using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Events; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; #if IMAGINE_URP using UnityEngine.Rendering; using UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal; #endif namespace Imagine.WebAR { [RequireComponent(typeof(Camera))] public class ARCamera : MonoBehaviour { [DllImport("__Internal")] private static extern void SetWebGLARCameraSettings(string settings); [DllImport("__Internal")] private static extern void WebGLStartCamera(); [DllImport("__Internal")] private static extern bool WebGLIsCameraStarted(); [DllImport("__Internal")] private static extern void WebGLUnpauseCamera(); [DllImport("__Internal")] private static extern void WebGLPauseCamera(); [DllImport("__Internal")] private static extern void WebGLGetCameraTexture(int textureId); [DllImport("__Internal")] private static extern string WebGLGetVideoDims(); [DllImport("__Internal")] private static extern string WebGLSubscribeVideoTexturePtr(int textureId); [DllImport("__Internal")] private static extern bool IsWebcamPermissionGranted(); [DllImport("__Internal")] private static extern void WebGLFlipCamera(); [DllImport("__Internal")] private static extern bool WebGLIsCameraFlipped(); public enum VideoPlaneMode { NONE, TEXTURE_PTR, } [SerializeField] public VideoPlaneMode videoPlaneMode = VideoPlaneMode.TEXTURE_PTR; [SerializeField] private Material videoPlaneMat; [SerializeField] private float videoDistance = 100; [SerializeField] public UnityEvent OnResized; [HideInInspector] public Camera cam; private GameObject videoBackground; private Texture2D videoTexture; private int videoTextureId; [Space][SerializeField] private bool unpausePauseOnEnableDisable = false; [SerializeField] private bool pauseOnDestroy = false; private bool paused = false; [SerializeField] private bool pauseOnApplicationLostFocus = false; [SerializeField][Range(0,1000)]private int resizeDelay = 50; [SerializeField] public UnityEvent OnCameraImageFlipped; [HideInInspector] public bool isFlipped = false; public enum ARCameraOrientation {PORTRAIT, LANDSCAPE}; [SerializeField] public UnityEvent OnCameraOrientationChanged; [HideInInspector] public ARCameraOrientation orientation; private void Awake() { cam = GetComponent(); } private IEnumerator Start() { #if UNITY_WEBGL && !UNITY_EDITOR isFlipped = WebGLIsCameraFlipped(); #endif OnCameraImageFlipped?.Invoke(isFlipped); OnCameraOrientationChanged?.Invoke(Screen.height > Screen.width ? ARCameraOrientation.PORTRAIT : ARCameraOrientation.LANDSCAPE); #if IMAGINE_URP //Debug.Log(GraphicsSettings.defaultRenderPipeline.GetType()); if (GraphicsSettings.currentRenderPipeline != null && GraphicsSettings.defaultRenderPipeline.GetType().ToString().EndsWith("UniversalRenderPipelineAsset") && videoPlaneMode == VideoPlaneMode.NONE ) { Debug.Log("URP detected"); cam.clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.Depth; cam.allowHDR = false; var camData = GetComponent(); camData.renderPostProcessing = false; Debug.Log(cam.clearFlags + " " + camData.renderPostProcessing); } #endif SetARCameraSettings(); StartCamera(); yield break; } private void OnEnable(){ if(unpausePauseOnEnableDisable) UnpauseCamera(); } private void OnDisable(){ if(unpausePauseOnEnableDisable) PauseCamera(); } private void OnDestroy(){ if(pauseOnDestroy) PauseCamera(); } void SetARCameraSettings(){ var json = "{"; json += "\"UNITY_VIDEOPLANE\":" + (videoPlaneMode != VideoPlaneMode.NONE ? "true" : "false") + ","; json += "\"RESIZE_DELAY\":" + resizeDelay; json += "}"; #if UNITY_WEBGL && !UNITY_EDITOR SetWebGLARCameraSettings(json); #endif } void StartCamera(){ #if UNITY_WEBGL && !UNITY_EDITOR if(WebGLIsCameraStarted()){ Debug.Log("SetVideoDims"); SetVideoDims(); } else{ Debug.Log("StartCamera"); WebGLStartCamera(); } #endif } void OnStartWebcamSuccess(){ SetVideoDims(); } void OnStartWebcamFail(){ Debug.LogError("Webcam failed to start!"); } void SetCameraFov(float fov) { cam.fieldOfView = fov; Debug.Log("SetCameraFov " + cam.fieldOfView); } public