherePosition TargetSlider: {fileID: 0} TargetButton: {fileID: 0} TargetCheckbox: {fileID: 0} - Name: Tilt cube instructions Active: 1 Type: 5 TitleText: TextType: 0 TextContents: Tilt cube ChoicesType: 1 ChoiceOneText: Left ChoiceOneEventName: LiftLeft ChoiceTwoText: Middle ChoiceTwoEventName: LiftMiddle ChoiceThreeText: Right ChoiceThreeEventName: LiftRight SelectedChoice: 0 ValueLabel: Cylinder Y Position ValueInitialValue: 0 ValueMMRadioReceiverChannel: 1000 ButtonText: Rotate Middle Cube ButtonType: 1 ButtonEventName: RotateMiddleCube SpacerType: 0 CheckboxText: Cylinder Y Position CheckboxInitialState: 1 CheckboxEventName: SphereShouldRotate SliderMode: 0 SliderText: Sphere Position SliderRemapZero: 0 SliderRemapOne: 1 SliderInitialValue: 0 SliderEventName: SpherePosition TargetSlider: {fileID: 0} TargetButton: {fileID: 0} TargetCheckbox: {fileID: 0} - Name: Tilt Cube Active: 1 Type: 7 TitleText: TextType: 0 TextContents: Tilt cube ChoicesType: 0 ChoiceOneText: Left ChoiceOneEventName: TiltLeft ChoiceTwoText: Right ChoiceTwoEventName: TiltRight ChoiceThreeText: ChoiceThreeEventName: SelectedChoice: 0 ValueLabel: Cylinder Y Position ValueInitialValue: 0 ValueMMRadioReceiverChannel: 1000 ButtonText: Rotate Middle Cube ButtonType: 1 ButtonEventName: RotateMiddleCube SpacerType: 0 CheckboxText: Cylinder Y Position CheckboxInitialState: 1 CheckboxEventName: SphereShouldRotate SliderMode: 0 SliderText: Sphere Position SliderRemapZero: 0 SliderRemapOne: 1 SliderInitialValue: 0 SliderEventName: SpherePosition TargetSlider: {fileID: 0} TargetButton: {fileID: 0} TargetCheckbox: {fileID: 0} - Name: About Active: 1 MenuItems: array: - Name: About Title Active: 1 Type: 0 TitleText: About TextType: 0 TextContents: ChoicesType: 0 ChoiceOneText: ChoiceOneEventName: ChoiceTwoText: ChoiceTwoEventName: ChoiceThreeText: ChoiceThreeEventName: SelectedChoice: 0 ValueLabel: ValueInitialValue: ValueMMRadioReceiverChannel: 0 ButtonText: ButtonType: 0 ButtonEventName: SpacerType: 0 CheckboxText: CheckboxInitialState: 0 CheckboxEventName: SliderMode: 0 SliderText: SliderRemapZero: 0 SliderRemapOne: 0 SliderInitialValue: 0 SliderEventName: TargetSlider: {fileID: 0} TargetButton: {fileID: 0} TargetCheckbox: {fileID: 0} - Name: Text Active: 1 Type: 5 TitleText: TextType: 2 TextContents: This MMDebugMenu system can be used to create debug menus of course, but you could repurpose it to create an in-game option menu as well. It's up to you! ChoicesType: 0 ChoiceOneText: ChoiceOneEventName: ChoiceTwoText: ChoiceTwoEventName: ChoiceThreeText: ChoiceThreeEventName: SelectedChoice: 0 ValueLabel: ValueInitialValue: ValueMMRadioReceiverChannel: 0 ButtonText: ButtonType: 0 ButtonEventName: SpacerType: 0 CheckboxText: CheckboxInitialState: 0 CheckboxEventName: SliderMode: 0 SliderText: SliderRemapZero: 0 SliderRemapOne: 0 SliderInitialValue: 0 SliderEventName: TargetSlider: {fileID: 0} TargetButton: {fileID: 0} TargetCheckbox: {fileID: 0} - Name: Sliders Active: 1 MenuItems: array: - Name: Title Active: 1 Type: 0 TitleText: Sliders TextType: 2 TextContents: Do you like sliders? I think they're amazing. So here are a few sliders. They don't do anything, but you can play with them nonetheless. ChoicesType: 0 ChoiceOneText: ChoiceOneEventName: ChoiceTwoText: ChoiceTwoEventName: ChoiceThreeText: ChoiceThreeEventName: SelectedChoice: 0 ValueLabel: ValueInitialValue: ValueMMRadioReceiverChannel: 0 ButtonText: ButtonType: 0 ButtonEventName: SpacerType: 0 CheckboxText: CheckboxInitialState: 0 CheckboxEventName: SliderMode: 0 SliderText: SliderRemapZero: 0 SliderRemapOne: 0 SliderInitialValue: 0 SliderEventName: TargetSlider: {fileID: 0} TargetButton: {fileID: 0} TargetCheckbox: {fileID: 0} - Name: Intro Active: 1 Type: 5 TitleText: TextType: 2 TextContents: Do you like sliders? I think they're amazing. So here are a few sliders. They don't do anything, but you can play with them nonetheless. ChoicesType: 0 ChoiceOneText: ChoiceOneEventName: ChoiceTwoText: ChoiceTwoEventName: ChoiceThreeText: ChoiceThreeEventName: SelectedChoice: 0 ValueLabel: ValueInitialValue: ValueMMRadioReceiverChannel: 0 ButtonText: ButtonType: 0 ButtonEventName: