
620 lines
21 KiB

import {
} from 'cc';
import { cce, Editor } from './Define';
const { ccclass, executeInEditMode, property } = _decorator;
class GizmosRenderer {
private _geometryRenderer;
private _drawCalls: ((geometry) => void)[] = [];
constructor(geometryRenderer: GeometryRenderer) {
this._geometryRenderer = geometryRenderer;
public addDrawCall(drawCall: (geometry: GeometryRenderer) => void) {
public clear() {
this._drawCalls = [];
public draw() {
this._drawCalls.forEach((drawCall) => {
class GizmosDebugDraw extends Component {
private _renderers: Map<string, GizmosRenderer> = new Map();
private _color: Color = Gizmos3D.DEFAULT_COLOR;
private _renderer: GeometryRenderer = null;
private _depthTest: boolean = false;
private _useLocalPosition: boolean = false;
private _parentNode: Node;
protected onLoad(): void {
if (cce) {;
this._renderer =;
} else {
const camera = director.getScene().getComponentInChildren(Camera).camera;
this._renderer = camera.geometryRenderer;
if (!this._renderer) {
'Unable to initialize geometryRenderer for Gizmos3D, please ensure the Geometry Renderer feature is enabled in project settings if you want to use Gizmos3D in play mode',
protected update(dt: number): void {
//only call in editor
this._renderers.forEach((renderer) => {
this._color = Gizmos3D.DEFAULT_COLOR;
this._useLocalPosition = false;
private callNodeDrawGizmos() {
if (Editor && this._parentNode) {
const selectedList: string[] = Editor.Selection.getSelected('node');
if (selectedList.includes(this._parentNode.uuid)) {
const comps = this._parentNode.components;
for (let i = 0; i < comps.length; i++) {
const comp: Component = comps[i];
private createRenderer(color: Color) {
const renderer = new GizmosRenderer(this._renderer);
return renderer;
private getRenderer(color: Color): GizmosRenderer {
const hex = color.toHEX();
let renderer = this._renderers.get(hex);
if (!renderer) {
renderer = this.createRenderer(color);
this._renderers.set(hex, renderer);
return renderer;
private worldToLocal(world: Vec3): Vec3 {
const local = new Vec3();
Vec3.add(local, this.node.worldPosition, world);
return local;
public registerDrawGizmos(node: Node) {
this._parentNode = node;
public setDepthTest(value: boolean) {
this._depthTest = value;
public setColor(color: Color) {
this._color = color;
public setUseLocalPosition(value: boolean) {
this._useLocalPosition = value;
public clearAll() {
this._renderers.forEach((renderer) => renderer.clear());
private rotate(pos: Vec3, rot: Vec3 = Vec3.ZERO): Mat4 {
let result = new Mat4();
let transform = new Mat4();
Mat4.fromTranslation(result, pos);
Mat4.fromXRotation(transform, toRadian(rot.x));
Mat4.fromYRotation(transform, toRadian(rot.y));
Mat4.fromZRotation(transform, toRadian(rot.z));
Mat4.fromTranslation(transform, new Vec3(-pos.x, -pos.y, -pos.z));
return result;
public drawLine(point1: Vec3, point2: Vec3) {
const color = this._color.clone();
const renderer = this.getRenderer(color);
const p1 = this._useLocalPosition ? this.worldToLocal(point1) : point1;
const p2 = this._useLocalPosition ? this.worldToLocal(point2) : point2;
renderer.addDrawCall((geometry) => {
geometry?.addLine(p1, p2, color, this._depthTest);
public drawLineList(points: Vec3[], close: boolean = false) {
const color = this._color.clone();
const renderer = this.getRenderer(color);
const pointList = this._useLocalPosition ? => this.worldToLocal(p)) : points;
renderer.addDrawCall((geometry) => {
if (pointList.length > 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < pointList.length - 1; i++) {
geometry?.addLine(pointList[i], pointList[i + 1], color, this._depthTest);
if (close) {
geometry?.addLine(pointList[pointList.length - 1], pointList[0], color, this._depthTest);
public drawDashLine(point1: Vec3, point2: Vec3) {
const color = this._color.clone();
const renderer = this.getRenderer(color);
const p1 = this._useLocalPosition ? this.worldToLocal(point1) : point1;
const p2 = this._useLocalPosition ? this.worldToLocal(point2) : point2;
renderer.addDrawCall((geometry) => {
