""" The following code is intended to be run only by Github actions for continuius intengration and testing purposes. For implementation examples see notebooks in the examples folder. """ from PIL import Image, ImageDraw import torch from torch.utils.data import DataLoader from torchvision import transforms, datasets import numpy as np import pandas as pd from time import time import sys, os import glob from models.mtcnn import MTCNN, fixed_image_standardization from models.inception_resnet_v1 import InceptionResnetV1, get_torch_home #### CLEAR ALL OUTPUT FILES #### checkpoints = glob.glob(os.path.join(get_torch_home(), 'checkpoints/*')) for c in checkpoints: print('Removing {}'.format(c)) os.remove(c) crop_files = glob.glob('data/test_images_aligned/**/*.png') for c in crop_files: print('Removing {}'.format(c)) os.remove(c) #### TEST EXAMPLE IPYNB'S #### os.system('jupyter nbconvert --to script --stdout examples/infer.ipynb examples/finetune.ipynb > examples/tmptest.py') os.chdir('examples') try: import examples.tmptest except: import tmptest os.chdir('..') #### TEST MTCNN #### def get_image(path, trans): img = Image.open(path) img = trans(img) return img trans = transforms.Compose([ transforms.Resize(512) ]) trans_cropped = transforms.Compose([ np.float32, transforms.ToTensor(), fixed_image_standardization ]) dataset = datasets.ImageFolder('data/test_images', transform=trans) dataset.idx_to_class = {k: v for v, k in dataset.class_to_idx.items()} mtcnn_pt = MTCNN(device=torch.device('cpu')) names = [] aligned = [] aligned_fromfile = [] for img, idx in dataset: name = dataset.idx_to_class[idx] start = time() img_align = mtcnn_pt(img, save_path='data/test_images_aligned/{}/1.png'.format(name)) print('MTCNN time: {:6f} seconds'.format(time() - start)) # Comparison between types img_box = mtcnn_pt.detect(img)[0] assert (img_box - mtcnn_pt.detect(np.array(img))[0]).sum() < 1e-2 assert (img_box - mtcnn_pt.detect(torch.as_tensor(np.array(img)))[0]).sum() < 1e-2 # Batching test assert (img_box - mtcnn_pt.detect([img, img])[0]).sum() < 1e-2 assert (img_box - mtcnn_pt.detect(np.array([np.array(img), np.array(img)]))[0]).sum() < 1e-2 assert (img_box - mtcnn_pt.detect(torch.as_tensor([np.array(img), np.array(img)]))[0]).sum() < 1e-2 # Box selection mtcnn_pt.selection_method = 'probability' print('\nprobability - ', mtcnn_pt.detect(img)) mtcnn_pt.selection_method = 'largest' print('largest - ', mtcnn_pt.detect(img)) mtcnn_pt.selection_method = 'largest_over_theshold' print('largest_over_theshold - ', mtcnn_pt.detect(img)) mtcnn_pt.selection_method = 'center_weighted_size' print('center_weighted_size - ', mtcnn_pt.detect(img)) if img_align is not None: names.append(name) aligned.append(img_align) aligned_fromfile.append(get_image('data/test_images_aligned/{}/1.png'.format(name), trans_cropped)) aligned = torch.stack(aligned) aligned_fromfile = torch.stack(aligned_fromfile) #### TEST EMBEDDINGS #### expected = [ [ [0.000000, 1.482895, 0.886342, 1.438450, 1.437583], [1.482895, 0.000000, 1.345686, 1.029880, 1.061939], [0.886342, 1.345686, 0.000000, 1.363125, 1.338803], [1.438450, 1.029880, 1.363125, 0.000000, 1.066040], [1.437583, 1.061939, 1.338803, 1.066040, 