SpacerType: 0 CheckboxText: CheckboxInitialState: 0 CheckboxEventName: SliderMode: 0 SliderText: SliderRemapZero: 0 SliderRemapOne: 0 SliderInitialValue: 0 SliderEventName: TargetSlider: {fileID: 0} TargetButton: {fileID: 0} TargetCheckbox: {fileID: 0} - Name: SliderZeroToTen Active: 1 Type: 4 TitleText: TextType: 2 TextContents: Do you like sliders? I think they're amazing. So here are a few sliders. They don't do anything, but you can play with them nonetheless. ChoicesType: 0 ChoiceOneText: ChoiceOneEventName: ChoiceTwoText: ChoiceTwoEventName: ChoiceThreeText: ChoiceThreeEventName: SelectedChoice: 0 ValueLabel: ValueInitialValue: ValueMMRadioReceiverChannel: 0 ButtonText: ButtonType: 0 ButtonEventName: SpacerType: 0 CheckboxText: CheckboxInitialState: 0 CheckboxEventName: SliderMode: 0 SliderText: Zero to Ten SliderRemapZero: 0 SliderRemapOne: 10 SliderInitialValue: 3 SliderEventName: TargetSlider: {fileID: 0} TargetButton: {fileID: 0} TargetCheckbox: {fileID: 0} - Name: SliderZeroToTenInt Active: 1 Type: 4 TitleText: TextType: 2 TextContents: Do you like sliders? I think they're amazing. So here are a few sliders. They don't do anything, but you can play with them nonetheless. ChoicesType: 0 ChoiceOneText: ChoiceOneEventName: ChoiceTwoText: ChoiceTwoEventName: ChoiceThreeText: ChoiceThreeEventName: SelectedChoice: 0 ValueLabel: ValueInitialValue: ValueMMRadioReceiverChannel: 0 ButtonText: ButtonType: 0 ButtonEventName: SpacerType: 0 CheckboxText: CheckboxInitialState: 0 CheckboxEventName: SliderMode: 1 SliderText: Zero to Ten (int) SliderRemapZero: 0 SliderRemapOne: 10 SliderInitialValue: 8 SliderEventName: TargetSlider: {fileID: 0} TargetButton: {fileID: 0} TargetCheckbox: {fileID: 0} - Name: SliderMillion Active: 1 Type: 4 TitleText: TextType: 2 TextContents: Do you like sliders? I think they're amazing. So here are a few sliders. They don't do anything, but you can play with them nonetheless. ChoicesType: 0 ChoiceOneText: ChoiceOneEventName: ChoiceTwoText: ChoiceTwoEventName: ChoiceThreeText: ChoiceThreeEventName: SelectedChoice: 0 ValueLabel: ValueInitialValue: ValueMMRadioReceiverChannel: 0 ButtonText: ButtonType: 0 ButtonEventName: SpacerType: 0 CheckboxText: CheckboxInitialState: 0 CheckboxEventName: SliderMode: 1 SliderText: The Million SliderRemapZero: 0 SliderRemapOne: 1000000 SliderInitialValue: 500000 SliderEventName: TargetSlider: {fileID: 0} TargetButton: {fileID: 0} TargetCheckbox: {fileID: 0} - Name: SliderCountToTen Active: 1 Type: 4 TitleText: TextType: 2 TextContents: Do you like sliders? I think they're amazing. So here are a few sliders. They don't do anything, but you can play with them nonetheless. ChoicesType: 0 ChoiceOneText: ChoiceOneEventName: ChoiceTwoText: ChoiceTwoEventName: ChoiceThreeText: ChoiceThreeEventName: SelectedChoice: 0 ValueLabel: ValueInitialValue: ValueMMRadioReceiverChannel: 0 ButtonText: ButtonType: 0 ButtonEventName: SpacerType: 0 CheckboxText: CheckboxInitialState: 0 CheckboxEventName: SliderMode: 1 SliderText: Count to ten SliderRemapZero: 0 SliderRemapOne: 10 SliderInitialValue: 3 SliderEventName: TargetSlider: {fileID: 0} TargetButton: {fileID: 0} TargetCheckbox: {fileID: 0} - Name: SliderFifty Active: 1 Type: 4 TitleText: TextType: 2 TextContents: Do you like sliders? I think they're amazing. So here are a few sliders. They don't do anything, but you can play with them nonetheless. ChoicesType: 0 ChoiceOneText: ChoiceOneEventName: ChoiceTwoText: ChoiceTwoEventName: ChoiceThreeText: ChoiceThreeEventName: SelectedChoice: 0 ValueLabel: ValueInitialValue: ValueMMRadioReceiverChannel: 0 ButtonText: ButtonType: 0 ButtonEventName: SpacerType: 0 CheckboxText: CheckboxInitialState: 0 CheckboxEventName: SliderMode: 1 SliderText: Fifty SliderRemapZero: 0 SliderRemapOne: 50 SliderInitialValue: 25 SliderEventName: TargetSlider: {fileID: 0} TargetButton: {fileID: 0} TargetCheckbox: {fileID: 0} - Name: SliderZeroToOne Active: 1 Type: 4 TitleText: TextType: 2 TextContents: Do you like sliders? I think they're amazing. So here are a few sliders. They don't do anything, but you can play with them nonetheless. 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