Sirenix.Serialization.Config A helper class for quickly and easily defining custom loggers. Not yet documented. Not yet documented. Not yet documented. Not yet documented. Specifies a data format to read and write in. A custom packed binary format. This format is most efficient and almost allocation-free, but its serialized data is not human-readable. A JSON format compliant with the json specification found at "". This format has rather sluggish performance and allocates frightening amounts of string garbage. A format that does not serialize to a byte stream, but to a list of data nodes in memory which can then be serialized by Unity. This format is highly inefficient, and is primarily used for ensuring that Unity assets are mergeable by individual values when saved in Unity's text format. This makes serialized values more robust and data recovery easier in case of issues. This format is *not* recommended for use in builds. Defines default loggers for serialization and deserialization. This class and all of its loggers are thread safe. Not yet documented. Not yet documented. The policy for handling errors during serialization and deserialization. Attempts will be made to recover from errors and continue serialization. Data may become invalid. Exceptions will be thrown when errors are logged. Exceptions will be thrown when warnings or errors are logged. Not yet documented. Text for the cautionary serialization warning shown in the inspector. Text for the hide button for the cautionary serialization warning shown in the inspector. Text for the hide button for the cautionary prefab warning shown in the inspector. Whether the user has chosen to hide the cautionary serialization warning. Whether the user has chosen to hide the warning messages related to the OdinSerialize attribute. Whether the user has chosen to hide the warning messages related to the SerializeField and ShowInInspector attributes on non-serialized members. Not yet documented. Not yet documented. Not yet documented. Not yet documented. Not yet documented. Implements methods for logging warnings, errors and exceptions during serialization and deserialization. Logs a warning. The warning to log. Logs an error. The error to log. Logs an exception. The exception to log. The policy for which level of logging to do during serialization and deserialization. Not yet documented. Not yet documented. Not yet documented.