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2024-05-24 01:16:15 -07:00
using System;
using UnityEngine;
namespace IngameDebugConsole
public class CircularBuffer<T>
private readonly T[] array;
private int startIndex;
public int Count { get; private set; }
public T this[int index] { get { return array[( startIndex + index ) % array.Length]; } }
public CircularBuffer( int capacity )
array = new T[capacity];
// Old elements are overwritten when capacity is reached
public void Add( T value )
if( Count < array.Length )
array[Count++] = value;
array[startIndex] = value;
if( ++startIndex >= array.Length )
startIndex = 0;
public class DynamicCircularBuffer<T>
private T[] array;
private int startIndex;
public int Count { get; private set; }
public int Capacity { get { return array.Length; } }
public T this[int index]
get { return array[( startIndex + index ) % array.Length]; }
set { array[( startIndex + index ) % array.Length] = value; }
public DynamicCircularBuffer( int initialCapacity = 2 )
array = new T[initialCapacity];
private void SetCapacity( int capacity )
T[] newArray = new T[capacity];
if( Count > 0 )
int elementsBeforeWrap = Mathf.Min( Count, array.Length - startIndex );
Array.Copy( array, startIndex, newArray, 0, elementsBeforeWrap );
if( elementsBeforeWrap < Count )
Array.Copy( array, 0, newArray, elementsBeforeWrap, Count - elementsBeforeWrap );
array = newArray;
startIndex = 0;
/// <summary>Inserts the value to the beginning of the collection.</summary>
public void AddFirst( T value )
if( array.Length == Count )
SetCapacity( Mathf.Max( array.Length * 2, 4 ) );
startIndex = ( startIndex > 0 ) ? ( startIndex - 1 ) : ( array.Length - 1 );
array[startIndex] = value;
/// <summary>Adds the value to the end of the collection.</summary>
public void Add( T value )
if( array.Length == Count )
SetCapacity( Mathf.Max( array.Length * 2, 4 ) );
this[Count++] = value;
public void AddRange( DynamicCircularBuffer<T> other )
if( other.Count == 0 )
if( array.Length < Count + other.Count )
SetCapacity( Mathf.Max( array.Length * 2, Count + other.Count ) );
int insertStartIndex = ( startIndex + Count ) % array.Length;
int elementsBeforeWrap = Mathf.Min( other.Count, array.Length - insertStartIndex );
int otherElementsBeforeWrap = Mathf.Min( other.Count, other.array.Length - other.startIndex );
Array.Copy( other.array, other.startIndex, array, insertStartIndex, Mathf.Min( elementsBeforeWrap, otherElementsBeforeWrap ) );
if( elementsBeforeWrap < otherElementsBeforeWrap ) // This array wrapped before the other array
Array.Copy( other.array, other.startIndex + elementsBeforeWrap, array, 0, otherElementsBeforeWrap - elementsBeforeWrap );
else if( elementsBeforeWrap > otherElementsBeforeWrap ) // The other array wrapped before this array
Array.Copy( other.array, 0, array, insertStartIndex + otherElementsBeforeWrap, elementsBeforeWrap - otherElementsBeforeWrap );
int copiedElements = Mathf.Max( elementsBeforeWrap, otherElementsBeforeWrap );
if( copiedElements < other.Count ) // Both arrays wrapped and there's still some elements left to copy
Array.Copy( other.array, copiedElements - otherElementsBeforeWrap, array, copiedElements - elementsBeforeWrap, other.Count - copiedElements );
Count += other.Count;
public T RemoveFirst()
T element = array[startIndex];
array[startIndex] = default( T );
if( ++startIndex == array.Length )
startIndex = 0;
return element;
public T RemoveLast()
int index = ( startIndex + Count - 1 ) % array.Length;
T element = array[index];
array[index] = default( T );
return element;
public int RemoveAll( Predicate<T> shouldRemoveElement )