geometry?.addDashedLine(p1, p2, color, this._depthTest);
public drawDashLineList(points: Vec3[], close: boolean = false) {
const color = this._color.clone();
const renderer = this.getRenderer(color);
const pointList = this._useLocalPosition ? => this.worldToLocal(p)) : points;
renderer.addDrawCall((geometry) => {
if (pointList.length > 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < pointList.length - 1; i++) {
geometry?.addDashedLine(pointList[i], pointList[i + 1], color, this._depthTest);
if (close) {
geometry?.addDashedLine(pointList[pointList.length - 1], pointList[0], color, this._depthTest);
public drawCircle(center: Vec3, radius: number, rot: Vec3 = Vec3.ZERO) {
const color = this._color.clone();
const renderer = this.getRenderer(color);
const c = this._useLocalPosition ? this.worldToLocal(center) : center;
const transform = this.rotate(c, rot);
renderer.addDrawCall((geometry) => {
geometry?.addCircle(c, radius, color, 32, this._depthTest, true, transform);
public drawDisc(center: Vec3, radius: number, rot: Vec3 = Vec3.ZERO, wireFrame: boolean = false) {
const color = this._color.clone();
const renderer = this.getRenderer(color);
const c = this._useLocalPosition ? this.worldToLocal(center) : center;
const transform = this.rotate(c, rot);
renderer.addDrawCall((geometry) => {
geometry?.addDisc(c, radius, color, 32, wireFrame, this._depthTest, true, true, transform);
public drawQuad(point1: Vec3, point2: Vec3, point3: Vec3, point4: Vec3, wireFrame: boolean = false) {
const color = this._color.clone();
const renderer = this.getRenderer(color);
const p1 = this._useLocalPosition ? this.worldToLocal(point1) : point1;
const p2 = this._useLocalPosition ? this.worldToLocal(point2) : point2;
const p3 = this._useLocalPosition ? this.worldToLocal(point3) : point3;
const p4 = this._useLocalPosition ? this.worldToLocal(point4) : point4;
renderer.addDrawCall((geometry) => {
geometry?.addQuad(p1, p2, p3, p4, color, wireFrame, this._depthTest);
public drawSphere(center: Vec3, radius: number, wireFrame: boolean = false) {
const color = this._color.clone();
const renderer = this.getRenderer(color);
const c = this._useLocalPosition ? this.worldToLocal(center) : center;
renderer.addDrawCall((geometry) => {
geometry?.addSphere(c, radius, color, 32, 16, wireFrame, this._depthTest);
public drawArc(center: Vec3, radius: number, startAngle: number, endAngle: number, rot: Vec3 = Vec3.ZERO) {
const color = this._color.clone();
const renderer = this.getRenderer(color);
const c = this._useLocalPosition ? this.worldToLocal(center) : center;
const transform = this.rotate(c, rot);
renderer.addDrawCall((geometry) => {
geometry?.addArc(c, radius, color, startAngle, endAngle, 32, this._depthTest, true, transform);
public drawSolidArc(
center: Vec3,
radius: number,
startAngle: number,
endAngle: number,
rot: Vec3 = Vec3.ZERO,
wireFrame: boolean = false,
) {
const color = this._color.clone();
const renderer = this.getRenderer(color);
const c = this._useLocalPosition ? this.worldToLocal(center) : center;
const transform = this.rotate(c, rot);
renderer.addDrawCall((geometry) => {
public drawPolygon(
position: Vec3,
radius: number,
segments: number,
rot: Vec3 = Vec3.ZERO,
wireFrame: boolean = false,
) {
const color = this._color.clone();
const renderer = this.getRenderer(color);
const p = this._useLocalPosition ? this.worldToLocal(position) : position;
const transform = this.rotate(p, rot);
renderer.addDrawCall((geometry) => {
geometry?.addPolygon(p, radius, color, segments, wireFrame, this._depthTest, true, true, transform);
public drawOctahedron(position: Vec3, radius: number, rot: Vec3 = Vec3.ZERO, wireFrame: boolean = false) {
const color = this._color.clone();
const renderer = this.getRenderer(color);
const p = this._useLocalPosition ? this.worldToLocal(position) : position;
const transform = this.rotate(p, rot);
renderer.addDrawCall((geometry) => {
geometry?.addOctahedron(p, radius, color, wireFrame, this._depthTest, false, true, transform);
public drawCross(position: Vec3, size: number) {
