using System; using Cysharp.Threading.Tasks; using GadGame.Network; using GadGame.Singleton; using GraphQlClient.EventCallbacks; using TMPro; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Events; using UnityEngine.UI; using DG.Tweening; using GadGame.Manager; using GadGame.State.MainFlowState; public class QRShow : Singleton { [SerializeField] private RawImage _rawImage; [SerializeField] private TextMeshProUGUI _textShow; [SerializeField] private Animator _voucherAnimator; [SerializeField] private Animator _qrAnimator; [SerializeField] private Animator _notifyAnimator; [SerializeField] private Animator _warningAnimator; [SerializeField] private Timer _timer; public UnityEvent ShowNotifyEvent; public Action OnScanSuccess; void Update() { P4PGraphqlManager.Instance.OnGuestUpdatedSubscription += ShowInfo; } async void Start() { _rawImage.texture = await P4PGraphqlManager.Instance.GetQrLink(); _timer.SetDuration(60).Begin(); } private void ShowInfo(Guest guest) { string showText = != null ? "Voucher has been sent to your email: " + ConvertEmail( + ". Please check your email to receive voucher" : "Voucher has been sent to your phone number: " + FormatPhoneNumber( + ". Please check your SMS to receive voucher"; _textShow.text = showText; ShowNotifyEvent.Invoke(); OnScanSuccess?.Invoke(); } public void PlayAnimation() { Debug.Log("PlayAnimation"); _voucherAnimator.SetBool("FadeOut", true); _qrAnimator.SetBool("ZoomIn", true); _notifyAnimator.SetBool("FadeIn", true); _notifyAnimator.SetBool("Male", UdpSocket.Instance.DataReceived.Gender < 0.5 ? true : false); } public void WarningTimerAnimation() { Debug.Log("Warning"); _warningAnimator.SetBool("Warning", true); } private string ConvertEmail(string email){ var parts = email.Split('@'); var localPart = parts[0]; var domainPart = parts[1]; // Determine the number of characters to keep and mask int keepLength = Math.Min(3, localPart.Length); int maskedLength = localPart.Length - keepLength; // Create the masked local part var maskedLocalPart = localPart.Substring(0, keepLength) + new string('*', maskedLength); // Combine the masked local part with the domain part var maskedEmail = maskedLocalPart + "@" + domainPart; return maskedEmail; } private string FormatPhoneNumber(string phoneNumber) { // Remove the country code from the phone number string localNumber = phoneNumber.Substring(3); // Validate the length of the local number if (localNumber.Length >= 7) // Minimum 7 digits required { // Retain the first digit char firstDigit = localNumber[0]; // Retain the last three digits string lastThreeDigits = localNumber.Substring(localNumber.Length - 3); // Construct the formatted number string formattedNumber = $"(+84) {firstDigit}** *** {lastThreeDigits}"; return formattedNumber; } else { Debug.LogError("Invalid local number length."); return null; } } }