import { _decorator, bezier, Button, CCInteger, Component, EventTarget, Label, log, Node, EventTouch } from 'cc'; import { GameplayController } from './GameplayController'; import BEConnector from './BEConnector'; const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; export enum PanelState { NotShowing, CompareScore, Continue, ShowResult } @ccclass('EndGameUIController') export class EndGameUIController extends Component { @property(CCInteger) private countdownTime: number = 15; private currentCD: number = 15; private isContinuable: boolean = true; private isEndGameByTime: boolean = false; private currentState: PanelState = PanelState.NotShowing; // Texts @property(Label) private yourScoreTxt: Label = null; @property(Label) private topScoreTxt: Label = null; @property(Label) private continueTxt: Label = null; @property(Label) private countdownToReplayTxt: Label = null; // Buttons @property(Button) private yesBtn: Label = null; @property(Button) private noBtn: Label = null; // Panel @property(Node) private compareScorePnl: Node = null; @property(Node) private continuePnl: Node = null; @property(Node) private finalResultPnl: Node = null; private eventRevive = new EventTarget(); //#region Cocos methods protected onEnable(): void { this.Setup(); this.currentCD = this.countdownTime; } protected update(dt: number): void { if (this.isEndGameByTime == true) return; this.currentCD -= dt; this.countdownToReplayTxt.string = Math.round(this.currentCD).toString(); if (this.currentCD <= 0 && !this.isEndGameByTime) { this.currentCD = 0; this.ChangeState(PanelState.ShowResult); this.isEndGameByTime = true; } } //#endregion private Setup(): void { if (this.isContinuable) this.ChangeState(PanelState.CompareScore); else this.ChangeState(PanelState.ShowResult); } private ChangeState(newState: PanelState): void { if (this.currentState == newState) return; this.currentState = newState; switch (this.currentState) { case PanelState.CompareScore: this.TurnOffAllPanels(this.compareScorePnl); var totalScore = GameplayController.Instance().score + GameplayController.Instance().highestStreak * 2; this.yourScoreTxt.string = "Your score: " + totalScore; /// Todo: set top score here break; case PanelState.Continue: this.TurnOffAllPanels(this.continuePnl); var ticket = BEConnector.instance.numberTicket; if (ticket >= BEConnector.instance.getTicketCanBeMinus()) { this.continueTxt.string = "To continue playing, you will be deducted " + ticket + " Extras. Do you want to proceed?"; } else { this.continueTxt.string = "You don't have enough Extras to continue playing. Would you like to buy more tickets?"; } break; case PanelState.ShowResult: = false; = false; = false; this.TurnOffAllPanels(this.finalResultPnl); BEConnector.instance.postScoreToServer(GameplayController.Instance().score); break; } } private TurnOffAllPanels(activePnl: Node): void { = false; = false; = false; if (activePnl != null) = true; } public YesNoClick(e: EventTouch, yesNoString: string): void { var isYesClick = true; if (yesNoString == "true") isYesClick = true; else isYesClick = false; switch (this.currentState) { case PanelState.CompareScore: if (isYesClick) this.ChangeState(PanelState.Continue); else this.ChangeState(PanelState.ShowResult); break; case PanelState.Continue: if (isYesClick) { var ticket = BEConnector.instance.getTicketCanBeMinus(); if (BEConnector.instance.numberTicket >= ticket) { GameplayController.Instance().OnRevive(); BEConnector.instance.ticketMinus("revive"); this.isContinuable = false; } else BEConnector.instance.postMessage(); } else { this.ChangeState(PanelState.CompareScore); } break; } } }