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# Localization Editor Api
## Quick Start
### [Core Features `l10n`](#l10n)
l10n provides the core translation function and icu function, as well as the function to switch languages.
We will store the switched target language in `localStorage` and also automatically restart the project runtime and read the `localStorage` configuration at the next start to complete the whole language switching process.
> ***So we want users to make sure to handle data persistence before switching languages***
### Import the [`l10n`](#l10n) module
All api's provided by localization-editor will be imported by name from db://localization-editor/l10n
import { l10n } from 'db://localization-editor/l10n'
### Use the translation api
// in the code of any component component
// l10n is the core functionality of localization
import { l10n } from 'db://localization-editor/l10n'
import { _decorator, Label, Component } from 'cc';
class SomeComponent extends Component {
// ......
someMethod() {
// will return the text corresponding to this_is_an_apple
const text = l10n.t("this_is_an_apple")
// ......
### API details
- Class:[`L10nManager`](#l10nmanager)
- Interface:[`ResourceList`](#resourcelist)
- Interface:[`ResourceBundle`](#resourcebundle)
- Interface:[`ResourceData`](#resourcedata)
- Interface:[`ResourceItem`](#resourceitem)
- Interface:[`FallbackLanguageObjectList`](#fallbacklanguageobjectlist)
- Interface:[`L10nOptions`](#l10noptions)
- Interface:[`StandardOption`](#standardoption)
- Enumerations:[`L10nListenEvent`](#l10nlistenevent)
- Alias:[`L10nKey`](#alternate name)
- Alias:[`L10nValue`](#alternate)
- Alias:[`TextInfoDirection`](# alias)
- Alias:[`FallbackLanguage`](# alias)
# `L10nManager`
Import example.
import { L10nManager } from 'db://localization-editor/l10n'
Normally we do not recommend that you use or construct this type yourself.
Instead, we provide [``l10n``](#l10n) as a global singleton to use the translation functionality.
## Index
### Constructor
- `L10nManager` **private**
### Global variables
#### `l10n`
Definition: `const l10n: L10nManager`
### Static properties
Definition: `static LOCAL_STORAGE_LANGUAGE_KEY: string`
Description: When calling [`changeLanguage`](#changelanguage) to switch the game language, `localStorage` is used to
and use [`LOCAL_STORAGE_LANGUAGE_KEY`](#localstoragelanguagekey) as the key of `localStorage`.
| default | localization-editor/language |
### Instance methods
#### `config`
Definition: `config(options: L10nOptions): void`
Description: Used to configure certain settings of l10n, see [`L10nOptions`](#l10noptions) for more options.
Use case:
// Used to display the default language with this value if no translation is found
fallbackLanguage: 'zh-Hans-CN',
// If you don't like the default value of LOCAL_STORAGE_LANGUAGE_KEY, you can change it here, but make sure it's before changeLanguage
localStorageLanguageKey: 'localization-editor/langauge'
#### `changeLanguage`
Definition: `changeLanguage(language: Intl.BCP47LanguageTag): void`
Description: Used to dynamically switch languages, see [``BCP47 Language Tag``]( for more information
Use case:
> ***Note: After calling this method, the game will be restarted automatically, please make sure to do the data persistence work***
#### `t`
Definition: `t(key: L10nKey, options?: StandardOption): L10nValue`
Description: Returns the L10nValue corresponding to the current language data according to the incoming L10nKey, see [`StandardOption`](#standardoption) for more options.
Use case:
// This is an apple
> ***Note: The language data needs to be generated after compilation with the Localization Editor plugin.***
> ***Cannot use l10n.t in static initialization, e.g. `static name = l10n.t('xxx_name')`***
> ***Unable to scan when variable is used as parameter, e.g. `let name = 'this_is_apple'; l10n.t(name)`***
#### `exists`
Definition: `exists(key: L10nKey): boolean`
Description: Returns whether the key exists or not
Use case:
#### `currentLanguage`
Definition: `get currentLanguage(): Intl.BCP47LanguageTag`
Description: Returns the [``BCP47 Language Tag``]( for the current language.
Use case:
// 'zh-Hans-CN'
#### `languages`
Definition: `get languages(): readonly Intl.BCP47LanguageTag[]`
Description: Returns an array of [``BCP47 Language Tag``]( for the currently available languages, which can be used as a data source for switching language dropdown boxes
Use case:
// ['zh-Hans-CN', 'en-US']
#### `direction`
Definition: `direction(language?: Intl. BCP47LanguageTag): TextInfoDirection`
Description: Most languages respect the left-to-right reading convention, but some languages are exceptions such as Arabic, this method learns the [TextInfoDirection](#textinfodirection) of the incoming language.
Use case:
// 'rtl'
#### `on`
Definition: `on(event: L10nListenEvent, callback: (. .args: any[]) => void)`
Description: Used to register [L10nListenEvent](#l10n) event callbacks for [l10n](#l10nlistenevent), such as `languageChanged`.
use case:
l10n.on(L10nListenEvent.languageChanged, (. .args: any[]) => {
// some actions after switching language, some data can be persisted here and the whole game scene will be restarted afterwards
#### `off`
Definition: `off(event: L10nListenEvent, callback: (.. .args: any[]) => void)`
Description: Callback for the [L10nListenEvent](#L10n) event used to counter-register [l10n](#L10nListenEvent)
> ***Make sure to make on and off appear in pairs to ensure proper destruction of useless data***
# Alias
| alias | original type |
| `L10nKey` | `string` |
| `L10nValue` | `string` |
| `TextInfoDirection` | `'ltr' / 'rtl'` |
| `FallbackLanguage` | `string / readonly string[] / FallbackLanguageObjectList / ((language: Intl.BCP47LanguageTag) => string / readonly string[] / FallbackLanguageObjectList` |
# Interface
## `L10nOptions`
| function/variable name | type | optional |
| `fallbackLanguage` | `false` / [`FallbackLanguage`](# alias) | yes |
| `localStorageLanguageKey` | `string` | yes |
| `beforeTranslate` | `(key: L10nKey) => L10nValue` | yes |
| `afterTranslate` | `(key: L10nKey) => L10nValue` | yes |
| `returnNull` | `boolean` | yes |
| `returnEmptyString` | `boolean` | yes |
## `ResourceList`
| function/variable name | type | optional |
| `defaultLanguage` | `Intl.BCP47LanguageTag` | yes |
| `fallbackLanguage` | `Intl.BCP47LanguageTag` | yes |
| `languages` | `Intl.BCP47LanguageTag[]` | no |
## `ResourceBundle`
| function/variable name | type | optional |
| `[language: Intl.BCP47LanguageTag]` | [`ResourceData`](#resourcedata) | no |
## `ResourceData`
| function/variable name | type | optional |
| `[namespace: string]` | [`ResourceItem`](#resourceitem) | no |
## `ResourceItem`
| function/variable name | type | optional |
| `[key: string]` | `any` | no |
## `FallbackLanguageObjectList`
| function/variable name | type | optional |
| `[language: string]` | `readonly string[]` | no |
## `StandardOption`
| function/variable name | type | optional |
| `count` | `number` | yes |
| `defaultValue` | `L10nValue` | yes |
| `language` | `Intl.BCP47LanguageTag` | yes |
| `fallbackLanguage` | [`FallbackLanguage`](# alias) | yes |
# Enumerations
## `L10nListenEvent`
| function/variable name | type |
| `languageChanged` | `languageChanged` |
| `onMissingKey` | `missingKey` |