const color = this._color.clone();
const renderer = this.getRenderer(color);
const p = this._useLocalPosition ? this.worldToLocal(position) : position;
renderer.addDrawCall((geometry) => {
geometry?.addCross(p, size, color, this._depthTest);
public drawCapsule(
position: Vec3,
radius: number,
height: number,
rot: Vec3 = Vec3.ZERO,
wireFrame: boolean = false,
) {
const color = this._color.clone();
const renderer = this.getRenderer(color);
const p = this._useLocalPosition ? this.worldToLocal(position) : position;
const transform = this.rotate(p, rot);
renderer.addDrawCall((geometry) => {
geometry?.addCapsule(p, radius, height, color, 32, 8, wireFrame, this._depthTest, false, true, transform);
public drawBox(position: Vec3, size: Vec3, rot: Vec3 = Vec3.ZERO, wireFrame: boolean = false) {
const color = this._color.clone();
const renderer = this.getRenderer(color);
const p = this._useLocalPosition ? this.worldToLocal(position) : position;
const transform = this.rotate(p, rot);
let box = geometry?.AABB.create(p.x, p.y, p.z, size.x, size.y, size.z);
renderer.addDrawCall((geometry) => {
geometry?.addBoundingBox(box, color, wireFrame, this._depthTest, false, true, transform);
public drawCylinder(
position: Vec3,
radius: number,
height: number,
rot: Vec3 = Vec3.ZERO,
wireFrame: boolean = false,
) {
const color = this._color.clone();
const renderer = this.getRenderer(color);
const p = this._useLocalPosition ? this.worldToLocal(position) : position;
const transform = this.rotate(p, rot);
renderer.addDrawCall((geometry) => {
geometry?.addCylinder(p, radius, height, color, 32, wireFrame, this._depthTest, false, true, transform);
public drawCone(position: Vec3, radius: number, height: number, rot: Vec3 = Vec3.ZERO, wireFrame: boolean = false) {
const color = this._color.clone();
const renderer = this.getRenderer(color);
const p = this._useLocalPosition ? this.worldToLocal(position) : position;
const transform = this.rotate(p, rot);
renderer.addDrawCall((geometry) => {
geometry?.addCone(p, radius, height, color, 32, wireFrame, this._depthTest, false, true, transform);
public drawBezier(point1: Vec3, point2: Vec3, point3: Vec3, point4: Vec3, rot: Vec3 = Vec3.ZERO) {
const color = this._color.clone();
const renderer = this.getRenderer(color);
const p1 = this._useLocalPosition ? this.worldToLocal(point1) : point1;
const p2 = this._useLocalPosition ? this.worldToLocal(point2) : point2;
const p3 = this._useLocalPosition ? this.worldToLocal(point3) : point3;
const p4 = this._useLocalPosition ? this.worldToLocal(point4) : point4;
const transform = this.rotate(p1, rot);
renderer.addDrawCall((geometry) => {
geometry?.addBezier(p1, p2, p3, p4, color, 32, this._depthTest, true, transform);
public drawSpline(knots: Vec3[], mode: geometry.SplineMode = geometry?.SplineMode.BEZIER, knotSize = 0.5) {
const color = this._color.clone();
const renderer = this.getRenderer(color);
const knotsList = this._useLocalPosition ? => this.worldToLocal(knot)) : knots;
let spline = geometry?.Spline.create(mode, knotsList);
renderer.addDrawCall((geometry) => {
geometry?.addSpline(spline, color, 0xffffffff, knotSize, 32, this._depthTest);
export default class Gizmos3D {
private static _mat: Material;
public static get DEFAULT_MAT() {
if (!this._mat) {
this._mat = new Material();
effectName: 'builtin-unlit',
defines: { USE_VERTEX_COLOR: true },
states: { primitive: gfx.PrimitiveMode.LINE_LOOP },
this._mat.passes.forEach((v) => v.tryCompile());
return this._mat;
public static readonly DEFAULT_COLOR = Color.BLUE;
public static readonly DEFAULT_LAYER = Layers.Enum.GIZMOS;
private static getDebugNode(node: Node) {
let debugNode = node.getComponentInChildren(GizmosDebugDraw);
if (!debugNode) {
debugNode = new Node('DEBUG_DRAW_NODE').addComponent(GizmosDebugDraw);
debugNode.node.layer = this.DEFAULT_LAYER;
debugNode.node.hideFlags |= CCObject.Flags.DontSave | CCObject.Flags.HideInHierarchy;
debugNode.node.parent = node;
return debugNode;
public static registerDrawGizmos(node: Node) {
public static beginColor(node: Node, color: Color) {