void PauseCamera() { if(paused) return; Debug.Log("Pausing Camera..."); #if UNITY_WEBGL && !UNITY_EDITOR WebGLPauseCamera(); #endif paused = true; } public void UnpauseCamera() { if(!paused) return; Debug.Log("Unpausing Camera..."); #if UNITY_WEBGL && !UNITY_EDITOR WebGLUnpauseCamera(); #endif paused = false; } public void Resize(string dims) { // #if UNITY_WEBGL && !UNITY_EDITOR // //this will tell arCamera in js if unity is also rendering a videoplane // //and will avoid rendering duplicate planes, and save some fps // WebGLUseUnityVideoPlane(videoPlaneMode != VideoPlaneMode.NONE); // #endif var vals = dims.Split(new string[] { "," }, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var width = int.Parse(vals[0]); var height = int.Parse(vals[1]); Debug.Log("Got Video Texture Size - " + width + " x " + height); OnResized?.Invoke(new Vector2(width, height)); if(videoPlaneMode == VideoPlaneMode.NONE) { //we resize only when videoplane is active return; } if(videoBackground != null){ Destroy(videoBackground); } CreateVideoPlane(width, height); if(videoTexture != null) Destroy(videoTexture); videoTexture = new Texture2D(width, height); videoPlaneMat.mainTexture = videoTexture; videoTextureId = (int)videoTexture.GetNativeTexturePtr(); Debug.Log("Unity WebGLSubscribeVideoTexturePtr -> " + videoTextureId); #if UNITY_WEBGL && !UNITY_EDITOR WebGLSubscribeVideoTexturePtr(videoTextureId); #endif } void CreateVideoPlane(int width, int height) { Debug.Log("Init video plane"); videoBackground = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Quad); = "VideoBackground"; videoBackground.transform.parent = transform; videoPlaneMat.mainTexture = null; videoBackground.GetComponent().material = videoPlaneMat; var ar = (float)Screen.width / (float)Screen.height; var v_ar = (float)width / (float)height; float heightScale = 1; if(v_ar > ar){ Debug.Log("Bleed horizontally"); heightScale = 2 * videoDistance * Mathf.Tan(cam.fieldOfView * Mathf.Deg2Rad / 2); } else{ Debug.Log("Bleed vertically"); var heightRatio = ar / v_ar; heightScale = 2 * videoDistance * Mathf.Tan(cam.fieldOfView * Mathf.Deg2Rad / 2) * heightRatio; } var widthScale = heightScale * v_ar * (isFlipped ? -1 : 1); videoBackground.transform.localScale = new Vector3(widthScale, heightScale, 1); videoBackground.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, videoDistance); videoBackground.transform.localEulerAngles =; } void SetVideoDims(){ Resize( WebGLGetVideoDims()); } // public void DebugDrawDataUrl(string dataUrl, int width, int height){ // Resize(width + "," + height); // dataUrl = dataUrl.Replace("data:image/png;base64,", ""); // var oldTex = videoPlaneMat.mainTexture; // if( oldTex != null){ // Destroy(oldTex); // } // Texture2D tex = new Texture2D (width, height); // tex.LoadImage(System.Convert.FromBase64String(dataUrl)); // tex.Apply (); // videoPlaneMat.mainTexture = tex; // } void OnApplicationFocus(bool hasFocus) { if(pauseOnApplicationLostFocus){ #if UNITY_WEBGL && !UNITY_EDITOR if(WebGLIsCameraStarted()){ if(hasFocus) UnpauseCamera(); else PauseCamera(); } #endif } } void OnApplicationPause(bool pauseStatus) { if(pauseOnApplicationLostFocus){ #if UNITY_WEBGL && !UNITY_EDITOR if(WebGLIsCameraStarted()){ if(!pauseStatus) UnpauseCamera(); else PauseCamera(); } #endif } } public void FlipCamera(){ #if UNITY_WEBGL && !UNITY_EDITOR WebGLFlipCamera(); #endif } void SetFlippedMessage (string message){ Debug.Log("OnFlippedMessage = " + message); isFlipped = message == "true"; OnCameraImageFlipped?.Invoke(isFlipped); //flip videoPlane if(videoBackground != null){ var newScale = videoBackground.transform.localScale; newScale.x = Mathf.Abs(newScale.x) * (isFlipped ? -1 : 1); videoBackground.transform.localScale = newScale; } } void SetOrientationMessage (string message){ Debug.Log("OrientationMessage = " + message); orientation = message == "PORTRAIT" ? ARCameraOrientation.PORTRAIT : ARCameraOrientation.LANDSCAPE; OnCameraOrientationChanged?.Invoke(orientation); } } }