0.000000] ], [ [0.000000, 1.430769, 0.992931, 1.414197, 1.329544], [1.430769, 0.000000, 1.253911, 1.144899, 1.079755], [0.992931, 1.253911, 0.000000, 1.358875, 1.337322], [1.414197, 1.144899, 1.358875, 0.000000, 1.204118], [1.329544, 1.079755, 1.337322, 1.204118, 0.000000] ] ] for i, ds in enumerate(['vggface2', 'casia-webface']): resnet_pt = InceptionResnetV1(pretrained=ds).eval() start = time() embs = resnet_pt(aligned) print('\nResnet time: {:6f} seconds\n'.format(time() - start)) embs_fromfile = resnet_pt(aligned_fromfile) dists = [[(emb - e).norm().item() for e in embs] for emb in embs] dists_fromfile = [[(emb - e).norm().item() for e in embs_fromfile] for emb in embs_fromfile] print('\nOutput:') print(pd.DataFrame(dists, columns=names, index=names)) print('\nOutput (from file):') print(pd.DataFrame(dists_fromfile, columns=names, index=names)) print('\nExpected:') print(pd.DataFrame(expected[i], columns=names, index=names)) total_error = (torch.tensor(dists) - torch.tensor(expected[i])).norm() total_error_fromfile = (torch.tensor(dists_fromfile) - torch.tensor(expected[i])).norm() print('\nTotal error: {}, {}'.format(total_error, total_error_fromfile)) if sys.platform != 'win32': assert total_error < 1e-2 assert total_error_fromfile < 1e-2 #### TEST CLASSIFICATION #### resnet_pt = InceptionResnetV1(pretrained=ds, classify=True).eval() prob = resnet_pt(aligned) #### MULTI-FACE TEST #### mtcnn = MTCNN(keep_all=True) img = Image.open('data/multiface.jpg') boxes, probs = mtcnn.detect(img) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) for i, box in enumerate(boxes): draw.rectangle(box.tolist()) mtcnn(img, save_path='data/tmp.png') #### MTCNN TYPES TEST #### img = Image.open('data/multiface.jpg') mtcnn = MTCNN(keep_all=True) boxes_ref, _ = mtcnn.detect(img) _ = mtcnn(img) mtcnn = MTCNN(keep_all=True).double() boxes_test, _ = mtcnn.detect(img) _ = mtcnn(img) box_diff = boxes_ref[np.argsort(boxes_ref[:,1])] - boxes_test[np.argsort(boxes_test[:,1])] total_error = np.sum(np.abs(box_diff)) print('\nfp64 Total box error: {}'.format(total_error)) assert total_error < 1e-2 # half is not supported on CPUs, only GPUs if torch.cuda.is_available(): mtcnn = MTCNN(keep_all=True, device='cuda').half() boxes_test, _ = mtcnn.detect(img) _ = mtcnn(img) box_diff = boxes_ref[np.argsort(boxes_ref[:,1])] - boxes_test[np.argsort(boxes_test[:,1])] print('fp16 Total box error: {}'.format(np.sum(np.abs(box_diff)))) # test new automatic multi precision to compare if hasattr(torch.cuda, 'amp'): with torch.cuda.amp.autocast(): mtcnn = MTCNN(keep_all=True, device='cuda') boxes_test, _ = mtcnn.detect(img) _ = mtcnn(img) box_diff = boxes_ref[np.argsort(boxes_ref[:,1])] - boxes_test[np.argsort(boxes_test[:,1])] print('AMP total box error: {}'.format(np.sum(np.abs(box_diff)))) #### MULTI-IMAGE TEST #### mtcnn = MTCNN(keep_all=True) img = [ Image.open('data/multiface.jpg'), Image.open('data/multiface.jpg') ] batch_boxes, batch_probs = mtcnn.detect(img) mtcnn(img, save_path=['data/tmp1.png', 'data/tmp1.png']) tmp_files = glob.glob('data/tmp*') for f in tmp_files: os.remove(f) #### NO-FACE TEST #### img = Image.new('RGB', (512, 512)) mtcnn(img) mtcnn(img, return_prob=True)