return RemoveAll<T>( shouldRemoveElement, null, null );
public int RemoveAll<Y>( Predicate<T> shouldRemoveElement, Action<T, int> onElementIndexChanged, DynamicCircularBuffer<Y> synchronizedBuffer )
Y[] synchronizedArray = ( synchronizedBuffer != null ) ? synchronizedBuffer.array : null;
int elementsBeforeWrap = Mathf.Min( Count, array.Length - startIndex );
int removedElements = 0;
int i = startIndex, newIndex = startIndex, endIndex = startIndex + elementsBeforeWrap;
for( ; i < endIndex; i++ )
if( shouldRemoveElement( array[i] ) )
if( removedElements > 0 )
T element = array[i];
array[newIndex] = element;
if( synchronizedArray != null )
synchronizedArray[newIndex] = synchronizedArray[i];
if( onElementIndexChanged != null )
onElementIndexChanged( element, newIndex - startIndex );
i = 0;
endIndex = Count - elementsBeforeWrap;
if( newIndex < array.Length )
for( ; i < endIndex; i++ )
if( shouldRemoveElement( array[i] ) )
T element = array[i];
array[newIndex] = element;
if( synchronizedArray != null )
synchronizedArray[newIndex] = synchronizedArray[i];
if( onElementIndexChanged != null )
onElementIndexChanged( element, newIndex - startIndex );
if( ++newIndex == array.Length )
if( newIndex == array.Length )
newIndex = 0;
for( ; i < endIndex; i++ )
if( shouldRemoveElement( array[i] ) )
if( removedElements > 0 )
T element = array[i];
array[newIndex] = element;
if( synchronizedArray != null )
synchronizedArray[newIndex] = synchronizedArray[i];
if( onElementIndexChanged != null )
onElementIndexChanged( element, newIndex + elementsBeforeWrap );
TrimEnd( removedElements );
if( synchronizedBuffer != null )
synchronizedBuffer.TrimEnd( removedElements );
return removedElements;
public void TrimStart( int trimCount, Action<T> perElementCallback = null )
TrimInternal( trimCount, startIndex, perElementCallback );
startIndex = ( startIndex + trimCount ) % array.Length;
public void TrimEnd( int trimCount, Action<T> perElementCallback = null )
TrimInternal( trimCount, ( startIndex + Count - trimCount ) % array.Length, perElementCallback );
private void TrimInternal( int trimCount, int startIndex, Action<T> perElementCallback )
int elementsBeforeWrap = Mathf.Min( trimCount, array.Length - startIndex );
if( perElementCallback == null )
Array.Clear( array, startIndex, elementsBeforeWrap );
if( elementsBeforeWrap < trimCount )
Array.Clear( array, 0, trimCount - elementsBeforeWrap );
for( int i = startIndex, endIndex = startIndex + elementsBeforeWrap; i < endIndex; i++ )
perElementCallback( array[i] );
array[i] = default( T );
for( int i = 0, endIndex = trimCount - elementsBeforeWrap; i < endIndex; i++ )
perElementCallback( array[i] );
array[i] = default( T );
Count -= trimCount;
public void Clear()
int elementsBeforeWrap = Mathf.Min( Count, array.Length - startIndex );
Array.Clear( array, startIndex, elementsBeforeWrap );
if( elementsBeforeWrap < Count )
Array.Clear( array, 0, Count - elementsBeforeWrap );
startIndex = 0;
Count = 0;
public int IndexOf( T value )
int elementsBeforeWrap = Mathf.Min( Count, array.Length - startIndex );
int index = Array.IndexOf( array, value, startIndex, elementsBeforeWrap );
if( index >= 0 )
return index - startIndex;
if( elementsBeforeWrap < Count )
index = Array.IndexOf( array, value, 0, Count - elementsBeforeWrap );
if( index >= 0 )
return index + elementsBeforeWrap;
return -1;
public void ForEach( Action<T> action )
int elementsBeforeWrap = Mathf.Min( Count, array.Length - startIndex );
for( int i = startIndex, endIndex = startIndex + elementsBeforeWrap; i < endIndex; i++ )
action( array[i] );
for( int i = 0, endIndex = Count - elementsBeforeWrap; i < endIndex; i++ )
action( array[i] );