static beginLocalPosition(node: Node) {
static endLocalPosition(node: Node) {
public static clearAll(node: Node) {
public static drawLine(node: Node, point1: Vec3, point2: Vec3) {
const debugNode = this.getDebugNode(node);
debugNode.drawLine(point1, point2);
public static drawLineList(node: Node, points: Vec3[], close: boolean = false) {
const debugNode = this.getDebugNode(node);
debugNode.drawLineList(points, close);
public static drawDashLine(node: Node, point1: Vec3, point2: Vec3) {
const debugNode = this.getDebugNode(node);
debugNode.drawDashLine(point1, point2);
public static drawDashLineList(node: Node, points: Vec3[], close: boolean = false) {
const debugNode = this.getDebugNode(node);
debugNode.drawLineList(points, close);
public static drawCircle(node: Node, center: Vec3, radius: number, rot: Vec3 = Vec3.ZERO) {
const debugNode = this.getDebugNode(node);
debugNode.drawCircle(center, radius, rot);
public static drawDisc(
node: Node,
center: Vec3,
radius: number,
rot: Vec3 = Vec3.ZERO,
wireFrame: boolean = false,
) {
const debugNode = this.getDebugNode(node);
debugNode.drawDisc(center, radius, rot, wireFrame);
public static drawQuad(
node: Node,
point1: Vec3,
point2: Vec3,
point3: Vec3,
point4: Vec3,
wireFrame: boolean = false,
) {
const debugNode = this.getDebugNode(node);
debugNode.drawQuad(point1, point2, point3, point4, wireFrame);
public static drawSphere(node: Node, center: Vec3, radius: number, wireFrame: boolean = false) {
const debugNode = this.getDebugNode(node);
debugNode.drawSphere(center, radius, wireFrame);
public static drawArc(
node: Node,
center: Vec3,
radius: number,
startAngle: number,
endAngle: number,
rot: Vec3 = Vec3.ZERO,
) {
const debugNode = this.getDebugNode(node);
debugNode.drawArc(center, radius, startAngle, endAngle, rot);
public static drawSolidArc(
node: Node,
center: Vec3,
radius: number,
startAngle: number,
endAngle: number,
rot: Vec3 = Vec3.ZERO,
wireFrame: boolean = false,
) {
const debugNode = this.getDebugNode(node);
debugNode.drawSolidArc(center, radius, startAngle, endAngle, rot, wireFrame);
public static drawPolygon(
node: Node,
position: Vec3,
radius: number,
segments: number,
rot: Vec3 = Vec3.ZERO,
wireFrame: boolean = false,
) {
const debugNode = this.getDebugNode(node);
debugNode.drawPolygon(position, radius, segments, rot, wireFrame);
public static drawOctahedron(
node: Node,
position: Vec3,
radius: number,
rot: Vec3 = Vec3.ZERO,
wireFrame: boolean = false,
) {
const debugNode = this.getDebugNode(node);
debugNode.drawOctahedron(position, radius, rot, wireFrame);
public static drawCross(node: Node, center: Vec3, size: number) {
const debugNode = this.getDebugNode(node);
debugNode.drawCross(center, size);
public static drawCapsule(
node: Node,
position: Vec3,
radius: number,
height: number,
rot?: Vec3,
wireFrame?: boolean,
) {
const debugNode = this.getDebugNode(node);
debugNode.drawCapsule(position, radius, height, rot, wireFrame);
public static drawBox(node: Node, center: Vec3, size: Vec3, rot?: Vec3, wireFrame?: boolean) {
const debugNode = this.getDebugNode(node);
debugNode.drawBox(center, size, rot, wireFrame);
public static drawCylinder(
node: Node,
position: Vec3,
radius: number,
height: number,
rot: Vec3 = Vec3.ZERO,
wireFrame: boolean = false,
) {
const debugNode = this.getDebugNode(node);
debugNode.drawCylinder(position, radius, height, rot, wireFrame);
public static drawCone(
node: Node,
position: Vec3,
radius: number,
height: number,
rot: Vec3 = Vec3.ZERO,
wireFrame: boolean = false,
) {
const debugNode = this.getDebugNode(node);
debugNode.drawCone(position, radius, height, rot, wireFrame);
public static drawBezier(node: Node, point1: Vec3, point2: Vec3, point3: Vec3, point4: Vec3, rot?: Vec3) {
const debugNode = this.getDebugNode(node);
debugNode.drawBezier(point1, point2, point3, point4, rot);
public static drawSpline(
node: Node,
knots: Vec3[],
mode: geometry.SplineMode = geometry?.SplineMode.BEZIER,
knotSize = 0.5,
) {
const debugNode = this.getDebugNode(node);
debugNode.drawSpline(knots, mode, knotSize);